Sienna Cheyenne Archer
Daphne Elizabeth Archer
Charlotte Daisy Archer
Matilda Lane Archer
Jayla Nicole Archer
Jacob Riley Archer
Samuel Draven Archer
Brenden Jacob Archer
Cameron Jedediah Archer
What do you think of my baby names. comment why or why not you dont like them?
i like matilda and cameron but not their middle names
jayla sounds made up daphne is old fashioned and charlotte is very common place
brendan is very irish and samuel and jacob were popular about twenty years ago
but names are a personal choice - draven and lane sound like surnames
Reply:Jayla is my favorite for a girl. Nicole I don't care for. I know of a newly born baby girl named Riley. Your choices for boys ,my favorite is Brenden and Cameron. I picked these names from your list because I like cute and different names. I feel these are cute and different , without being to different. From my personal experience I suggest having an open mind until the baby is born. Have 2- 3 names in mind. After the baby is born and the 2 of you are alone (you and the baby) talk to him / her and see if you get any sign from the baby. I did this with my children I had a few different choices, so I called them by each name several time. Strange as it is they did look at me when called by the name I feel they preferred. My choice for a daughter was Dana Leigh, I was going to call her Dainty. When she was born her birth weight was 9lb 1oz.. I felt there was nothing Dainty about a 9 pound baby, so that is something for you to also consider. After the child is born do you feel the child fits the name. I would like to know your baby name after the child is born, if you want to share it with me contact me at or midnightrocker814 -- yahoo messenger.
Best wishes to you and your new family.
Reply:Sienna Cheyenne Archer - great flow, but its not my style. I dislike Cheyenne and even find it a little disrespectful
Daphne Elizabeth - very pretty
Charlotte Daisy - Charlotte Margaret would be better. Daisy is a nickname, not a given name and I don't think it sounds great in the name
Matilda Lane Archer - Great flow! I like this
Jayla Nicole Archer - It sounds really dated and like a girl from the 80s. Jayla isn't pretty at all in my opinion, and Nicole is kind of dated, and not very nice. Jane Nicolette might be an updated version
Jacob Riley Archer - Jacob Archer is a great name. Riley, not so much. Its too trendy for such a great name like Jacob!
Samuel Draven - I'm assuming Draven is a family name, but otherwise its not a great name for Samuel.
Brenden Jacob - Brendan (the correct spelling) Jacob would be better
Cameron Jedidiah - Nope. Cameron is too trendy and its become way too feminie. Jedidiah, I feel, is like the parents are pushing a little too hard to get a Biblical name in.
My favorites are Matilda Lane and Samuel Draven or Brendan Jacob
Reply:Matilda (Tillie) is adorable and is definitely my favorite. I even like Lane, except I would use the spelling Laine (unless of course Lane is a family name).
Next favorite would be Charlotte Daisy. I adore the nickname Lottie. Daisy is nice as a nickname for Margaret, and that's the only way I (personally) would use it. I understand you really can't use Charlotte Margaret because of the similar sound, so I would probably change it to Charlotte Elizabeth (since Elizabeth is on your list as well).
There isn't anything wrong with Daphne or Nicole...they just aren't my style. Jayla is a little too trendy for my taste. I don't like Sienna Cheyenne at all, sorry.
As far as the boys, I really like Cameron (Cam), Samuel (Sam, Sammy, Sonny). Both names are cute for a little boy and equally appropriate for an adult.
The names Jacob, Riley, and Brenden(an) are too trendy at the moment. Draven and Jedediah aren't my style.
Best of luck to you.
Reply:Actually I like combinations of yours:
Daphne Lane
Jayla Nicole
Riley Draven
Draven Jacob
Draven Riley
Hope this helps = )
Reply:I like Sienna Cheyenne and Jacob Riley best.
Reply:Love these:
Matilda Lane Archer - timeless, classical, spunky, fun, good nicknames. Favorite nickname is Tilly
Charlotte Daisy Archer - timeless classical, love the middle name also, like the nickname Lottie a lot.
Daphne Elizabeth Archer - again, timeliess, classical, funky also. Love it paired with the more traditional Elizabeth
Sienna Cheyenne Archer - I would like this more if their weren't a famous actress with the name. That's enough to make me not want to use it. And I don't like it paired with Cheyenne at all. Would be better with different middle name.
Jayla Nicole Archer - Dislike this one the most. Jayla is a made-up, trendy name that will be dated. Go with one of your other choices. Nicole is a filler middle name in my opinion.
Samuel Draven Archer - Don't like Draven, Like Samuel. Other suggestions with el as the ending: Cael, Gabriel, Raphael
Jacob Riley Archer - Jacob is so popular, Prefer Caleb or Jonah.
Brenden Jacob Archer - I like the name. Names starting with Br are overused in my opinion, but of the Br names, Brendan and Brennan are the nicest.
Cameron Jedediah Archer - Like the name. Don't like that girls are starting to use. I like the middle name. Alternatives: Connor, Cian, Clayton, Caspian, Cullen
My choices would be if I could mix and match.
Matilda Daisy %26amp; Samuel Brendan (Love Matilda Daisy and like Samuel Brendan a lot)
Best of luck to you!
Reply:OHHH, Charlotte Daisy is beautiful
Cameron Jedediah is awesome
Reply:My take...
Girl: Sienna Elizabeth or Sienna Nicole (some switching)
Boy: Brenden Jacob or Cameron Drayer (slight chg.)
Reply:Daphne and Charlotte sound British and are cute.
Cameron's cool.
*Brenden isn't the right way to spell it. People may be confused. I'd go with Brendan.
Reply:Burnt sienna is the name of a crayola color.
Reply:I only like Daphne or Matilda... but then I only like Matilda if the full name will be used, and not shortened to something like Mattie or Tilly....
Sorry - all the boys are too common and overused.... Draven would be better as a first name.
Reply:Sienna Cheyenne Archer is pretty(8)
Daphne Elizabeth is okay(6)
Sienna Elizabeth Archer I like better (9)
Matilda Lane Archer, (7)
Jayl Nicole Archer (8)
Jacob Riley Archer (7)
Samuel Draven Archer (7)
Samuel Jacob (8)
Brenden Jacob Archer(9)
Cameron Jedediah Archer (7)
Cameron Riley Archer (9)
I like most of the names. Some of the middle names I was not crazy about
Reply:I love Jayla nicole... it is so unique and beautiful. the other girls names are all nice too, there just not my style. For the boys i like Brenden Jacob because i think the first and middle name flow well together. i also like Jacob as the first name.
Reply:Sienna Cheyenne Archer-nice i love the oniginal middle name.
Daphne Elizabeth Archer-not too crazy for daphne but its you choice.
Charlotte Daisy Archer-no,sounds like a hill-billy farm girl(sorry that was a little mean)
Matilda Lane Archer-never heared of lane but cute!
Jayla Nicole Archer-my favorite!
Jacob Riley Archer-wonderful, i like odd names though and jacob is VERY popular
Samuel Draven Archer-dont like draven
Brenden Jacob Archer-nice
Cameron Jedediah Archer- whats a Jedediah?
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