Monday, January 30, 2012

HELP with halloweeen costume!!!?

I'm being Daphne from Scooby doo, and just found the perfect boots, except they are red. They are similar to these, except mine are a high quality leather:

Anyone know how I can dye them so that they look more like this?...

HELP with halloweeen costume!!!?
far as i know u cant dye leather
Reply:u cant dye leather
Reply:Complete instructions at source.

(scroll down). It sounds so involved and those are beautiful red boots. Couldn't Daphne have more than set of boots? I'd leave them alone.

When the leather has a lacquer coating, a lacquer solvent should be used before using Dye-Prep.When changing for a previously dyed color, it is best to do it in two steps. First neutralize the original color with an intermediate color. Then repeat the dyeing process with the final color desired. For example: From Red into Black, first Green, then Black.
Reply:I don't think that's going to be possible.
Reply:My first instinct was to say paint them, but that depends on how much money you spent on the. If they were a thirfty find then it wouldn't be a big deal. If you spent a pretty penny on them then you might want to go through the actual leather dying process.

Below is a link to a site that sells leather dye. I'm sure many other places sell leather dye (try craft stores) I just wanted you to see an example of what you can find:

And this link takes you to in depth directions on how to dye leather step by step:

If that all seems like too much and you do decide to paint them an acrylic paint is your best bet.

I hope your costume turns out well!
Reply:If your boots aren't shiny like the ones in the picture, and are just leather, you can try shoe polish. I used to shine shoes for a living, and you can change the color of shoes slightly by using the stuff.

You would need to get some white shoe polish, and NOT the liquid kind in a bottle. Get a big can of white, a shoe polish brush, and a rag.

Put the polish on in circles, using a damp sponge, allow it to dry, and then brush it off. The best way to do that with these types of boots would be to put your arm in the boot to hold it up, using your other hand to brush.

Repeat this process several times, until you think that they're the right color, then buff them with a rag to make them shiny and get the brush strokes out.

I hope that works for you, good luck!

Reply:you can't dye leather but you could probably paint them.

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