Monday, January 30, 2012

More Names, are they adorable also?

Jay Philip Ryan (My Last Name Incase you didn't know)

Shayna Stephanie Ryan

Renee Lexie Ryan

Rhasaan Tek Ryan

Farah Mimi Ryan

Judi Bonnie Ryan

Stuart Mickey Ryan

Brenda Lee Ryan

Charla Julie Ryan

Ed John Ryan

Joy Jo Ryan

Macdonald Tom Ryan

Christopher Bill Ryan

Madlyn Daphne Ryan

Richard Marcus Ryan

Paul Bill Ryan

Terry Richard Ryan

Maurice Sonny Ryan

Julie Lulu Ryan

More Names, are they adorable also?
Some are good; some are not good.

I love Jay, Stuart, Brenda, Joy, Christopher, Richard, Paul, Terry, and Julie (but not Lulu).

I hate Shayna, Renee Lexie, Rhasaan Tek, Farah Mimi, Bonnie, Mickey, Charla, Ed, Macdonald, Madlyn Daphne, Maurice Sonny, and Lulu.
Reply:They are different, but different is good. Just don't pick a name that when he goes to school he will be made fun of. I love the name Shayna.
Reply:I don't like ANY of these names. I gues if I had to pick one it would be Shayna. Julie Lulu is a joke. It doesn't flow together at all. Macdonald? Do you want your child to be teased? All of the other names are old and not cute at all.
Reply:Okay, like I said last time, it is your baby, your call, here's my opinion on these:


Jay Philip Ryan -no

Shayna Stephanie Ryan -no

Renee Lexie Ryan -no

Rhasaan Tek Ryan -no

Farah Mimi Ryan -no

Judi Bonnie Ryan -no

Stuart Mickey Ryan -no

Brenda Lee Ryan -that's cute

Charla Julie Ryan -no

Ed John Ryan -no

Joy Jo Ryan -no

Macdonald Tom Ryan -no way

Christopher Bill Ryan -no

Madlyn Daphne Ryan -cute

Richard Marcus Ryan -no

Paul Bill Ryan -no

Terry Richard Ryan -no

Maurice Sonny Ryan -no

Julie Lulu Ryan -no

Good Luck
Reply:i like madlyn daphne, i really like he name daphne hahhaha, my fiance hates it though
Reply:My name is Chay. my middle name is Rose. I am a white woman, 30 years old and have always had many complements on my name. It is pronounced Chay not Shay. Other names I really like are Rori, for a boy or girl. Ella. My children are Natalie Victoria and Madison Renee. I also liked Brielle, Aubrielle, Ariadne, and Sariyah. Tatiana is also cute and different. I am partial to girls names, but like the names Silas and Jonas for boys.
Reply:Yes they r
Reply:richard marcus, charla julie, and shayna stephanie are good. renee lexie is the best i think.
Reply:The cutest girl name is Shayna Stephanie Ryan.

The cutest boy name Christopher Bill Ryan.
Reply:i like Farah Mimi
Reply:what do you mean, "in case" we didn't know.
Reply:how about Madlyn Julia Ryan or Bill Thompson Ryan? Or Katherine Brook Ryan or George Paul Ryan?
Reply:i like christopher bill ryan
Reply:Renee Lexie

Richard Marcus

Maurice Sonny

Madlyn Daphne
Reply:oh my you must also be a days of our lives fan! how about E.J. Ryan?
Reply:two words

love them
Reply:Seriously you watch too many Soaps.

Out of these though I like Jay Phillip and Brenda Lee but I think she was a country singer.
Reply:None of those name have a natural flow.. they're horrible! I like Day's too but this is just insane.
Reply:Not at all.
Reply:I like them, except for Julie Lulu and Joy Jo. But they're otherwise very nice. My favorite is Madelyn Daphne, spelled that way.
Reply:ugh personally i dont like the mac donald one i like riley, julie, ricardo
Reply:I like the first one: Jay Philip Ryan :)
Reply:More soap opera names eh?

Jay Philip Ryan - ok - James Philip

Shayna Stephanie Ryan - yes

Renee Lexie Ryan - Renée Alexa

Rhasaan Tek Ryan - no

Farah Mimi Ryan - yes

Judi Bonnie Ryan - Julia Bonnie

Stuart Mickey Ryan - ok

Brenda Lee Ryan - no

Charla Julie Ryan - no

Ed John Ryan - Edward or Edmund John

Joy Jo Ryan - Joy Joanne

Macdonald Tom Ryan - no

Christopher Bill Ryan - Christopher William

Madlyn Daphne Ryan - Madelyn

Richard Marcus Ryan - ok

Paul Bill Ryan - Paul William

Terry Richard Ryan - ok

Maurice Sonny Ryan - no

Julie Lulu Ryan - Julia
Reply:Farah is a nice name for a girl.
Reply:Honestly, I don't care for most of them. They don't flow together very well. Especially dislike Joy Jo Ryan and Paul Bill Ryan.

I could go for Jay Phillip Ryan, out of all of them that sounds best to me.
Reply:A lot of the names you have there are common nicknames for full names. Some of the names I like though are:



Kierian (pronounced keer-ee-an)











Good Luck!
Reply:That's so funny, I'm watching Days of Our Lives right now... and that seems to be the muse for your middle names.

I like:

Farah Mimi Ryan (Mimi is my favorite on the show, too!)

Brenda Lee Ryan

Richard Marcus Ryan

Stuart Mickey Ryan
Reply:How about Jake (those of you born who were teens or tweens in the 1980's will laugh at that)?
Reply:My favorite is Madlyn Daphne Ryan. For a girl madlyn is a great name. You can nick name her maddy!!:) For a first name (it's pretty close to my name but i wish i was named it) i love the name Katie Lyn or Jaimee Lyn.
Reply:How bout'

Michelle Ann Ryan


Michael Steven Ryan

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