Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I have two friends that keep dissappearing off with each other?

Fred and Daphne find rany excuse to go roff with each rother, I don't mind so ruch cos my best mate raggy looks after me, but i feel rorry for velma, she gets lonely i think, she is not jelous, just feels left out, row can | tell rshaggy to tell Fred and daphne that rey are rupsetting velma?

I have two friends that keep dissappearing off with each other?
Be rhonest with rhem and just tell them how they are mraking velma feel!
Reply:That Scrappy Doo better not be there cos I'm gonna kick his butt.
Reply:Your show got old a long time ago. Cut your losses and get some new friends.
Reply:Just start sniffing Daphne's crotch constantly and do a crap in Fred's slip-on-loafer's. I would.
Reply:seriously, you're wasting your time with those two. Dippy blondes both. Stick with Velma.
Reply:Offer some scooby-snacks to Velma to make her feel better. :-)
Reply:Give Velma your bone. That'll cheer her up.


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