Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Beatdown Results!? #1 Contender Named!? HUGE Main event!? What do you think?

We begin the night with Daffy in the ring. “I’m tired of Garfield. Every week he takes out his enemies by calling his reinforcements while he just lays back and watch his ‘plan’ come in action. But I’m putting an end to it. I want you Garfield. I want you out of the GM’s office because the way you run things here are not good. It’s not goods for the fans. It’s not good for the wrestlers. And most importantly, it’s not good for the business.” Garfield came out and said, “You don’t like the way I run this company? I work day and night being a GM, a wrestler, and a champion. You never had to do that as a GM. And you still aren’t much of a wrestler. But you know what, tonight, you’ll experience being a wrestler. And if you win, you’ll have a chance to be a champ as well. Tonight will be a 10 man Battle Royal for #1 Contendership for my Beatdown Championship. You’ll compete with Marvin the Martian, Eduardo, Kermit, Hugo Chavez, Pooh, Tyson, Han solo, Satan (Southark), %26amp; Casper. You don’t know what I’ve been through, but tonight, you’ll find out just a small part of it.” He left as Daffy had a smirk on his face.

We begin the night as Dr. Dre %26amp; Chewbacca faced Robin Hood %26amp; BIG John. It was a great match. Dre %26amp; Chewy were about to win after Chewy hit a Millennium Falcon Clotheline on Robin Hood. Then Ronald McDonald, Grimace, %26amp; The Hamburgler came out and attacked both Dre %26amp; Chewy. Robin Hood %26amp; BIG John left as they fought. The Hamburgler hit a Hamburger Suplex on Chewy. Then Grimace hit a Spear on Chewy as well. Ronald hit a Big Floppy Boot on Dre. Jak then came out and took Dre. Ronald cleaned off the announce table. Jak then took Dre on top and hit a Jakplex (Perfectplex) on him that broke right through the table. They left as both Dre %26amp; Chewy were laying bloodied.

The next match had Tarzan face Ivan Drago. It was a great match. Tarzan had Drago in a Tarzan Clutch and was about to win, but Queen Daphne came out. She gave powder to Drago, who threw it in Tarzan’s face. Jane then came out and hit a Superkick on Daphne while Drago punched Tarzan down to the ground. Jane tried to get in, but she was too late as Drago got the pin. When she got in, she hit a Superkick on Drago and tended to Tarzan as we go to break.

Tom faced Oscar after that. It was a good match. Tom was about to win after a DDT, but Oscar’s tag team partner came out and distracted him and the ref. Beatdown tag champ Piglet came out after that from behind and hit Tom with his belt. He then hit a Big Pig Kick on him and pulled Oscar on him. The ref turned around to see Oscar pinning Tom for the win. Tom’s partner Sylvester %26amp; the team of Calvin %26amp; Hobbes came out and chased all 3 away as they tended to their fallen ally.

It was time for the 10 man battle royal for #1 Contendership for the Beatdown Championship. The elimination went like this: 1. Satan by Kermit after a Back cracker. 2. Hugo Chavez by Han solo after an Aerial assault. 3. Han solo by Eduardo after Hugo Chavez tripped him and Eduardo picked him up to give him the Muscle Buster (Afterwards, Han chased Hugo to the back). 4. Pooh by Daffy after Sylvester came out to distract him and daffy came from behind to lock in the Duck Bill. 5. Tyson by Daffy after Daffy dodged a punch and slipped behind him locking in the Duck bill. 6. Eduardo by Kermit after a Back Cracker while Eduardo was trying to hit a Muscle Buster on Daffy. This left it down to a hurt daffy, Kermit, Casper, %26amp; Marvin. Kermit tried to defend Daffy and layed out Marvin with a Back Cracker, but when he turned around, he was hit by Casper with a Flying Clotheline. Casper then tried to hit another one on Daffy, but Daffy dodged and Casper bounced off the ropes. Daffy then rolled him up in a Small Package. It was down to Daffy and his arch-nemesis, Marvin the Martian. It was a pretty even matchup. Daffy was winning when Garfield came out and distracted him. When he turned around, marvin tried to hit him with his gun, but Daffy ducked and turned it into the Duck Bill. Garfield tried to enter, but from behind him came Road Runner %26amp; Bugs Bunny. They attacked him as Marvin faded to give Daffy the win. Road Runner %26amp; Bugs brough Garfield in the ring and let Daffy lock in the Duck Bill on him as they hit him with his own championship as the show ends.

Beatdown Results!? #1 Contender Named!? HUGE Main event!? What do you think?
An excellent show. A good way for a #1 contender to be determined as well as Bugs %26amp; Road Runner getting involved. Jane superkicking Ivan Drago was pretty funny too. My latest fantasy show is now posted if you like to check it out. Again good show %26amp; hope u had a good labor day weekend.;...
Reply:Great main event. Also, Dre and Chewy should get a match against the McDonald crew for interfering in their matches
Reply:another show that rocked!

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