Monday, January 30, 2012

How do you hold memories?

so i have a good friend, she has lied to me alot, but she was my first love, and i will never hold anything against her, im very forgiving. i am trying to make a CD of songs just for her to have. so far i have

Dear God - Avenged Sevenfold

Winter (acoustic) - Bayside

Take Care - Copeland

Part Of My Past - Daphne Loves Derby

All We Ever Needed - The Early November

Discovering The Waterfront - Silverstein


Redlight Pledge - Silverstein

I would like to put something together for the memories...but i dont want it anything too big. she just lost her dad to suicide...and i want to make sure...if we ever decide to not be friends, she has those memories and doesnt forget me.

any ideas? thank you so much.

How do you hold memories?
that is an unforgettable experience,..

hmmm,.. actually you have a nice idea regarding this matter, just continue doing that,.. and i think you need to add some hand made letter, because the hand writing have a big effect on this matter, and through this we were able to feel the personal touch of the person,..


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