Friday, January 27, 2012

What do you think of these names?



Corrine or Corinne





The last name is Johnson. Which name(s) do you like best? Any middle name suggestions?

What do you think of these names?
I like Delilah and Adeline and Phoebe.
Reply:I like Madeline or Adeline. Definitely, I think that goes great with Johnson. For a middle name, I like Madeline (or Adeline) Grace Johnson.
Reply:I love Delia! This is a beautiful about...

Delia Sydney Johnson

...sounds perfect to me!!
Reply:amelia and madeline
Reply:Sydney Amelia Johnson
Reply:Adeline Denise Johnson

Amelia Reese Johnson (mia or millie for short would be cute)

Corrine Marie Johnson

Daphne- sorry but i really dont like the name

Madeline Grace Johnson- very cute

Phoebe- sorry i dont like it

Sydney Faith Johnson- very cute
Reply:I like the names Madeline and Corrine together, they also have a good combo for M.C.J.
Reply:I like Madelyn, but spelled this way. That's about it from your list.
Reply:i like Sydney Bell or Sydney Ray , i also like the name Elyana or Alyana, and Riley Ann
Reply:i think Adeline McKenzie Johnson would be good. im not very good w/ middle names :l
Reply:Madeline Marie Johnson
Reply:I think Delilah Laine or Sydney Rae are adorable names!

:]]] I hope you find a name!!
Reply:Not a big fan of any of them, but if I had to pick, I'd go with Corinne, Daphne or Delia.
Reply:I think they are all great names! My favorites are Phoebe, Daphne or Corinne. They are the least common and I think they would be best with a common last name like Johnson.
Reply:the 1st 5 names sound like chemical substances and Sydney ? if u lived in Nsw that would be imbarasing.
Reply:Amelia sounds nice nice names
Reply:no to amelia and phoebe.

i love adeline corinne and daphne. daphne corinne johnson is pretty. or daphne iris.
Reply:Delilah Adeline Johnson
Reply:have to be adeline for me i doen`t really like any of them really though but adelines the best :) can`t you call her amy thats a nice name or emma lol

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