Friday, January 27, 2012

Scooby-Doo cast comparison to Feminism?

I love to ask silly questions like these....Would you agree with this?

Shaggy = Feminized man

Fred = Sexist

Velma = Feminist

Daphne = Victim of sexism?

Scooby Doo = .....Dog?

I was watching Scooby Doo and I was just thinking about it. It's like the ultimate cast for sex related studies :P.

Then if you notice, Fred is always with Daphne :P and sometimes Velma

And Scooby and Shaggy are always together, with Velma most of the time

Conspiracy I say! This must be a result of feminism! It's trying to take over the world and produce a bunch of "Shaggy's" and "Rooby-Roo's" :P

Scooby-Doo cast comparison to Feminism?
No, it's more like:

Shaggy: brain-dead throwback

Fred: preppy

Velma: nerd

Daphne: snotface

Scooby: dog
Reply:Fred: Intelligent Athlete/Hitler youth potential

Velma: Nerd

Daphne: Umm...attractive lol

Shaggy: Me after a couple of bong hits

Scooby: Me after a couple more bong hits
Reply:LOL ........... Think you have been hanging out with here in GWS to much!

Scooby Doo: is like the neturals we have here...the comic relief.

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