So I have two kitties, Tucker 3lbs, and Daphne 7lbs. They generally split a can of food in the morning, and another one in the evening. [by split i mean that i put it on a plate and they each eat what they want-not half a can each] When it is getting close to a meal time they start crying and purring and just waiting for the food. All of the sudden this week they have started eating A LOT more, they now eat FIVE cans a day! Each time I give them more they act like I haven't fed them in days, and they eat it so fast.
Could this be a serious problem, or are they just being hungry lately?
What is wrong with my two little kitties?
there growing kitties
its normal
Reply:It could be because winter is coming or they are growing and need more protien, dont worry as long as they dont start gaining to much weight
Reply:give them up and support me...I'll let you lick and suck if you like
Reply:Can be a tape worm too. Cats can get them from fleas and such. So you may want to have one of their stools checked at the vet just take a sample in and have them run it. If it is that you can be sure they all three have them. Then get them treated. Also cats will eat and eat don't over feed them just give them food twice a day and my vet always told us to give them canned food then dry food can be left out for them in between their other feedings. Good luck!
Reply:maybe cuz their growing and need more calories-just like why they say vitamin d milk is good for toddlers
Reply:i guess ur cats have a high energy watchful on how they spend their day...u might be a surrogate mother soon for lil kitties.
Reply:You should get your kitties checked for worms. Out of the blue they shouldn't be eating like that. Also they are growing kitties they should be eating hard food like, Kitten Chow! You shouldn't give them soft food all the time, it's not good for them! They should only get soft food as a treat! If you feed them soft food all the time there breath will start stink, and there teeth will go bad!
Also you should get your kitties and automatic feeder. You only have to fill it once a week. The kitties will eat when they want to. I have 3 cats they all eat at differnet times. It's great for them! You can buy it at Wal-mat or Target!
Reply:It could be a eating disorder ! But you neglected to say the age of your Kittie.. Also, animals in the near winter months may want to put on a lot of fat, as this keeps them warmer in the cold winter months. If your Kitties are still young and energetic, they need the nutrition and calories to keep them healthy and fit.
You also neglect to say if they are fat or thin Kitties.
Maybe they are jealous of each other and try to outdo each other.
But, a serious solution is to feed them in separate dishes away from each other and keep track of how much each Kittie is eating on their own. You can track down the eating pattern of each Kittie, and then you can come to an accusion of this eating 5 cans of food a day. Also, remember you have been feeding 2 Kitties in the same sitting, so 2 eats more than 1.
Reply:my cats have done nothing but eat this week,its because winter is coming
Reply:sounds like they may have worms... take your kittys to the vet, also your cats shouldnt eat only wet food as its not too good on the tummy, get some dry food and mix it in with the wet food
Reply:Take them to the vet, that's a big difference and may be caused by something medical.
Reply:i think its because they are just getting bigger. Or maybe they are trying to eat more food then the other. Why dont you try seperating the food and see how much they eat by themselves
Reply:Animals can control pretty much of their stomachs. So that's a great news.
Reply:That's way to much to be feeding them a day. Just b/c they cry doesn't mean you have to keep feeding them. Keep them on a regimented diet or they will get overweight.
Reply:I would take them to the vet. It sounds like worms to me. I used to volunteer at a vet and that was one of the things people left go for a long time before realizing it was worms. Don't worry though, if it is then they just get antibiotic for a week or two and then you have two happy kitties again.
Call first if you aren't sure. Since they do seem to be growing still they might be hitting a growth spirt.
Reply:They have the munchies
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