Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Frog in an aquarium?

hello i just bought a small green / brown frog ( about 3 cm )for my aquarium, im not sure what type? as the tank he was in just said frogs . how can i tell its gender ? i bought it daphne to eat but will it get any with my two guppys if not what else can i buy it to eat, and do i just poor the daphne in ? how much daphne a day does it get ? thanks

Frog in an aquarium?
I think the frogs you bought are African Dwarf Frogs, If its not that then I don't know. You need to feed them things that sink to the bottom like frozen bloodworms, which you can get at a pet shop or you can try the HBH Frog bites, which sometimes my frogs eat sometimes they don't. The best thing to feed them are the frozen bloodworms. I would give them a half a cube every other day. Make sure the water temp is 75-78. The ph should be around 7.5-8.0. Heres a website that can tell you more. Good luck!
Reply:hi i have 3 albino black clawed frogs thet eat bloodworm what you buy from most pet stores frozen and bottom feeder pellets,it should be fine with the fish tho make sure he/she gets food as i had to set up a new tank for mine as my clown loach etc werent let mine get food, if it ist a dwarf one do watch out as it gets bigger it will eat anything that fits in mouth,
Reply:not very much daphne. But this is an african dwarf frog. Im not sure if you can check its gender.Good luck with him. [=

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