Friday, January 27, 2012

Aimless Question Survey?

1. Isn't Freddie Prinze Jr. hot?

2. One word to describe yourself

3. Don't you love that texting commercial where the little girl gets in trouble for running up her bill. The mom is all like "Who have you been texting?" %26amp; the girl is like "I-D-K, My B-F-F Jill?!?"

4. Isn't it cute how Freddie Prinze Jr. plays Fred in Scooby Doo and his wife (in real life) Sarah Michelle Gellar plays Daphne?

5. Do you *heart* PINK?

6. How old are you?

7. Do you believe in premarital sex?

8. Old Navy Flip Flops. Yay or Nay?

9. Are you hyped for the nearing summer vacation!! Woot! I sure am!

10. Looking forward to this Memorial Day weekend?

Aimless Question Survey?
1. Yeah Freddie Prince Jr. is pretty hot. Used to like him a lot when I was younger

2. Motherly

3. That commercial cracks me up...."T-I-S-N-F!!"

4. Yeah I thought that was pretty neat. I like watching movies that have husband and wife in it. I like to see how their chemisty is on camera.

5. I do %26lt;3 pink. It is one of my favorite colors

6. I am 24

7. Yes I do. If I didn't then I would be a hypocrite. I wish I would have waited till I was older. But I see nothing wrong with premarital sex.

8. I have no opinion on the flip flops. Have never had any from Old Navy, but I am obsessed with flip flops. Wear them all the time

9. I love summer. I love being able to go swimming and traveling again.

10. Not really. Don't have anything planned. No money :(

thanks for the survey:)
Reply:this seriously is a survey!!!

1. Isn't Freddie Prinze Jr. hot? he's cute

2. One word to describe yourself boring

3. Don't you love that texting commercial where the little girl gets in trouble for running up her bill. The mom is all like "Who have you been texting?" %26amp; the girl is like "I-D-K, My B-F-F Jill?!?" it's a cute commercial

4. Isn't it cute how Freddie Prinze Jr. plays Fred in Scooby Doo and his wife (in real life) Sarah Michelle Gellar plays Daphne? yes

5. Do you *heart* PINK? yes

6. How old are you? plead the 5th

7. Do you believe in premarital sex? yes

8. Old Navy Flip Flops. Yay or Nay? nay, don't do flip flops, hurts my toesies :( wish I could though

9. Are you hyped for the nearing summer vacation!! Woot! I sure am! I already had my vacation, don't get one for the summer, bummer, I'm jealous

10. Looking forward to this Memorial Day weekend? yes
Reply:1. Yes, he has nice eyes and a cute smile.

2. ambitious

3. Haha, Yes I love that commercial! When I first saw it, I remember saying that its scary that so many kids now have learned to speak and write like that. There was an article in the news about how teachers see it as a growing problem.

4. Yeah, I always love to see couples act together. They also worked together in I Know What You Did Last Summer. My favorite celeb couple, Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillipee, played opposite eachother in Cruel intentions. Its a shame that they broke up in real life; they were cute together.

5. no, I like blue. Unless you mean the singer, she's pretty cool.

6. 22

7. I think its a personal choice that is up to the couple rather than something for society to be concerned with.

8. They're ok. Flip flops feel good, especially in this heat.

9. Yes, I just graduated from college so this summer is really special to me.

10. Yeah I am. I have no plans yet, but will probably go fishing or hiking.
Reply:no to everything except summer and memorial day weekend, and i am best described as me.
Reply:yes, he is smokin'!!!


ocili_ of coarse i love it!!!!

that movie was just ok for me

ummm ok




no i still have to work.

yes. we are closed on monday! 3 day weekend!!! whoo hooo
Reply:1. Eh.

2. Boring.

3. O_o I do love them indeed.

4. Eh.

5. Nope.

6. 13

7. Meaning that having sex before marriage? Nope, don't believe in it.

8. Nay.

9. Me too. Hatred for school makes me feel this way.

10. Nah.
Reply:1. Warm......98.6- degrees

2. Delicious

3. It's cute

4. It's adorable

5. I *happy face* PINK

6. 425 months old

7. Believe, no.....experienced it.....yes

8. Yay if they don't cost a lot

9. I was hyped in January

10. I live for three day weekends!
Reply:1. Isn't Freddie Prinze Jr. hot? No

2. One word to describe yourself Rich

3. Don't you love that texting commercial where the little girl gets in trouble for running up her bill. The mom is all like "Who have you been texting?" %26amp; the girl is like "I-D-K, My B-F-F Jill?!?" Dumbest thing yet.

4. Isn't it cute how Freddie Prinze Jr. plays Fred in Scooby Doo and his wife (in real life) Sarah Michelle Gellar plays Daphne? Cut me a braek.

5. Do you *heart* PINK? no

6. How old are you? 9

7. Do you believe in premarital sex? maybe someday

8. Old Navy Flip Flops. Yay or Nay? nay

9. Are you hyped for the nearing summer vacation!! Woot! I sure am! kinda

10. Looking forward to this Memorial Day weekend? kinda
Reply:1 Freddie is a cutie

2 Witty

3 Makes me laugh inside

4 Never watched it...

5 yeah

6 20

7 I do it quite often

8 Yay

9 I get no vacation!!!!

10 Meh, whatever
Reply:1) yeah kinda

2) persistent

3) hilarious

4) yes

5) yep

6) 22

7) yes

8) yay

9) yes

10) yes
Reply:1. Isn't Freddie Prinze Jr. hot?


2. One word to describe yourself


3. Don't you love that texting commercial where the little girl gets in trouble for running up her bill. The mom is all like "Who have you been texting?" %26amp; the girl is like "I-D-K, My B-F-F Jill?!?"


4. Isn't it cute how Freddie Prinze Jr. plays Fred in Scooby Doo and his wife (in real life) Sarah Michelle Gellar plays Daphne?


5. Do you *heart* PINK?


6. How old are you?


7. Do you believe in premarital sex?


8. Old Navy Flip Flops. Yay or Nay?


9. Are you hyped for the nearing summer vacation!! Woot! I sure am!


10. Looking forward to this Memorial Day weekend?

Reply:1 hells yeah

2 koool

3 fo sure


5 pink the singer the color....ohhh yeah

6 23

7 yup

8 yay

9 yes more time at the lake...and i get a mini vacation from school (college)

10 YESSSSSSSSSS!! going to the lake just bought cutiest bikini and everything
Reply:1) not really

2) mom

3) dont know that one but sounds funny

4) yeah whatever

5) shes pretty cool

6) 23

7) gotta ride the horse before you buy it

8) nay-dont like flip flops much

9) I am graduated so summer vacation means nothing to me

10) nah-cant go anywhere cuz my cars a piece of crap
Reply:1. He's pretty hot

2. um, over here in TX that commercial was runned lyke a month ago!

3. HOT!

4. ok

5. I ? pink!

6. not tellin'... =)

7. maybe...

8. yay

9. Yes! I am!

10. doesn't matter
Reply:1. i don't really but Orlando Bloom is!!!

2. competitive

3. its cute

4. i didn't know that

5. Victoria's Secret baby!!!

6. fourteen

7. if your in love then why not

8. nay

9. yea but i will miss my friends

10. my birthday!!!!!!!!!1


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