Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I'm a lesbian who doesn't really want to be touched/eaten out/ anything. Anyone else feel this way?

I'm a lesbian, and I'm fairly sexually active. I know for a fact I'm a lesbian, and I adoure girls. I prefer femme ones, and especially if they're shy and perhaps intelligent. I like the Velma types that look like Daphne. But, I don't mind the occasional Daphne acting type. (as long as she's not bi. Bi is okay, but if they talk about guys around me, then bleh.) I would describe myself as androgynous/soft butch. I like to be the "man". I have a dominant personality, and I like to instigate things. I like sex. But; I have no interest in being eaten out, or anything of the sort. To me, an orgasm is an orgasm, and I like to give them to other people, but I could live without them. Too much work, and they're not all they're cracked up to be. Sometimes I tell girls I'm on my period so they won't touch me. ha. Anyway, I know that most everyone loves to have orgasms, and all that crap, but I don't find them all that exiting. Anyone see where I'm coming from? Or am I crazy?

I'm a lesbian who doesn't really want to be touched/eaten out/ anything. Anyone else feel this way?
yeah man you're totally right on that one. I feel the same way and then my ex like didnt get the point on that one like that I didnt want someones ******* face on my private. Well her ******* stupid friend was like oh hey well just rape her if she won't let you touch her. Wtf that was pretty disrespectful.
Reply:i love butch girls like you!!

i have known many but not enough like this

if you get off on just doing the girl im allllllll for it!!!

wow i love being a lesbian

especially with butch girls like you in the world!!

its like the best of both worlds
Reply:I cant relate to ur situation becuz i′m not a lesbian but if u like girls then why dont u like to have any physical contact with them and why dont u like to have orgasms? do lesbians have orgasms anyways?..
Reply:YES omg i was afraid to talk to my friends about this because they are also friends with my girlfriend and last time i brought something up of this sort they told her and it caused some problems. Yes like i will get turned on and want to do it for a few minutes but then i get tired of it. I dont really want to take the time to get one and i quickly get unaroused but i love to give them to other people haha wich im more the femme one in the relationship. so my girlfriend is the more dominant one. Yeah im the exact same way it not that i dont like it i would just rather do stuff to her. im not scared to be touched haha or scared of an orgasam just not that exciting to receive one to me
Reply:You are not crazy and up until 2 years ago I felt that way too. I could have written the exact same thing. My feelings changed when I met a great gal who convinced me to let her have her way with me. (for lack of getting into detail) I always had to be in control and found out I was really missing out. don;t know what else to say except we are still together and the sex just keeps getting better for us both.
Reply:I'm bi. I met a few girls like that and I figured they probably had some traumatic experience around sex. I actually did meet one guy like that too, believe it or not. He admitted he had been molested as a child.

I had no interest in a relationship with anyone who wouldn't allow me to pleasure them. It's half the fun!

It really is a shame because orgasms are amazing. Relax and allow yourself to receive!
Reply:I understand what you mean.However I do like to get off just as much as I like to please my partner.I'm not really sure why you don't enjoy it but maybe it's cuz you have a hard time reaching the big "O".For me it is fairly easy so I enjoy recieving as well.Also...pleasing my partner is actually enough to get me off,too so I enjoy both.If your partner likes to do it just like you do then you should let her because it's only fair! was me trying to IM you but you did'nt answer me ; p
Reply:I'm a gay man who hasn't felt the urge to have sex lately...period. Any kind of sex. I guess you're already better off than I am!
Reply:You would be labeled a "Touch me not" if your looking for a label. It means your all about pleasing but don't at all enjoy being stroked during sexual activity. This is most common in really dominant lesbians.

A book by Felice Newman,"The Whole Lesbian Sex Book: A Passionate Guide for All of Us" touches on this subject.
Reply:wooooh child, something is wrong. Why the hell wouldn't you want to ***?
Reply:Nah - you are not crazy. It does sound as if you are not open to receiving love. Some might say, you don't love yourself or you don't feel that you deserve love.

There is far more to sex than that singular act and for some an explosive outcome.

Uhhh-wee do we take sensuality and intimacy for granted.

Maybe it is just a brief moment, more feeling to ya.
Reply:i kind of see where you're coming from. Personally, i sometimes get more enjoyment from getting soemone off than soemone treating me.

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