Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Beatdown Results!? Huge Main event!? Person Faints!? Intruders!? What do you think?

We begin the night with GM Daffy in the ring. “Crazy sh** is happening around here. Lill Wayne %26amp; Friends have rised up from nowhere and now are challenging for the title. Yogi %26amp; Boo-Boo have come back. And Garfield ran away from Jane.” After a little bit of laughter, Garfield appeared. “You know what, Daffy, you have no reason to laugh. Have you ever been attacked at with a chair? I don’t think so. So, that means I had a right to run. And, to show you all how I’m better than her, I want to face her tonight.” “Well, I’m afraid that would not be fair. So, I am making it a 6 person inter-gender tag match. You, Casper, %26amp; Daphne will face Jane with Han Solo %26amp; Chewbacca on her side.” He left as Garfield had an evil grin on his face.

We begin the night with Yogi Bear facing BIG John. It was a great match. Yogi put him away after a Choke Slam. After the match, Pooh %26amp; Piglet attacked him. After a little while, Boo-Boo, Calvin, %26amp; Hobbes came out and chased them away. Pooh %26amp; Piglet stared them down as we go to break.

Taco Bell Chihuahua fought Wicket W. Warrick. It was a great match. Wicket was surprisingly winning. After a Wicket-gree, Chester came out and tried to distract the ref. Wicket got tired of it and slid at him, but instead Chester grabbed him and looked like he was going to power bomb him. But Wicket reversed it in to a Hurricanrana. He then hit another Wicket-gree on taco for good measures to get the win.

Mills Lane faced Eazy E after that. It was a great match. Mills Lane was just about to win when he fainted. Two doctors quickly rushed to the ring. They quickly put him on a stretcher and ran up the ramp.

It was main event time next as Han Solo, Chewy, %26amp; Jane faced off against Garfield, Casper, %26amp; Queen Daphne. It was a great match. It was very even to that point. Eventually, all people of both sides entered the ring, ending in a draw. They tried to get security, but they just fought back. All of a sudden, Archie, Jughead, %26amp; Jabba the Hutt came from the crowd and attacked Han %26amp; Chewy. They beat on them until they both bled. Tony came from the crowd and hit both of them with his championship many times until they were both a bloody mess. While this was going on, Garfield, Casper, %26amp; Jane snuck away. Half way up the ramp, Johnny Bravo, Prince Charming, %26amp; Captain Hook (last 2 from Shrek) attacked Garfield %26amp; Casper This went backstage as Daphne followed watching them fight over her. Back in the ring, Tony got a mic and yelled, “Cookie, I decided to attack your group from the bottom. I figured I’d distract Luke Skywalker, which will then distract you. Thus making it easier for me to destroy you.” We end the night with Tony %26amp; friends in the ring mocking Han %26amp; Chewy.

Beatdown Results!? Huge Main event!? Person Faints!? Intruders!? What do you think?
Great show tonight. A lot of chaos in the ring. Too bad for Mills Lane though
Reply:wth r u talking about well wrong section!
Reply:Good job as usual. Only one error. If u remember Chun Li broke Daphne's arm so that means she would have her arm in a cast. Other then that an excellent job having Tony attack Chewy %26amp; Han Solo. Makes perfect sense. My show is now posted. Not the greatest b/c i wasn't in the greatest of moods but i tried my best. Again another excellent job by u. Keep up the great work.;...


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