Monday, January 30, 2012

Do you think these rabbits would make cute babies? (PICS)? daphne is the white/grey one and elliot is the black one

Do you think these rabbits would make cute babies? (PICS)?
All baby bunnies are cute. Haven't seen an 'ugly' bunny, ever.

Real question you have homes for potential ''cute babies''?
Reply:Cute. Mini Lops? Or larger Hollands?

From that pair you would probably get all broken pattern bunnies, as Daphne actually appears to be a charlie. I have found black to be the dominant color most of the time, so I'd expect broken blacks ... I'm not a good genetics person (still working on that), so that is just speaking from personal experience.

Mini Lops can have several babies in a litter. Be sure you have potential homes lined up. Baby bunnies are too cute, but by about 7-8 weeks, you'll have to seperate your bucks and does. Unless you have homes lined up for them to go to at the 8-12 week old point, you'll need a lot of extra cages! You could check with your local 4H to see if any kids need showmanship bunnies. Those are always good homes. :-)

If you think you want to breed bunnies, join the ARBA and your local rabbit club, and start showing. If you really want to breed bunnies, at least be sure you are improving upon the breed. :-)

Oh, a little warning ... first time does can often deliver dead babies. Something you should be prepared for. :-(
Reply:Why would you want to breed more rabbits when 1000's of rabbits are born each year and they are slaughtered because the new owners go off them in a few weeks
Reply:looks like they are both pure holland or mini lops......yes the babies will be cute, the white one is called a black magpie btw...........good luck
Reply:No, they'd just make rabbit mutts so breeding them would be very irresponsible and add to the strain on the already overpopulated shelters.

You'd also be very lucky if the kits didn't have serious problems like malocclusion.

Please be a responsible and spay %26amp; castrate your pets.
Reply:All rabbits make cute babies. If you are going to breed these animals, do the responsible thing FIRST and make sure they go to good homes.
Reply:aww those bunnies are so cute!!! you'd proably get a few mixed colors if you breed them!!
Reply:Most definitely
Reply:Yea they would. I raised rabbits for years during my high school days showing them in 4h. Sad thing is bunnies have a high death rate if they aren't in perfect condition so just be careful and make sure they are in good living conditions and the mother isn't stressed out (they will actually eat their young if they are) but I think all in all Ive never seen an ugly bunnie.. they all are so cute and make great pets if you raise them right!
Reply:Awwwww! Yes I do.
Reply:Yeah, let them have babies.
Reply:Yeah, they're stunning little things.

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