Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sizzlin Summer Serenade Results!? New Champ!? Championship vs. Career match!? What do you think?

The first match had Theodore %26amp; Simon defend their CUD Championships against The Oinkerz (Spiderpig %26amp; Porky). It was a great match. Spiderpig was about to get the pin after a Bacon to Bits, but Grinch %26amp; Frosty came out with barbed wire tinsel and choked him with it, causing a DQ. Porky came out, but met the same fate. Theodore %26amp; Simon extended their hands, but they too were choked. They then hold up the CUID tag championships as we go to break.

The next match had Calvin %26amp; Hobbes vs. The puttycats (Sylvester %26amp; Tom) vs. BIG john %26amp; Robin Hood as they fought for #1 contendership for the Beatdown tag titles. It was a great match. BIG John %26amp; Robin Hood were about to win after hiting the Bow %26amp; Arrow/Crack Em in Da Mouth on Calvin, but Sylvester hit a Moonsault on John while he was pinning. He tagged in tom, who hit a DDT on him to get #1 Contendership.

Kim Possible defended her Beatdown Championship against Erin the Esurance Gal after that. Erin just hit an Erinfaction on Kim and was about to pin when Cammy came out with her WWE Women’s Championship belt. Erin was distracted, along with the ref. Ron came out and hit the Stoppablemaker (Playmaker) on her. He dragged Kim onto Erin to give her the win. Fiona came out and chased them away.She started at all of them intently as she checked Erin.

IN Champ Hugo Chavez defended in a Fatal Fourway against Kermit, Casper, %26amp; Han Solo. Hugo %26amp; Casper were beating both Han %26amp; Kermit to a pulp when Casper remembered something and left. This gave Kermit a chance to regain health. As Hugo was beating on Han, Kermit snuck up behind him %26amp; hit the Back Cracker. He woke up Han, who hit an Aerial Assault on Chavez. Han pinned Chavez for the win %26amp; the IN championship.

Canadian Champ Alvin defended against Dave Savill after that. Dave was dominating the whole match. He had Alvin in the corner and was beating on him over and over again. The ref finally took Dave away. As this was happening, Alvin opened up the turnbuckle and pulled out brass knuckles. The ref noticed the turnbuckle was open and he went over to close it. As the ref was distracted, Alvin low blowed Dave with the brass knuckles. When the ref turned around, Alvin was covering a miserable Dave for the win and to retain.

Dr. Dre %26amp; Chewbacca faced Jak %26amp; Ronald McDonald after that. Dre had just hit the Drop da Mic on Ronald %26amp; Chewy gave a Millennium Falcon Clotheline over the top rope to Jak as they were about to win. But then Grimace came out to distract the ref. The Hamburgler came from the other side and gave a Hamburger Suplex to Dre and then pulled Ronald on top of him. Grimace left and the ref turned around to see Ronald covering Dre. He counted to 3 to give them the win. Chewy quickly chased them up the ramp and then checked on dre.

It was the CUD main event as Jong defended the CUD Championship against Kool Aid Guy, Banker, Ice cube, George Foreman, %26amp; Billy in the first ever 5 Stages of Horror. The eliminations are as follow: 1. Billy pins Foreman in a normal 6 man match after an UnPrettier. 2. Jong eliminates ice Cube in his own game, Submission match, after locking in the Jong of Death. 3. Kool Aid Guy eliminates The Banker in a Last Man Standing Match after a Kool Aid Bottom onto an Announce Table covered with tacks. This left Kool, Jong, %26amp; Billy left with 2 contests to go. The first was a ladder match. It was a good match. Kool %26amp; billy were fighting it out on the top of the ladder. Billy got Kool into the UnPrettier and hit it on him, making him head bounce off the top of the ladder to fall to the ring. He pinned Kool to get him eliminated. After Kool %26amp; the ladder were out of the ring, the 15 foot electrical cage dropped down to start the Electrical Cage Match. Both superstars fought it out to the finish. Billy was about to win and was crawling to the cage door. But then Queen Daphne came out and grabbed the CUD championship to hit the ref with. When Billy was right next to the door, she slammed it in his face.She handed Jong rubber gloves so he could climb the cage. Billy tried to climb it, but Jong made it out first. Jong %26amp; Daphne leave as Billy is screaming in pain from the electicity.

Garfield defended his Beatdown championship against King Arthur in a Championship vs. Career Match in a Death Defying monkey Bar Match. It was a great match. Both Arty %26amp; Garfield were on the Monkey bars. They both got to the title at the same time. They were battling on the top. Garfield tried to kick him, but Arty swung to his left. Garfield kicked with such, power that he almost fell off. Arty then elbowed Garfield arms and Garfield fell all 20 feet to the ground. Arty grabbed the title, but before he could pull it down, Casper came out, flew up, and gave Arty a Flying Clotheline, to cause him to fall as well. Casper picked up Garfield %26amp; he climbed all the way to the top to get the title. He climbed down and got a mic. “Arty, I just won. And you know what that means. You are never again to be allowed in the NKK. And also, as added punishment, you aren’t aloud to go into Fantasy WWE, either. So you’ll never wrestle again. Now then, get up” art ygot up, with no strength left. Garfield kicked Arty into the corner and began to punch him. He backed up and ran at arty, trying to kick him at full force. But arty dodged. He then hit an Excalib-U on Garfield. Casper appeared again, but he met the same fate. One by one, members appeared, but they all met the same fate. He then grabbed Garfield and climbed up the cage while headlocking Garfield at the same time. He went to the very top of the cage and stood on the monkey bars. He then gave him a 20-foot Excalib-U on him. He yelled, “I’ll be back, one way or another!” as the show ends.

Sizzlin Summer Serenade Results!? New Champ!? Championship vs. Career match!? What do you think?
this show rocked.
Reply:Great PPV. Glad Garfield won but how is Arty gonna come back? Oh well we'll see...
Reply:wow u got some screw lose lol! but then again i read the whole thing so guy im just as bad haha!
Reply:Should I read all of that
Reply:dont like it!!
Reply:This was an awesome Ppv show. Better then mines even. Will be interesting to see where this goes . It's a day late but my Raw fantasy show is now posted if u like to check it out. again excellent job.;...

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