Friday, January 27, 2012

Information on Manning & Lander families?


I am trying to trace my family history, and I'm wondering if anyone has any information on the following people?

Charles Manning married Alice Lander - 2 daughters (Mary %26amp; Frances) and 1 son (David) who died aged approx. 6 years.

Charles had 2 brothers named William and Jack.

William married a woman named Olive and they had Daphne Manning. Daphne has a daughter named Maureen.

Frances married Norman Blows - 2 daughters (Angela %26amp; Wendy).

Mary married William (Bill) Cook and has one son named Charles.

Angela married Michael Bennett and has 2 daughters named Kirsty (guess who) and Lisa.

Any information on the families prior to Lander %26amp; Manning would be extremely helpful!

Thank you

Kirsty x

Information on Manning %26amp; Lander families?
To find documentation, I'd need some dates to work with and a location would be nice as well.

There are a ton of Charles Mannings and there are even more Alice Landers. Need dates to narrow down the search.
Reply:Are they family from the UK? US? Elsewhere English speaking? There are contributors from all over answering questions in YA.

Do you have approx dates of birth? death? for Charles and Alice?

Did you know that there are 63 people on the UK Electoral Roll with your name?
Reply:where is the Manning side of your family from? I ask because husband has a friend with the Manning surname and I believe some of the family came from New York..and possibly Ireland.... just curious. :o)
Reply:One of the first rules relating to genealogy is to not expect information about living persons to be online. In fact, it is a violation of yahoo to post personal info here (which you have done). A couple of reasons.. one, it can be used for id theft, and second, the living person is the one who has the right to discuss their facts.

In beginning your research.. you have to use documents relating to the persons, and since they are living, those are records that will either be found at home, or can ONLY be ordered by the people involved.

Work with your parents first, to get the records of their parents (this would be their birth certificates). Along with the names of their parents, it will also include when/where they were born.

For anyone to look up have to know something about where the event happened. I can tell you where to send for death certificates in any state.. but I don't even know that you are in the US.

Here is a collection of articles, etc on HOW to start research. The website has thousands of resources.

Out of respect for your family members, you really should remove this question. The information in it remains on the internet, if you don't.

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