Wednesday, January 25, 2012

How should this good friend be treated?

After letting Paul do wrong towards Daphne more than a couple of times, Daphne let Eddie (who was a new guy) do the same!

Daphne believes in soul mates. she will never give up on her romantic beliefs. but right now she's so hurt. she's seriously tempted to be a "non-believer"

If she was ur friend and u could help her, what would u do?

Be kind yet honest.

Can a feeling heart still be happy?

How should this good friend be treated?
i gotta go w/ ted pack on that....

an as 4 tha heart, i dnt follow it anymore, ive learned my lesson by how many times ive been screwed over...i now go w/wat i kno
Reply:Don't try to give her advice.

Listen if she wants to talk.

Ask her if she'd like to go out for Chinese food, a walk, a movie . . . once in a while.

%26gt; Can a feeling heart still be happy?

Sure. Not 100% of the time, though. Not all children are above average and not every day is going to be happy.

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