Wednesday, January 25, 2012

How do you mute on an acoustic guitar?

im trying to learn this song by daphne loves derby.

daphne loves derby--middle middle

im having trouble muting...its like.. open chords.

heres a link of how im trying to play it and the song.;f...

How do you mute on an acoustic guitar?
Yeah I think muting would definitely work for that song. I'm a guitar teacher and I'll give you two ways of muting on acoustic, it's the same as on an electric. First I would recommend what is called a palm mute. You take the palm of your right hand and lightly lay it across the strings near the bridge as you pick/strum. Some people call it cupping your hand, but you have to lightly lay the palm on the strings. Another way is to slightly raise your fingers, when you're playing your chords, so you're not pressing down all the way with your fingers, and that will mute the strings as well. With some practice you will be able to use both techniques when you want, because alternating the 2 methods is probably what you may be looking for. And when you can alternate between the two it's a lot of fun and sounds great.
Reply:cup yer right hand at the bottom of the bridge over the string

while u play

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