Friday, January 27, 2012

How can I convince my mom to get a horse?

i have always wanted a horse ever since i was 4. It took me 7 years to convince my mom to sign mee up for lessons when i was 11. I still do not have a job or anything but when i go for lesson....45 min. once a week, they are the happiest days of my life! I have been looking a horse to adopt and where i take lessons they is a horse named Daphne and she is the sweetest thing you can ever imagine (thats my opinion) but the problem is she would cost about 5000. i think thats pretty cheap but my mom says no. and i know that she has so much more than enough money to buy it. and the stable i go to has a boarding barn for the horse if you buy it. she keeps saying that Daphne is beautiful, but whenever i ask to buy her she just says no. So if anyone has really good suggestion please tell me!!!! oh i am very responisble with horses i know how to take care of them perfectly, since my lesson is only 45 min. i always stay an extra 45min to help with the horses but then my mom yells at me. so help!

How can I convince my mom to get a horse?
Write a persuasive essay. Give her tons of reasons why it would be a positive thing to buy a horse.
Reply:As a parent I am telling you that 5000 dollars is a lot of money unless your parents are very wealthy. Just because the money is sitting is their savings account they might need it for emergencies or your college fund. As somebody else already pointed out there are other expenses that come with it. Maybe you can try and find a compromise with them about letting you stay longer to help. Nevertheless, if you really want that horse just keep asking. Most parents get tired of hearing requests and eventually give in.
Reply:i am in the same boat with you. my dad won't budge. he had me make a spreadsheet and everything. what i do is keep asking, but not in a pesky way, but like a reminder in their mind that you still want that horse. Just remember horses come with other things like vet, farrier, feed bedding,etc. try to find a job and save up. even if you don't get one right now, this point in time, keep believing.
Reply:I love your passion for horses!

You don't need to own a horse though to be around them. Work hard during your lessons, and even harder when you're at the barn (grooming, cleaning your tack, helping around the barn etc.) If you show great responsibility, maybe one day you could become a working student. In time, you may be able to do a half lease on a horse if you can help pay for some of the expenses through your work at the stable. It may be a good compromise down the road.

Stick with your dreams, but don't lose sight of what your true happiness is--just being around horses!
Reply:I know how you feel. i wanted a horse for the longest time, yet my mom said no.

Its truely your mothers money. you cant convince her to pay $5000. Thats a lot of money. certainly not cheap for a horse.

Along with the expense of the horse becomes vaccinations twice a year which cost $200 about every time. Saddles, etc. Vet bills.

Maybe try getting your mom into horses, ask your trainer to let your mom ride Daphne for a lesson. Otherwise im sorry, but you can convince her to spend a $5000 she doesnt want to spend.
Reply:Honey, you must listen to your Mum, until you live on your own, that is.

I was riding, like you from a very early age. When I left school, I worked in a riding school, and I rode every horse I was offered - loonies and slugs, anything to be in the saddle. I had my heart broken so many times but it made me the rider I am today. If my Mum and Dad had bought me a pony when I wasyour age, I would not have the experience to do what I can do now.

Now I have three mares, two foals and a stallion - I did it my self, and when it gets tough, and they act up, I can draw on all those years before I owned my own. Nothing can better those years now.

Take it on the chin and become a young woman, mature as much as you can and ride every horse you get the chance to ride; you really will be a better rider than the spoiled little girls with their ponies. Your Mum really does know best and one day you will understand that. Just respect her - she is your Mum. Don't I sound OLD??

Reply:as my mom says its not buying the horse thats the problem its paying 100-775$

a month to board my horse!

but now i have a horse ^^ we got it for about 600$and pay 150-175$ to board her depending on the monthes
Reply:how can people ove the INTERNET help you get a horse??

just wondering.
Reply:Hun, you need to understand that the horse is a lot more money than the initial purchasing price (in this case it's $5,000). You have to pay for food, boarding, vet checks, shoes, etc. It all adds up.
Reply:well my best bet is to do thiings around the house without her asking and surve her breakfast again wiithout her knowing or you could just ask ur dad or you could just save the money yourself and let her see that well i hope u get the horse i like horses too
Reply:Firstly you need to realise there is a lot more to horse ownership than the initial cost of the horse. As well as the other costs of food, bedding, stabling, rugs, tack, farriery, vets etc. having a horse takes a lot of time. You'll need to muck out, groom, turn out and catch in, ride, clean tack, rug up, clip and more.

Having a horse is a commitment. Your mum might not want to be driving you up to the stables every day and picking you up. 90 minutes a week is nothing compared with what you would be doing if you owned a horse.

Also are you sure that you can take care of a horse perfectly? Would you know how to bandage a horse? How to load them into a trailer? What to do if they are ill?

If you are totally set on having a horse and you think you can manage it then show your mum that you can do it. Talk to your mum about helping out more at the stables. Why does she yell at you for helping out? Talk to her and be ready to compromise. Also speak to your instructor and they will know whether you are ready to own a horse. They can also speak to your mum.

Whatever you do, don't nag your mum.

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