Monday, January 30, 2012

Where can i listen to audiobooks online for free?

to be specific i'm looking for the book rebecca by daphne du maurier, so if u could find a site that had this book on it i would appreciate it!! but if not, i can take names of any sites

thanks soooooo much

Where can i listen to audiobooks online for free?
Daphne du Maurier died in 1989, so her books are still under copyright. You won't, therefore, be able to find her books online for free (legally) in any form. has many authors whose works you can read online, download the text and some that have free audio versions available for download.

These are the human read English versions of books available.

These are the computer-generated voice readings of English stories available.
Reply:See if the book is on the following site, which offers many books no longer under copyright, and perhaps this one isn't... it's been around for a while, I think. Keep looking until you see "audiobooks"-- it seems to me I saw a category for those here:
Reply:just seeing if you really have other answers

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