My wife and I have been having some arguments lately about a fetish of mine and I'm scared that she's thinking about leaving me.
I can't say why but since I was a little boy I have been EXTREMELY attracted to cartoon characters and mascots. I can't help it, everytime I see one I get this rush of sexual energy and can't control myself. If I see Daphne from Scooby Doo, I'm overwhelmed with lustful thoughts.
It's not like I'm cheating. She shot down my idea for buying a van and painting it to look like The Mystery Machine. All I'm asking her to do is either wear a mascot head while having intercourse or at least let me watch the Cartoon Network. Do you think she's being unfair? Why can't she accept me for who I am?
My wife and I have been arguing over this, and I'm hoping someone here can help me...?
Maybe she's offended at your choice of cartoon character?
I'd be pissed if you wanted me to dress like daffy duck instead of jessica rabbit, too.
Reply:Oh come on.....
Still I suppose it's better than having lustful thoughts about Scooby Doo himself!
Reply:Daphne is HOT. I'd do her.
Reply:that would be cool...she could dress up like bugs bunny and you could dress as elmer fud...
Reply:Do you want her to wear the head every time? Or just on special occasions??
I think that makes a difference.
Spicing things up (or fulfilling fetishes) can be alot easier to handle (for the other partner) if its a "once in awhile" thing as compared to an everytime thing. If it becomes an everytime thing, they tend to take it personally, like its something wrong with them and they don't excite you anymore.
Personally, the Mystery Machine thing kinda rocks!! But I am not ordinary so... I am sure she is imagining picking up groceries in the Mystery Machine and that idea just doesnt do it for her.
Try asking gently, tell her that it has nothing to do with her. Its all in the approach!
Good luck
And NO, its not cheating.
Reply:Hey, Daphne was hot on the non cartoon version of Scooby Doo, maybe she's jealous!
Reply:I think she's just being stupid! She doesn't know what she's missing! I mean, I'd take you anytime! It's my fantasy to make love to some cuddly, furry character. Would you be my Scooby If I was your Daphne?
Duuh, what's with the thumbs down?! You're all just being jealous!
Reply:Hey...quit yammering and pass that joint this way.
Reply:You are kidding, right?
Reply:IF she knew about this fetish before you guys got married, then YES, she is being unfair.
Reply:*hysterical laughter*
Oh my GOD !! That's funny. :) Although, I too always found Daphne attractive. But honestly, Velma was probably better in the sack.
Reply:mabe your just showing her who you are and she is not prepared to do what your asking.every one has their limits ...and if you are insisting she please you this way have you ever thought it might not be a satifing to her it fair to her that you think she should show you she loves you this way??if she dont like it??
Reply:;) lol, I love it!!! If my husband asked me to do it a couple times, I'd do it in a heartbeat. I don't like the idea that he would want to hide my face and I might have some insecurity issues with it but, hey, I would still do it because it would make him happy. By the way the cartoon thing much better. If my husband thought I was hot enough to pull off a Daphne, or a Jossie from the Pussy Cat Dolls, oh maybe even a Wilma Flinstone, you bet your a$$ I would do it. The marriage bed is sacred and the lord says most things go so why not? Besides my mind just goes all over the place thinkin about what that man would do for me if I did that for him....YEEE HAWWW. Giddy up Cowboy! ;)
The mystery machine is a no no though. You don't bring out your private sexual preferences in public.
Reply:I wouldn't wear a mascot head either while having s**...I also have to agree about the van....I think you need to find something else that turns you on so to speak......
Reply:HaHaHa...she is totally being unfair, she should have a Daphne costume on!!!!
Reply:Well, Halloween is coming up. Maybe she will indulge you just this once.
Reply:Odd Deke, very odd......
Reply:OK, I don't know why I'm bothering to answer this question because I don't think you're real, but here goes.
Your fetish is not odd. There are many people who enjoy this activity. Furbies is a community that supports your feelings and something the two of you may want to check out together. You can look furrbies up on-line and be directed to the area of your choice.
If you would like your wife to participate I would start slow. Not the mascot head right away. Go to the store or on-line and purchase a Daphne costume for her to dress in ( they have them everywhere) See how she feels about that, then move on from there.
Remember many don't like to wear the whole furbie (mascot) out fit as it is very claustrophobic. Also, one can't feel the others body or skin at all. Not to stimulating.
The main thing is you must go slow, and remember it is YOUR fetish and not all will support or desire the same. It it becomes a large enough problem you should seek counseling with your wife.
Good Luck...Have Fun
Reply:She's selfish. dump her, find a furry.
Reply:Now, I have heard it all. Wow. The only thing I can say is, if she knew you had this fetish when you got married, then it is not fair of her to think she can change you. If you just sprang this on her, then she has a right to feel whatever way she feels about it. Either way, your relationship is in danger. Good luck!
Reply:why do I hear many men saying, "if you can't accept me for who I am, blah blah..." it's an excuse... if you want to have sex w/ Daphne, then, yes, it's cheating... lusting after another even if a cartoon is cheating... you need to get rid of this fettish... it's lame... =(... I don't blame her if she dumps you... you gotta get your head, both heads, out of the freakin' gutter! and that's that...
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