Tum Daphne celeriter cucurrit (ran); et Apollo etiam! Paene eam (her, acc. sing.) cepit (caught)! Daphne, territa (terrified) suo patri (father, dat. sing.) clamavit "Pater, pater, serva me! Da mihi (me, dat. sing.) auxilium tuum!"
Pater (father, nom. sing.) Peneus suam filiam amavit, et Daphnem (acc. sing.) felicem (happy) videre amavit. Daphnem (acc.sing) in arborem (tree, acc. sing.) mutavit. Daphne (nom. sing.) nunc erat laurus (laurel, nom. sing.), et postea haec (this) arbor (tree, fem. nom. sing.) erat Apollini (dative, sacer is followed by the dative) sacra.
Then Daphne ran swiftly, as did Apollo. He almost caught her! Daphne, terrified, called to her father: "Father, father, save me! Give me your aid, father".
Peneus her father loved his daughter, and wanted to see his daughter happy. He transformed Daphne into a tree. Daphne was now a Laurel, and subsequently this tree became sacred to Apollo.
(Incidentally Daphne usually becomes Daphnen in the accusative - since it is a Greek proper name. Your teacher has probably simplified the rules for you).
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