Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Nervous piggie?

I have 4 guinea pigs in my house. My 2 boy piggies are 3 years old, and my 2 girl piggies are 1 yr old and 11 months old. We have had the girls since they were about 2 months old, so it's not like they're in a new home.

The 11 month old, Daphne, is a very jumpy guinea pig. Very nervous when we hold her, but fine and friendly in her cage. None of our other pigs are like this. The other pigs are very relaxed and playful when we pick them up. Daphne is extremely jumpy and sometimes shivers. Any tips for helping a nervous pig adjust?

Nervous piggie?
Some pigs are like this it is just their personality.

When you are handling her give her a treat (segment of fruit), by doing this each time she is with you then this way she will associate this with a good experience and over time may even come to look forward to handling time. It may take a while but stick with it.
Reply:Try bribery. When you pick her up and hold her, feed her a fresh veggie (carrots worked well for me). Let her sit on your lap or your chest while eating. She may not eat the first few times but dont give up. She'll get there.
Reply:Guinea pigs are by nature pretty nervous , some more than others. In nature they were prey animals and really had to be very observant not to get eaten. As they age they seem to gentle some. The more they are gently handled, food bribery is a good idea, the less nervous they will be. It does take time and a lot of patience, this trait is something they are born with. Give them lots of love and their favorite treats!
Reply:im confused
Reply:she is probably nervous

here are a few ides

hand feed her allot

give her treats

hold her more often

give her a good run somewhere like in a backyard is you have one or a grasic ark

it is pretty normal by instinct guinea pigs are very nerves animals but there were pray and got hunted down by other animals and sometimes Evan humans.

good treats

sunflower seeds







and loads more i give my guinea pigs 2 meals using some of this stuff every day pulse a Apple for a smack this might mack her more confident and friendly

just remember all Piggy's get scared and she just needs some treats more hugs and she probably will be more tame

hope i helped good luck
Reply:All guinea pigs are nervous.

Try the food bribery. Give your guinea pig a piece of carrot, celery, apple, etc while you're holding her and she will become less nervous.

When I had my 2 guinea pigs (both female) I had a very nervous guinea pig and she was very jumpy and would squirm around a lot because she was afraid that I was going to drop her.

Then I tried the food bribery and it worked great. Not only did my guinea pig get used to being handled but she also was not jumpy and she didn't squirm around at all.

You should've seen the way my guinea pig looked at me whenever I held her (when she was a nervous guinea pig).

She would always have these big eyes (almost like puppy dog eyes) and she would always squeak trying to let me know that she didn't want to be dropped and I kept telling her that I wasn't going to drop her but she just kept on squeaking.

When I tried the food bribery I noticed a big difference because my guinea pig never squeaked as much and she never squirmed and she was never jumpy again.

Also, when you try the food bribery you should make sure that your guinea pig seems calm before you pick your guinea pig up from her cage.

Guinea pigs were prey animals in every country that they were found. They were hunted by animals and sometimes even humans!!!! You should always let your guinea pig know that you're not one of her enemies. Let her know that you're her owner and that you would never do anything to hurt her. Then maybe, just maybe, your guinea pig will become a lot less nervous.

I hope all goes well with your guinea pig if you do try the food bribery!!!!

Good Luck!!!!

~Meggie Rothe~

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