Monday, January 30, 2012

What does the opening paragraph reveal about the storys setting?

from the book THE BIRDS:


What does the opening paragraph reveal about the storys setting?
Generally speaking, a book's opening paragraph establishes the general location for and tone of a story. While a reader can't expect to know everything about a novel just by reading the first paragraph, there should be a general sense of direction (i.e. where the story intends to take place) and overall feel (e.g. suspense, romance, comedy, etc.).
Reply:The Birds by Daphne du Maurier

? The Birds

The idea for this famous story came to her one day when she was walking across to Menabilly Barton farm from the house. She saw a farmer busily ploughing a field whilst above him the seagull s were diving and wheeling. She developed the idea about the birds becoming hostile and attacking him. More……..

Study Guides:

These links will give you a summary of the book, character analysis, plot and much more, so that you will be able to answer literary questions.


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