Daphne erat primus amor Phoebi. Ira Cupidinis Phoebo amorem dedit. Phoebus superbus viderat Cupidinem *** sagittis et dixerat: "Quid est tibi, puer, *** armis et sagittis? Sagittae sunt meae. Ego possum dare vulnera hostibus. Tu debes contentus esse *** amoribus.
Filius Veneris respondit: "Tuus arcus omnia, Phoebe, figit sed meus arcus te figit." Et in arcu Cupido duo tela tenuit: alterum telum amorem fugat; alterum amorem facit. Hoc est acutum, illud est obtusum. Deus Cupido obtusum telum in virginem figit, acutum in Phoebum. Phoebus amat; Daphne nomen amoris fugitat. Per silvas *** Diana et ceteris nymphis errare solum amat.
Latin to English Translator....?
The above translation is right.
The last line is:
Diana loved to wander alone through the woods with the rest of the nympths.
Reply:(I guess it's the Latin word "c-u-m" that sets off the filter!)
"Daphne was Phoebus' first love. Cupid's anger gave Phoebus this love. The proud Phoebus had seen Cupid with arrows and had said: "Yo, little kid, what good are weapons and arrows for you? Arrows are for me. I can wound enemies. YOU ought to be content with love affairs."
"Venus' son replied: "Your bow shoots everything, Phoebus , but my bow shoots you." And on his bow Cupid held two weapons: this weapon puts love to flight; that weapon causes love. The one (which causes love) is sharp, the other (with puts to flight) is dull. The god Cupid shoots the blunt arrow into the virgin, the sharp one into Phoebus. Phoebus loves; Daphne flees the name of love."
I can't find "Per silvas c-u-m Diana et ceteris nymphis errare solum amat."
Reply:wha doez *** meen? I'um con-fuze.
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