Which do you like better?
the first ones look good but why not buy both?
Reply:I like the first ones, too. They're more feminine.
Reply:I like the first ones better!
Reply:The 2nd ones look way cute.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Do you think these rabbits would make cute babies? (PICS)? daphne is the white/grey one and elliot is the black one
Do you think these rabbits would make cute babies? (PICS)?
All baby bunnies are cute. Haven't seen an 'ugly' bunny, ever.
Real question you have homes for potential ''cute babies''?
Reply:Cute. Mini Lops? Or larger Hollands?
From that pair you would probably get all broken pattern bunnies, as Daphne actually appears to be a charlie. I have found black to be the dominant color most of the time, so I'd expect broken blacks ... I'm not a good genetics person (still working on that), so that is just speaking from personal experience.
Mini Lops can have several babies in a litter. Be sure you have potential homes lined up. Baby bunnies are too cute, but by about 7-8 weeks, you'll have to seperate your bucks and does. Unless you have homes lined up for them to go to at the 8-12 week old point, you'll need a lot of extra cages! You could check with your local 4H to see if any kids need showmanship bunnies. Those are always good homes. :-)
If you think you want to breed bunnies, join the ARBA and your local rabbit club, and start showing. If you really want to breed bunnies, at least be sure you are improving upon the breed. :-)
Oh, a little warning ... first time does can often deliver dead babies. Something you should be prepared for. :-(
Reply:Why would you want to breed more rabbits when 1000's of rabbits are born each year and they are slaughtered because the new owners go off them in a few weeks
Reply:looks like they are both pure holland or mini lops......yes the babies will be cute, the white one is called a black magpie btw...........good luck
Reply:No, they'd just make rabbit mutts so breeding them would be very irresponsible and add to the strain on the already overpopulated shelters.
You'd also be very lucky if the kits didn't have serious problems like malocclusion.
Please be a responsible and spay %26amp; castrate your pets.
Reply:All rabbits make cute babies. If you are going to breed these animals, do the responsible thing FIRST and make sure they go to good homes.
Reply:aww those bunnies are so cute!!! you'd proably get a few mixed colors if you breed them!!
Reply:Most definitely
Reply:Yea they would. I raised rabbits for years during my high school days showing them in 4h. Sad thing is bunnies have a high death rate if they aren't in perfect condition so just be careful and make sure they are in good living conditions and the mother isn't stressed out (they will actually eat their young if they are) but I think all in all Ive never seen an ugly bunnie.. they all are so cute and make great pets if you raise them right!
Reply:Awwwww! Yes I do.
Reply:Yeah, let them have babies.
Reply:Yeah, they're stunning little things.
Do you think these rabbits would make cute babies? (PICS)?
All baby bunnies are cute. Haven't seen an 'ugly' bunny, ever.
Real question you have homes for potential ''cute babies''?
Reply:Cute. Mini Lops? Or larger Hollands?
From that pair you would probably get all broken pattern bunnies, as Daphne actually appears to be a charlie. I have found black to be the dominant color most of the time, so I'd expect broken blacks ... I'm not a good genetics person (still working on that), so that is just speaking from personal experience.
Mini Lops can have several babies in a litter. Be sure you have potential homes lined up. Baby bunnies are too cute, but by about 7-8 weeks, you'll have to seperate your bucks and does. Unless you have homes lined up for them to go to at the 8-12 week old point, you'll need a lot of extra cages! You could check with your local 4H to see if any kids need showmanship bunnies. Those are always good homes. :-)
If you think you want to breed bunnies, join the ARBA and your local rabbit club, and start showing. If you really want to breed bunnies, at least be sure you are improving upon the breed. :-)
Oh, a little warning ... first time does can often deliver dead babies. Something you should be prepared for. :-(
Reply:Why would you want to breed more rabbits when 1000's of rabbits are born each year and they are slaughtered because the new owners go off them in a few weeks
Reply:looks like they are both pure holland or mini lops......yes the babies will be cute, the white one is called a black magpie btw...........good luck
Reply:No, they'd just make rabbit mutts so breeding them would be very irresponsible and add to the strain on the already overpopulated shelters.
You'd also be very lucky if the kits didn't have serious problems like malocclusion.
Please be a responsible and spay %26amp; castrate your pets.
Reply:All rabbits make cute babies. If you are going to breed these animals, do the responsible thing FIRST and make sure they go to good homes.
Reply:aww those bunnies are so cute!!! you'd proably get a few mixed colors if you breed them!!
Reply:Most definitely
Reply:Yea they would. I raised rabbits for years during my high school days showing them in 4h. Sad thing is bunnies have a high death rate if they aren't in perfect condition so just be careful and make sure they are in good living conditions and the mother isn't stressed out (they will actually eat their young if they are) but I think all in all Ive never seen an ugly bunnie.. they all are so cute and make great pets if you raise them right!
Reply:Awwwww! Yes I do.
Reply:Yeah, let them have babies.
Reply:Yeah, they're stunning little things.
The Birds?
What are the differences and similarities between Daphne Du Maurier's The Birds (short story) and Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds (film)?
The Birds?
I had to write a paper on this last year.
The film has a love story going on that the short story doesn't.
They both have cliff-hanger endings. And, of course, the same general plot.
Reply:"short story"? "film"? Do you not see the difference? By the way, the film was great, check it out!
The Birds?
I had to write a paper on this last year.
The film has a love story going on that the short story doesn't.
They both have cliff-hanger endings. And, of course, the same general plot.
Reply:"short story"? "film"? Do you not see the difference? By the way, the film was great, check it out!
How do you hold memories?
so i have a good friend, she has lied to me alot, but she was my first love, and i will never hold anything against her, im very forgiving. i am trying to make a CD of songs just for her to have. so far i have
Dear God - Avenged Sevenfold
Winter (acoustic) - Bayside
Take Care - Copeland
Part Of My Past - Daphne Loves Derby
All We Ever Needed - The Early November
Discovering The Waterfront - Silverstein
Redlight Pledge - Silverstein
I would like to put something together for the memories...but i dont want it anything too big. she just lost her dad to suicide...and i want to make sure...if we ever decide to not be friends, she has those memories and doesnt forget me.
any ideas? thank you so much.
How do you hold memories?
that is an unforgettable experience,..
hmmm,.. actually you have a nice idea regarding this matter, just continue doing that,.. and i think you need to add some hand made letter, because the hand writing have a big effect on this matter, and through this we were able to feel the personal touch of the person,..
Dear God - Avenged Sevenfold
Winter (acoustic) - Bayside
Take Care - Copeland
Part Of My Past - Daphne Loves Derby
All We Ever Needed - The Early November
Discovering The Waterfront - Silverstein
Redlight Pledge - Silverstein
I would like to put something together for the memories...but i dont want it anything too big. she just lost her dad to suicide...and i want to make sure...if we ever decide to not be friends, she has those memories and doesnt forget me.
any ideas? thank you so much.
How do you hold memories?
that is an unforgettable experience,..
hmmm,.. actually you have a nice idea regarding this matter, just continue doing that,.. and i think you need to add some hand made letter, because the hand writing have a big effect on this matter, and through this we were able to feel the personal touch of the person,..
Wwe Fantasy Raw results. 1 night stand & last breath aftermath plus much more. Enjoy my fantasy show. thoughts
We begin the show with new Wwe Champ Garfield in the ring. He calls out King Cookie to talk to him. cookie comes out staring angrily at the new Champ. Look Cookie. Jong %26amp; Daphne are making this stuff up. I didn't get any payment to make u lose the title. I'm your friend. If u friend u give me rematch! u never pinned me for belt. I have no problem giving u the rematch Garfield said. Give me match tonight yelled Cookie. U got it. Garfield said. Garfield then leaves the ring with Cookie staring at him. We go right to the first match as Wwe Cruiserweight Champ Slimey(Oscar's pet worm) Vs Speedy Gonzalez. It was a fast paced battle. Speedy had the match won when Oscar entered the ring hitting speedy with the trashcan behind the Ref's back helping Slimey get the pin. The Count soon entered the ring %26amp; the 2 started pounding on Speedy when Ernie %26amp; Bert came attacking count-Oscar-Slimey cleaning house. They then attacked Speedy as well. They left he ring laughing at Speedy. Be right back pt2
Wwe Fantasy Raw results. 1 night stand %26amp; last breath aftermath plus much more. Enjoy my fantasy show. thoughts
Awesome show.I like the cookie and garfield fued the most.I was hoping cookie would beat the crap out of garfield though.
Reply:only lowlifes would report this fascinating event.. what kind of moron would refuse to witness cookie monster getting his a-ss handed to him once again? damn it really sucks to be the non-wrestler "cookie"!
Reply:Great job! It sucks that it was deleted before. I'm glad you put it back on. It was great. The Cookie-Garfield feud is furtering along nicely. and Daphne kissing, Garfield was a great idea. Then you reintroduced Kermit! That was brilliant! That will make a nice feud. And I'm glad that you reminded people of the Odie-Garfield feud, because I think that even I was forgetting about it. All the other feuds were pushed along nicely, as well. once again, great job. i will have Beatdown on by the end of tonight.
Reply:Why would anyone delete this question? It has a lot to do with wrestling.
Ha ha Cookie Monster needs to go back to rehab
Wwe Fantasy Raw results. 1 night stand %26amp; last breath aftermath plus much more. Enjoy my fantasy show. thoughts
Awesome show.I like the cookie and garfield fued the most.I was hoping cookie would beat the crap out of garfield though.
Reply:only lowlifes would report this fascinating event.. what kind of moron would refuse to witness cookie monster getting his a-ss handed to him once again? damn it really sucks to be the non-wrestler "cookie"!
Reply:Great job! It sucks that it was deleted before. I'm glad you put it back on. It was great. The Cookie-Garfield feud is furtering along nicely. and Daphne kissing, Garfield was a great idea. Then you reintroduced Kermit! That was brilliant! That will make a nice feud. And I'm glad that you reminded people of the Odie-Garfield feud, because I think that even I was forgetting about it. All the other feuds were pushed along nicely, as well. once again, great job. i will have Beatdown on by the end of tonight.
Reply:Why would anyone delete this question? It has a lot to do with wrestling.
Ha ha Cookie Monster needs to go back to rehab
More Names, are they adorable also?
Jay Philip Ryan (My Last Name Incase you didn't know)
Shayna Stephanie Ryan
Renee Lexie Ryan
Rhasaan Tek Ryan
Farah Mimi Ryan
Judi Bonnie Ryan
Stuart Mickey Ryan
Brenda Lee Ryan
Charla Julie Ryan
Ed John Ryan
Joy Jo Ryan
Macdonald Tom Ryan
Christopher Bill Ryan
Madlyn Daphne Ryan
Richard Marcus Ryan
Paul Bill Ryan
Terry Richard Ryan
Maurice Sonny Ryan
Julie Lulu Ryan
More Names, are they adorable also?
Some are good; some are not good.
I love Jay, Stuart, Brenda, Joy, Christopher, Richard, Paul, Terry, and Julie (but not Lulu).
I hate Shayna, Renee Lexie, Rhasaan Tek, Farah Mimi, Bonnie, Mickey, Charla, Ed, Macdonald, Madlyn Daphne, Maurice Sonny, and Lulu.
Reply:They are different, but different is good. Just don't pick a name that when he goes to school he will be made fun of. I love the name Shayna.
Reply:I don't like ANY of these names. I gues if I had to pick one it would be Shayna. Julie Lulu is a joke. It doesn't flow together at all. Macdonald? Do you want your child to be teased? All of the other names are old and not cute at all.
Reply:Okay, like I said last time, it is your baby, your call, here's my opinion on these:
Jay Philip Ryan -no
Shayna Stephanie Ryan -no
Renee Lexie Ryan -no
Rhasaan Tek Ryan -no
Farah Mimi Ryan -no
Judi Bonnie Ryan -no
Stuart Mickey Ryan -no
Brenda Lee Ryan -that's cute
Charla Julie Ryan -no
Ed John Ryan -no
Joy Jo Ryan -no
Macdonald Tom Ryan -no way
Christopher Bill Ryan -no
Madlyn Daphne Ryan -cute
Richard Marcus Ryan -no
Paul Bill Ryan -no
Terry Richard Ryan -no
Maurice Sonny Ryan -no
Julie Lulu Ryan -no
Good Luck
Reply:i like madlyn daphne, i really like he name daphne hahhaha, my fiance hates it though
Reply:My name is Chay. my middle name is Rose. I am a white woman, 30 years old and have always had many complements on my name. It is pronounced Chay not Shay. Other names I really like are Rori, for a boy or girl. Ella. My children are Natalie Victoria and Madison Renee. I also liked Brielle, Aubrielle, Ariadne, and Sariyah. Tatiana is also cute and different. I am partial to girls names, but like the names Silas and Jonas for boys.
Reply:Yes they r
Reply:richard marcus, charla julie, and shayna stephanie are good. renee lexie is the best i think.
Reply:The cutest girl name is Shayna Stephanie Ryan.
The cutest boy name Christopher Bill Ryan.
Reply:i like Farah Mimi
Reply:what do you mean, "in case" we didn't know.
Reply:how about Madlyn Julia Ryan or Bill Thompson Ryan? Or Katherine Brook Ryan or George Paul Ryan?
Reply:i like christopher bill ryan
Reply:Renee Lexie
Richard Marcus
Maurice Sonny
Madlyn Daphne
Reply:oh my you must also be a days of our lives fan! how about E.J. Ryan?
Reply:two words
love them
Reply:Seriously you watch too many Soaps.
Out of these though I like Jay Phillip and Brenda Lee but I think she was a country singer.
Reply:None of those name have a natural flow.. they're horrible! I like Day's too but this is just insane.
Reply:Not at all.
Reply:I like them, except for Julie Lulu and Joy Jo. But they're otherwise very nice. My favorite is Madelyn Daphne, spelled that way.
Reply:ugh personally i dont like the mac donald one i like riley, julie, ricardo
Reply:I like the first one: Jay Philip Ryan :)
Reply:More soap opera names eh?
Jay Philip Ryan - ok - James Philip
Shayna Stephanie Ryan - yes
Renee Lexie Ryan - Renée Alexa
Rhasaan Tek Ryan - no
Farah Mimi Ryan - yes
Judi Bonnie Ryan - Julia Bonnie
Stuart Mickey Ryan - ok
Brenda Lee Ryan - no
Charla Julie Ryan - no
Ed John Ryan - Edward or Edmund John
Joy Jo Ryan - Joy Joanne
Macdonald Tom Ryan - no
Christopher Bill Ryan - Christopher William
Madlyn Daphne Ryan - Madelyn
Richard Marcus Ryan - ok
Paul Bill Ryan - Paul William
Terry Richard Ryan - ok
Maurice Sonny Ryan - no
Julie Lulu Ryan - Julia
Reply:Farah is a nice name for a girl.
Reply:Honestly, I don't care for most of them. They don't flow together very well. Especially dislike Joy Jo Ryan and Paul Bill Ryan.
I could go for Jay Phillip Ryan, out of all of them that sounds best to me.
Reply:A lot of the names you have there are common nicknames for full names. Some of the names I like though are:
Kierian (pronounced keer-ee-an)
Good Luck!
Reply:That's so funny, I'm watching Days of Our Lives right now... and that seems to be the muse for your middle names.
I like:
Farah Mimi Ryan (Mimi is my favorite on the show, too!)
Brenda Lee Ryan
Richard Marcus Ryan
Stuart Mickey Ryan
Reply:How about Jake (those of you born who were teens or tweens in the 1980's will laugh at that)?
Reply:My favorite is Madlyn Daphne Ryan. For a girl madlyn is a great name. You can nick name her maddy!!:) For a first name (it's pretty close to my name but i wish i was named it) i love the name Katie Lyn or Jaimee Lyn.
Reply:How bout'
Michelle Ann Ryan
Michael Steven Ryan
Shayna Stephanie Ryan
Renee Lexie Ryan
Rhasaan Tek Ryan
Farah Mimi Ryan
Judi Bonnie Ryan
Stuart Mickey Ryan
Brenda Lee Ryan
Charla Julie Ryan
Ed John Ryan
Joy Jo Ryan
Macdonald Tom Ryan
Christopher Bill Ryan
Madlyn Daphne Ryan
Richard Marcus Ryan
Paul Bill Ryan
Terry Richard Ryan
Maurice Sonny Ryan
Julie Lulu Ryan
More Names, are they adorable also?
Some are good; some are not good.
I love Jay, Stuart, Brenda, Joy, Christopher, Richard, Paul, Terry, and Julie (but not Lulu).
I hate Shayna, Renee Lexie, Rhasaan Tek, Farah Mimi, Bonnie, Mickey, Charla, Ed, Macdonald, Madlyn Daphne, Maurice Sonny, and Lulu.
Reply:They are different, but different is good. Just don't pick a name that when he goes to school he will be made fun of. I love the name Shayna.
Reply:I don't like ANY of these names. I gues if I had to pick one it would be Shayna. Julie Lulu is a joke. It doesn't flow together at all. Macdonald? Do you want your child to be teased? All of the other names are old and not cute at all.
Reply:Okay, like I said last time, it is your baby, your call, here's my opinion on these:
Jay Philip Ryan -no
Shayna Stephanie Ryan -no
Renee Lexie Ryan -no
Rhasaan Tek Ryan -no
Farah Mimi Ryan -no
Judi Bonnie Ryan -no
Stuart Mickey Ryan -no
Brenda Lee Ryan -that's cute
Charla Julie Ryan -no
Ed John Ryan -no
Joy Jo Ryan -no
Macdonald Tom Ryan -no way
Christopher Bill Ryan -no
Madlyn Daphne Ryan -cute
Richard Marcus Ryan -no
Paul Bill Ryan -no
Terry Richard Ryan -no
Maurice Sonny Ryan -no
Julie Lulu Ryan -no
Good Luck
Reply:i like madlyn daphne, i really like he name daphne hahhaha, my fiance hates it though
Reply:My name is Chay. my middle name is Rose. I am a white woman, 30 years old and have always had many complements on my name. It is pronounced Chay not Shay. Other names I really like are Rori, for a boy or girl. Ella. My children are Natalie Victoria and Madison Renee. I also liked Brielle, Aubrielle, Ariadne, and Sariyah. Tatiana is also cute and different. I am partial to girls names, but like the names Silas and Jonas for boys.
Reply:Yes they r
Reply:richard marcus, charla julie, and shayna stephanie are good. renee lexie is the best i think.
Reply:The cutest girl name is Shayna Stephanie Ryan.
The cutest boy name Christopher Bill Ryan.
Reply:i like Farah Mimi
Reply:what do you mean, "in case" we didn't know.
Reply:how about Madlyn Julia Ryan or Bill Thompson Ryan? Or Katherine Brook Ryan or George Paul Ryan?
Reply:i like christopher bill ryan
Reply:Renee Lexie
Richard Marcus
Maurice Sonny
Madlyn Daphne
Reply:oh my you must also be a days of our lives fan! how about E.J. Ryan?
Reply:two words
love them
Reply:Seriously you watch too many Soaps.
Out of these though I like Jay Phillip and Brenda Lee but I think she was a country singer.
Reply:None of those name have a natural flow.. they're horrible! I like Day's too but this is just insane.
Reply:Not at all.
Reply:I like them, except for Julie Lulu and Joy Jo. But they're otherwise very nice. My favorite is Madelyn Daphne, spelled that way.
Reply:ugh personally i dont like the mac donald one i like riley, julie, ricardo
Reply:I like the first one: Jay Philip Ryan :)
Reply:More soap opera names eh?
Jay Philip Ryan - ok - James Philip
Shayna Stephanie Ryan - yes
Renee Lexie Ryan - Renée Alexa
Rhasaan Tek Ryan - no
Farah Mimi Ryan - yes
Judi Bonnie Ryan - Julia Bonnie
Stuart Mickey Ryan - ok
Brenda Lee Ryan - no
Charla Julie Ryan - no
Ed John Ryan - Edward or Edmund John
Joy Jo Ryan - Joy Joanne
Macdonald Tom Ryan - no
Christopher Bill Ryan - Christopher William
Madlyn Daphne Ryan - Madelyn
Richard Marcus Ryan - ok
Paul Bill Ryan - Paul William
Terry Richard Ryan - ok
Maurice Sonny Ryan - no
Julie Lulu Ryan - Julia
Reply:Farah is a nice name for a girl.
Reply:Honestly, I don't care for most of them. They don't flow together very well. Especially dislike Joy Jo Ryan and Paul Bill Ryan.
I could go for Jay Phillip Ryan, out of all of them that sounds best to me.
Reply:A lot of the names you have there are common nicknames for full names. Some of the names I like though are:
Kierian (pronounced keer-ee-an)
Good Luck!
Reply:That's so funny, I'm watching Days of Our Lives right now... and that seems to be the muse for your middle names.
I like:
Farah Mimi Ryan (Mimi is my favorite on the show, too!)
Brenda Lee Ryan
Richard Marcus Ryan
Stuart Mickey Ryan
Reply:How about Jake (those of you born who were teens or tweens in the 1980's will laugh at that)?
Reply:My favorite is Madlyn Daphne Ryan. For a girl madlyn is a great name. You can nick name her maddy!!:) For a first name (it's pretty close to my name but i wish i was named it) i love the name Katie Lyn or Jaimee Lyn.
Reply:How bout'
Michelle Ann Ryan
Michael Steven Ryan
How do you hold precious moments in life?...?
so i have a good friend, she has lied to me alot, but she was my first love, and i will never hold anything against her, im very forgiving. i am trying to make a CD of songs just for her to have. so far i have
Dear God - Avenged Sevenfold
Winter (acoustic) - Bayside
Take Care - Copeland
Part Of My Past - Daphne Loves Derby
All We Ever Needed - The Early November
Discovering The Waterfront - Silverstein
Redlight Pledge - Silverstein
I would like to put something together for the memories...but i dont want it anything too big. she just lost her dad to suicide...and i want to make sure...if we ever decide to not be friends, she has those memories and doesnt forget me.
any ideas? thank you so much.
How do you hold precious moments in life?...?
I am not familiar with the types of songs that you have I'm not sure what you're going for here.
Bubbly by Colbie Calliat
Angel - Sarah McLachlan
There For You - Flyleaf
Breathe Me - Sia
Capricorn - 30 Seconds to Mars
Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol
Come Away With Me - Norah Jones
Edge of the Earth - 30 Seconds to Mars
Falls Apart - Hurt
Give You Back - Vertical Horizon
Home - Michael Buble
How to Save A Life - The Fray
I Dare You To Move - Switchfoot
One Thing - Finger Eleven
So Cold - Breaking Benjamin
Somewhere Out There - Our Lady Peace
3 Libras - A Perfect Circle
Dear God - Avenged Sevenfold
Winter (acoustic) - Bayside
Take Care - Copeland
Part Of My Past - Daphne Loves Derby
All We Ever Needed - The Early November
Discovering The Waterfront - Silverstein
Redlight Pledge - Silverstein
I would like to put something together for the memories...but i dont want it anything too big. she just lost her dad to suicide...and i want to make sure...if we ever decide to not be friends, she has those memories and doesnt forget me.
any ideas? thank you so much.
How do you hold precious moments in life?...?
I am not familiar with the types of songs that you have I'm not sure what you're going for here.
Bubbly by Colbie Calliat
Angel - Sarah McLachlan
There For You - Flyleaf
Breathe Me - Sia
Capricorn - 30 Seconds to Mars
Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol
Come Away With Me - Norah Jones
Edge of the Earth - 30 Seconds to Mars
Falls Apart - Hurt
Give You Back - Vertical Horizon
Home - Michael Buble
How to Save A Life - The Fray
I Dare You To Move - Switchfoot
One Thing - Finger Eleven
So Cold - Breaking Benjamin
Somewhere Out There - Our Lady Peace
3 Libras - A Perfect Circle
Survey?? Top 5 Greatest TV Show Hookups of the last decade?
1. Monica %26amp; Chandler (Friends)
2. Niles %26amp; Daphne (Frasier)
3. Pam %26amp; Jim (The Office)
4. Max %26amp; Logan (Dark Angel)
5. Danny %26amp; Lindsay (CSI: New York)
Survey?? Top 5 Greatest TV Show Hookups of the last decade?
1. Ross and Rachel (Friends)
2. Monica and Chandler (Friends)
3. Niles and Daphne (Frasier)
4. Lorelai and Luke (Gilmore Girls)
5. Rory and Logan (Gilmore girls)
Reply:Buffy %26amp; Angel (Angel)
Noah %26amp; Donna (Beverly Hills 90210)
Ryan %26amp; Greenlee (All My Children)
Bryant %26amp; Jen (As the World Turns)
Jordan %26amp; Jen (As the World Turns)
Reply:1.) Stephan %26amp; Kristin (Laguna Beach)
2.) Danny %26amp; Lindsay (CSI: NY)
3.) Chance %26amp; New York (I Love New York)
4.) Delicious %26amp; Flava Flav ( Flavor of Love
5.) Pumpkin %26amp; Mr.Boston (F.O.L %26amp; I Love N.Y)
Reply:Darma and Gregg
Reply:Ross and Rachel
Reply:prison break scofield and the doctor....
Reply:my picks
monica and chandler (friends
rachel and ross
niles and DAphne
Luke and Loreli Gilmore Girls
nick and Phyllis Y and R
1. Monica %26amp; Chandler (Friends)
2. Niles %26amp; Daphne (Frasier)
3. Pam %26amp; Jim (The Office)
4. Max %26amp; Logan (Dark Angel)
5. Danny %26amp; Lindsay (CSI: New York)
Survey?? Top 5 Greatest TV Show Hookups of the last decade?
1. Ross and Rachel (Friends)
2. Monica and Chandler (Friends)
3. Niles and Daphne (Frasier)
4. Lorelai and Luke (Gilmore Girls)
5. Rory and Logan (Gilmore girls)
Reply:Buffy %26amp; Angel (Angel)
Noah %26amp; Donna (Beverly Hills 90210)
Ryan %26amp; Greenlee (All My Children)
Bryant %26amp; Jen (As the World Turns)
Jordan %26amp; Jen (As the World Turns)
Reply:1.) Stephan %26amp; Kristin (Laguna Beach)
2.) Danny %26amp; Lindsay (CSI: NY)
3.) Chance %26amp; New York (I Love New York)
4.) Delicious %26amp; Flava Flav ( Flavor of Love
5.) Pumpkin %26amp; Mr.Boston (F.O.L %26amp; I Love N.Y)
Reply:Darma and Gregg
Reply:Ross and Rachel
Reply:prison break scofield and the doctor....
Reply:my picks
monica and chandler (friends
rachel and ross
niles and DAphne
Luke and Loreli Gilmore Girls
nick and Phyllis Y and R
U G L Y you aint got no alibi YOU UGLY?
what happened to DAPHNE AnD CELESTE?????
U G L Y you aint got no alibi YOU UGLY?
They got bottled off the stage at the Reading festival a few years back which is nothing more than they deserved, someone even threw a wheelchair at them which begs the question did they bring the wheelchair specifically for that purpose or did they get really annoyed and get out of it to throw it?
Reply:Who are they, well they obviously aint around no more coz who ever they are they must have bin crap k
Reply:they were too U G L Y to show their faces anymore
Reply:you looking in the mirror?
Reply:who cares?
Reply:Someone released how bad they were and cancelled their contract.
Seriously, although they released a album "We didn't say that!", no further singles were ever released. In the UK it only reached #140. They dropped out of the public eye until they completed a mini-tour last year.
Both Daphnne (real name Karen DiConcetto) and Celeste Cruz have participated in theatre work. Daphne and Celeste are currently considering a comeback, after top Euro DJ ?tzi released a 2006 mix of "Ooh Stick You!" in Austria.
Reply:classic!! and who could forget "ooh stick you, yo mama too, and your daddy!!"
daphne and celeste suck big time but they were funny x
Reply:Long gone thank god!
U G L Y you aint got no alibi YOU UGLY?
They got bottled off the stage at the Reading festival a few years back which is nothing more than they deserved, someone even threw a wheelchair at them which begs the question did they bring the wheelchair specifically for that purpose or did they get really annoyed and get out of it to throw it?
Reply:Who are they, well they obviously aint around no more coz who ever they are they must have bin crap k
Reply:they were too U G L Y to show their faces anymore
Reply:you looking in the mirror?
Reply:who cares?
Reply:Someone released how bad they were and cancelled their contract.
Seriously, although they released a album "We didn't say that!", no further singles were ever released. In the UK it only reached #140. They dropped out of the public eye until they completed a mini-tour last year.
Both Daphnne (real name Karen DiConcetto) and Celeste Cruz have participated in theatre work. Daphne and Celeste are currently considering a comeback, after top Euro DJ ?tzi released a 2006 mix of "Ooh Stick You!" in Austria.
Reply:classic!! and who could forget "ooh stick you, yo mama too, and your daddy!!"
daphne and celeste suck big time but they were funny x
Reply:Long gone thank god!
Which one of these names scream: big, bold, glam, fab, shimmery, celebrity, teen celebrity/starlet girl.....?
It's for a character in my book.
The person I need it for has she had flawless porcelain skin, glittery piercing dreamy turquiose eyes and luscious, long glossy dark brown hair
She is a famous all over the globe, spoiled, powerful, gorgeous teen Hollywood starlet (about 15 or 16)
Which one of these name describes her the most:
Which one of these names scream: big, bold, glam, fab, shimmery, celebrity, teen celebrity/starlet girl.....?
Crystal has all the other qualities but not spoiled.
Reply:You should know better than to judge a book by it's cover. A person can have any name and any qualities. Give your character a name and then make her into whomever you want her to be.
Reply:I like:
Reply:Alexandra ****
Aspin **
Aurora ***or
she is definently an "A" person
* mean Quality names
The person I need it for has she had flawless porcelain skin, glittery piercing dreamy turquiose eyes and luscious, long glossy dark brown hair
She is a famous all over the globe, spoiled, powerful, gorgeous teen Hollywood starlet (about 15 or 16)
Which one of these name describes her the most:
Which one of these names scream: big, bold, glam, fab, shimmery, celebrity, teen celebrity/starlet girl.....?
Crystal has all the other qualities but not spoiled.
Reply:You should know better than to judge a book by it's cover. A person can have any name and any qualities. Give your character a name and then make her into whomever you want her to be.
Reply:I like:
Reply:Alexandra ****
Aspin **
Aurora ***or
she is definently an "A" person
* mean Quality names
Where can i listen to audiobooks online for free?
to be specific i'm looking for the book rebecca by daphne du maurier, so if u could find a site that had this book on it i would appreciate it!! but if not, i can take names of any sites
thanks soooooo much
Where can i listen to audiobooks online for free?
Daphne du Maurier died in 1989, so her books are still under copyright. You won't, therefore, be able to find her books online for free (legally) in any form. has many authors whose works you can read online, download the text and some that have free audio versions available for download.
These are the human read English versions of books available.
These are the computer-generated voice readings of English stories available.
Reply:See if the book is on the following site, which offers many books no longer under copyright, and perhaps this one isn't... it's been around for a while, I think. Keep looking until you see "audiobooks"-- it seems to me I saw a category for those here:
Reply:just seeing if you really have other answers
thanks soooooo much
Where can i listen to audiobooks online for free?
Daphne du Maurier died in 1989, so her books are still under copyright. You won't, therefore, be able to find her books online for free (legally) in any form. has many authors whose works you can read online, download the text and some that have free audio versions available for download.
These are the human read English versions of books available.
These are the computer-generated voice readings of English stories available.
Reply:See if the book is on the following site, which offers many books no longer under copyright, and perhaps this one isn't... it's been around for a while, I think. Keep looking until you see "audiobooks"-- it seems to me I saw a category for those here:
Reply:just seeing if you really have other answers
Where can i listen to audiobooks online for free?
to be specific i'm looking for the book rebecca by daphne du maurier, so if u could find a site that had this book on it i would appreciate it!! but if not, i can take names of any sites
thanks soooooo much
Where can i listen to audiobooks online for free?
Daphne du Maurier died in 1989, so her books are still under copyright. You won't, therefore, be able to find her books online for free (legally) in any form. has many authors whose works you can read online, download the text and some that have free audio versions available for download.
These are the human read English versions of books available.
These are the computer-generated voice readings of English stories available.
Reply:See if the book is on the following site, which offers many books no longer under copyright, and perhaps this one isn't... it's been around for a while, I think. Keep looking until you see "audiobooks"-- it seems to me I saw a category for those here:
Reply:just seeing if you really have other answers
movie theatre
thanks soooooo much
Where can i listen to audiobooks online for free?
Daphne du Maurier died in 1989, so her books are still under copyright. You won't, therefore, be able to find her books online for free (legally) in any form. has many authors whose works you can read online, download the text and some that have free audio versions available for download.
These are the human read English versions of books available.
These are the computer-generated voice readings of English stories available.
Reply:See if the book is on the following site, which offers many books no longer under copyright, and perhaps this one isn't... it's been around for a while, I think. Keep looking until you see "audiobooks"-- it seems to me I saw a category for those here:
Reply:just seeing if you really have other answers
movie theatre
What are some easy songs on an acoustic guitar?
my guitar teacher wants me to pick songs that I want to learn
but i dont know if songs that I pick are hard to actually play since ive only been playing for a few months
He also wants me to pick a song that I listen to
I like:
Paramore, All Time Low, Daphne Loves Derby, Taking Back Sunday, My Chemical Romance, Cute Is What We Aim For, Boys Like Girls, Dashboard Confessionals, Dave Melillio, The Hush Sound, Jack's Manequin, Something Corporate, This Providence
What are some easy songs on an acoustic guitar?
i just NO ull pick it : )
Reply:Well a really easy song is "A Horse With No Name". Its just got 4 chords you need to know look them up on the internet.
Reply:A band very similar to those are Meg and Dia, there song are really easy to play on guitar
Reply:i know it's not on your list, but they have some really easy stuff, l;ike beginners books from john mayer.
Reply:smoke on the water, it's real easy,
Reply:Try Plain White T's - Hey there Delilah, it's really easy to play and their similar to the bands you like. Wake Me Up When September Ends by Green Day is simple. Getting Into You by Relient K is a good beginner song also. Have Fun!
Reply:there's a lot of dashboard songs that are fairly simple to play. i think living in your letters is one of them. the tuning is pretty strange, but i could explain it later maybe. but the guitar is tuned to an open d flat and all he does is use 1 string most of the time. but it's still a pretty song.
but i dont know if songs that I pick are hard to actually play since ive only been playing for a few months
He also wants me to pick a song that I listen to
I like:
Paramore, All Time Low, Daphne Loves Derby, Taking Back Sunday, My Chemical Romance, Cute Is What We Aim For, Boys Like Girls, Dashboard Confessionals, Dave Melillio, The Hush Sound, Jack's Manequin, Something Corporate, This Providence
What are some easy songs on an acoustic guitar?
i just NO ull pick it : )
Reply:Well a really easy song is "A Horse With No Name". Its just got 4 chords you need to know look them up on the internet.
Reply:A band very similar to those are Meg and Dia, there song are really easy to play on guitar
Reply:i know it's not on your list, but they have some really easy stuff, l;ike beginners books from john mayer.
Reply:smoke on the water, it's real easy,
Reply:Try Plain White T's - Hey there Delilah, it's really easy to play and their similar to the bands you like. Wake Me Up When September Ends by Green Day is simple. Getting Into You by Relient K is a good beginner song also. Have Fun!
Reply:there's a lot of dashboard songs that are fairly simple to play. i think living in your letters is one of them. the tuning is pretty strange, but i could explain it later maybe. but the guitar is tuned to an open d flat and all he does is use 1 string most of the time. but it's still a pretty song.
Out of these three names which one fits her looks?
I just got her today, she was my Valentine's Day/anniversary present from my husband...Which one of these names do you like most for her? Lucy, Daphne, or Destiny?
Out of these three names which one fits her looks?
Lucy - she's cute!
Reply:Looks like a Daphne to me.
Reply:daphne. no doubt.
Reply:Daphne will be a suitable name for a little cutie like her :D
Reply:Destiny is too grand and big for a dear tiny dog like this (I am a chihuahua freak and have three myself). "Destiny" also sounds like a character from a manga cartoon illustration. Daphne is classical and noble and I THINK she was the goddess of the hunt so it might work for a dog...they ARE hunters. Lucy is a comfortable name that will grow old well and sounds like a friend and buddy...and a little comical and crazy like Lucy RIcardo. Lucy has my vote. She is ADORABLE and cudos to your husband who really "done good" selecting a Valentine's Day present. "Chi's" are the GREATEST!!!
Reply:She looks like a Lucy. All the Lucy's I ever known, had dark hair.
Reply:defanantly daphne if not then destiny, not lucy
Reply:Lucy ......the wonder pup......and when she gets all DIVA like call her Lucinda.....
Reply:Awwww what a cutie, I think Daphne, thats a wonderful name for your little beauty.
Reply:Awww shes so cute!!! It's definetly hard picking names. I would choose either Lucy or Daphne. Either are cute. I'm not a fan of Destiny though.
Reply:OMG she is so adorable! She looks more like a Lucy to me. Good Luck!
Reply:lucy, you've got some explainin' to do
Reply:Lucy sounds best, She looks like a lucy.
Daisy should be fine too xD.
Reply:she is SOOOOO cute! i would deffinitely go with Lucy, it seems like it totally fits her...
Reply:Totally a Lucy, no questions asked!!!
Beautiful doggy you have there, congrats on the new addition!!!!!
Reply:Lucy. That's the cutest dog ever.
Reply:She is definetly a lucy!
Lucy is to common destiny is cool
Reply:i like Lucy...i think short names fit her best
Reply:Awww...... she is too adorable! Lucy is the best - she looks like a Lucy..... it is also the easiest to say, and it is little like her
shes a cute puppy
soooo jealous!!!!
Reply:Awwwwww, Definately, "Lucy"!
Reply:ima have to with daphne on this one
Reply:she looks like a Lucy. she's precious
Reply:awh its so cute!!!
lucy is the best one but id call her lilli! cus it suits her!
destiny is tacky and even though it seems unique its kinda weird nd it cant be shortened to anything.nd i think daphe is a slightly weird name for a dog like her.
Out of these three names which one fits her looks?
Lucy - she's cute!
Reply:Looks like a Daphne to me.
Reply:daphne. no doubt.
Reply:Daphne will be a suitable name for a little cutie like her :D
Reply:Destiny is too grand and big for a dear tiny dog like this (I am a chihuahua freak and have three myself). "Destiny" also sounds like a character from a manga cartoon illustration. Daphne is classical and noble and I THINK she was the goddess of the hunt so it might work for a dog...they ARE hunters. Lucy is a comfortable name that will grow old well and sounds like a friend and buddy...and a little comical and crazy like Lucy RIcardo. Lucy has my vote. She is ADORABLE and cudos to your husband who really "done good" selecting a Valentine's Day present. "Chi's" are the GREATEST!!!
Reply:She looks like a Lucy. All the Lucy's I ever known, had dark hair.
Reply:defanantly daphne if not then destiny, not lucy
Reply:Lucy ......the wonder pup......and when she gets all DIVA like call her Lucinda.....
Reply:Awwww what a cutie, I think Daphne, thats a wonderful name for your little beauty.
Reply:Awww shes so cute!!! It's definetly hard picking names. I would choose either Lucy or Daphne. Either are cute. I'm not a fan of Destiny though.
Reply:OMG she is so adorable! She looks more like a Lucy to me. Good Luck!
Reply:lucy, you've got some explainin' to do
Reply:Lucy sounds best, She looks like a lucy.
Daisy should be fine too xD.
Reply:she is SOOOOO cute! i would deffinitely go with Lucy, it seems like it totally fits her...
Reply:Totally a Lucy, no questions asked!!!
Beautiful doggy you have there, congrats on the new addition!!!!!
Reply:Lucy. That's the cutest dog ever.
Reply:She is definetly a lucy!
Lucy is to common destiny is cool
Reply:i like Lucy...i think short names fit her best
Reply:Awww...... she is too adorable! Lucy is the best - she looks like a Lucy..... it is also the easiest to say, and it is little like her
shes a cute puppy
soooo jealous!!!!
Reply:Awwwwww, Definately, "Lucy"!
Reply:ima have to with daphne on this one
Reply:she looks like a Lucy. she's precious
Reply:awh its so cute!!!
lucy is the best one but id call her lilli! cus it suits her!
destiny is tacky and even though it seems unique its kinda weird nd it cant be shortened to anything.nd i think daphe is a slightly weird name for a dog like her.
HELP with halloweeen costume!!!?
I'm being Daphne from Scooby doo, and just found the perfect boots, except they are red. They are similar to these, except mine are a high quality leather:
Anyone know how I can dye them so that they look more like this?...
HELP with halloweeen costume!!!?
far as i know u cant dye leather
Reply:u cant dye leather
Reply:Complete instructions at source.
(scroll down). It sounds so involved and those are beautiful red boots. Couldn't Daphne have more than set of boots? I'd leave them alone.
When the leather has a lacquer coating, a lacquer solvent should be used before using Dye-Prep.When changing for a previously dyed color, it is best to do it in two steps. First neutralize the original color with an intermediate color. Then repeat the dyeing process with the final color desired. For example: From Red into Black, first Green, then Black.
Reply:I don't think that's going to be possible.
Reply:My first instinct was to say paint them, but that depends on how much money you spent on the. If they were a thirfty find then it wouldn't be a big deal. If you spent a pretty penny on them then you might want to go through the actual leather dying process.
Below is a link to a site that sells leather dye. I'm sure many other places sell leather dye (try craft stores) I just wanted you to see an example of what you can find:
And this link takes you to in depth directions on how to dye leather step by step:
If that all seems like too much and you do decide to paint them an acrylic paint is your best bet.
I hope your costume turns out well!
Reply:If your boots aren't shiny like the ones in the picture, and are just leather, you can try shoe polish. I used to shine shoes for a living, and you can change the color of shoes slightly by using the stuff.
You would need to get some white shoe polish, and NOT the liquid kind in a bottle. Get a big can of white, a shoe polish brush, and a rag.
Put the polish on in circles, using a damp sponge, allow it to dry, and then brush it off. The best way to do that with these types of boots would be to put your arm in the boot to hold it up, using your other hand to brush.
Repeat this process several times, until you think that they're the right color, then buff them with a rag to make them shiny and get the brush strokes out.
I hope that works for you, good luck!
Reply:you can't dye leather but you could probably paint them.
Anyone know how I can dye them so that they look more like this?...
HELP with halloweeen costume!!!?
far as i know u cant dye leather
Reply:u cant dye leather
Reply:Complete instructions at source.
(scroll down). It sounds so involved and those are beautiful red boots. Couldn't Daphne have more than set of boots? I'd leave them alone.
When the leather has a lacquer coating, a lacquer solvent should be used before using Dye-Prep.When changing for a previously dyed color, it is best to do it in two steps. First neutralize the original color with an intermediate color. Then repeat the dyeing process with the final color desired. For example: From Red into Black, first Green, then Black.
Reply:I don't think that's going to be possible.
Reply:My first instinct was to say paint them, but that depends on how much money you spent on the. If they were a thirfty find then it wouldn't be a big deal. If you spent a pretty penny on them then you might want to go through the actual leather dying process.
Below is a link to a site that sells leather dye. I'm sure many other places sell leather dye (try craft stores) I just wanted you to see an example of what you can find:
And this link takes you to in depth directions on how to dye leather step by step:
If that all seems like too much and you do decide to paint them an acrylic paint is your best bet.
I hope your costume turns out well!
Reply:If your boots aren't shiny like the ones in the picture, and are just leather, you can try shoe polish. I used to shine shoes for a living, and you can change the color of shoes slightly by using the stuff.
You would need to get some white shoe polish, and NOT the liquid kind in a bottle. Get a big can of white, a shoe polish brush, and a rag.
Put the polish on in circles, using a damp sponge, allow it to dry, and then brush it off. The best way to do that with these types of boots would be to put your arm in the boot to hold it up, using your other hand to brush.
Repeat this process several times, until you think that they're the right color, then buff them with a rag to make them shiny and get the brush strokes out.
I hope that works for you, good luck!
Reply:you can't dye leather but you could probably paint them.
Do you like these bands?
Meg %26amp; Dia
The Like
Daphne Loves Derby
thanks =]
i love love love Meg %26amp; Dia. their song Monster is my fav fav fav
Reply:Love Meg and Dia. Never heard of the rest of em.
Meg %26amp; Dia
The Like
Daphne Loves Derby
thanks =]
i love love love Meg %26amp; Dia. their song Monster is my fav fav fav
Reply:Love Meg and Dia. Never heard of the rest of em.
How many finch species are there on Pinta in the Galapagos?
There are different numbers of finches on the islands in the Glapagos, for example, two on Daphne Major, but I can't find how many there are on Pinta or Marchena
How many finch species are there on Pinta in the Galapagos?
As of 1986, there were 9 breeding /probably breeding species of finch on Pinta and 7 on Marchena. Here's a chart listing the scientific name of each species of finch showing the islands and the status of the finches (near the bottom of the web page):
By the way, they are evolving literally before scientists eyes:
Reply:just 4
Reply:You must live one exciting life
How many finch species are there on Pinta in the Galapagos?
As of 1986, there were 9 breeding /probably breeding species of finch on Pinta and 7 on Marchena. Here's a chart listing the scientific name of each species of finch showing the islands and the status of the finches (near the bottom of the web page):
By the way, they are evolving literally before scientists eyes:
Reply:just 4
Reply:You must live one exciting life
Which character would you describe yourself as?
Out of the Scooby Doo gang!!
1) Scooby Doo
2) Shaggy
3) Fred
4) Velma
5) Daphne
((and dare I add..... ))
6) Scrappy Doo?! (lol)
Which character would you describe yourself as?
None of them, I'm the evil villain wearing the dodgy disguise.
Reply:Scooby Doo
Reply:You forgot about that other dude with the bike that always wants to screw up their plans!
But I don't think I'm any of the scooby characters lol
Reply:Velma. I look at things logically and tend to be more down to earth. I step back and take a good look at things before coming to a conclusion. Plus, I'm short!
Reply:Shaggy for me !
Reply:daphne coz she loves fashion as much as me!!! lol xx
Reply:I'm Velma, totally a lesbian in disguise i am, just need some glasses.
Reply:I always wanted to be Daphne.
Reply:Definitely Shaggy,yoinks!
Reply:shaggy cause I love food
Reply:Velma...I know I know it's sad.
Reply:I'd have to be Scooby Doo. Where do I get a scooby snack?
Reply:scooby doo, that's me!!
Reply:Daphne, cause "I'm Hot"!!!
Reply:Shaggy without the pot.
Reply:None, because I can't stand the programme.
Reply:What about the girl dog and scoobys brother?
Reply:I would go with Daphne. Beacuse I like fashion have red hair and can be stuck up at times.
Reply:Scooby Doo I am a complete wimp!!!! My boyfriend is shaggy!!!
1) Scooby Doo
2) Shaggy
3) Fred
4) Velma
5) Daphne
((and dare I add..... ))
6) Scrappy Doo?! (lol)
Which character would you describe yourself as?
None of them, I'm the evil villain wearing the dodgy disguise.
Reply:Scooby Doo
Reply:You forgot about that other dude with the bike that always wants to screw up their plans!
But I don't think I'm any of the scooby characters lol
Reply:Velma. I look at things logically and tend to be more down to earth. I step back and take a good look at things before coming to a conclusion. Plus, I'm short!
Reply:Shaggy for me !
Reply:daphne coz she loves fashion as much as me!!! lol xx
Reply:I'm Velma, totally a lesbian in disguise i am, just need some glasses.
Reply:I always wanted to be Daphne.
Reply:Definitely Shaggy,yoinks!
Reply:shaggy cause I love food
Reply:Velma...I know I know it's sad.
Reply:I'd have to be Scooby Doo. Where do I get a scooby snack?
Reply:scooby doo, that's me!!
Reply:Daphne, cause "I'm Hot"!!!
Reply:Shaggy without the pot.
Reply:None, because I can't stand the programme.
Reply:What about the girl dog and scoobys brother?
Reply:I would go with Daphne. Beacuse I like fashion have red hair and can be stuck up at times.
Reply:Scooby Doo I am a complete wimp!!!! My boyfriend is shaggy!!!
Edit Paragraph Please?
There is a picture that shows a heart carved around couples, such as, Apollo and Daphne, Cupid and Psyche, Venus and Adonis, Pygmalion and Galatea, Orpheus and Eurydice, and Hero and Leander. But there is just a heart carved around Narcissus' name. The humor of the cartoon is that Narcissus loves himself. I need to write a well-developed paragraph of two hundred words that explains the humor in this cartoon. So far, I used about 125 words. What else can I add? Can you edit my paragrah and tell me what I can add?
Engraving their names onto the hard bark of a tree, love-struck couples express their devoting love for one another. A heart carves around one person’s name in particular, Narcissus. “His beauty was so great, all the girls who saw him longed to be his, but he would have none of them” (Hamilton 91). The stunning youth continues with his cruelty. The goddess of justice and vengeance, Nemesis, hears the prayers of the nymphs Narcissus scorns and decides to arrange the handsome lad to fall in love with himself. “As Narcissus bent over a clear pool for a drink and saw there his own reflection, on the moment he fell in love with it” (92).
The humor of this cartoon explains that Narcissus loves himself.
Edit Paragraph Please?
Paragraph 3: "devoting love" = devotion, and change carves to carved.
Then we have the example of one name, standing alone, with no companion - Narcissus. ... As Hamilton describes Narcissus' life, we see that to love oneself above all others leads only to misery and self-destruction. Narcissus carved a heart around his name alone, and alone he would remain for all time. This was the justice Nemesis decreed for Narcissus. His self-love resulted in his being alone forever. Remember, Nemesis in modern English, means "unbeatable foe" and she made sure that Narcissus would never be happy. It wasn't just his self-love that doomed him. It was his treatment of the women who desired him. He treated them with scorn and cruelty - in favor of HIMSELF! Perhaps this is a lesson for us - treat all others kindly, whether you are attracted to them or not. You might find yourself attracted to their personality or intellect. Looks aren't everything.
This isn't much, but I hope it helps. Good Luck!
Reply:Hi mcn - I don't if I would call it humorous as much as ironic and a waste. He only loved his own reflection because Nemesis, the Goddess of Rhamnus, put a spell/curse on him (at the request of women scorned) that he may "love one day, so, himself, and not win over the creature whom he loves." On one hand there is rapture at the sight of a non object, simple product of the eyes' mistake; on the other, there is the power of the image, "what you seek is nowhere. The vision is only shadow, only reflection, lacking any substance. It comes with you, it stays with you, it goes away with you, if you can go away."
In the end, of course, he dies at the edge of the looking pool, and Ovid adds, "Even in Hell he found a pool to gaze in, watching his image in the Stygian waters;" When mourners, whose lamentations Echo repeats, prepare the funeral pile and seek his body, "they found nothing." Through a strange resurrection, the narcissus flower has taken his place.
The moral of the story is get over yourself, and look to love and help others. However many years he had, he wasted them. It was all an illusion, and he got what was coming to him. I still don't think it's humorous as much as it illustrates a point that no one person is the center of his/her own universe. I've listed a few links that might be helpful to you.
(former lit major)
Reply:Well, you're only 75 words short....Some minor editing notes though- may want to change "onto the hard bark..." to "into". Maybe change "devoting love for one another" to "love and devotion to one another". Perhaps change the second sentence to something like "One person in particular has a heart carved around his name, though he is lacking the name of a companion. His name is Narcissus." The sentence "The stunning youth continues with his cruelty" seems a little awkward there...I think you can elaborate on the last sentence a little more. Perhaps something like "And so you see, Narcissus doesn't need the name of another person for which he is smitten to have a heart on the tree like the other couples. He is in love with himself, and so is his own companion, that is where the humor of this cartoon lies". Good luck with your essay!
Reply:You need to take an English course or find a tutor.
Reply:I'll give you a well-edited essay about that for a dollar. Err, more like I'll help you write one (so it's not plagiarism)... still a dollar.
Reply:maybe you can tell how he loves himself and where that leads him.....
Engraving their names onto the hard bark of a tree, love-struck couples express their devoting love for one another. A heart carves around one person’s name in particular, Narcissus. “His beauty was so great, all the girls who saw him longed to be his, but he would have none of them” (Hamilton 91). The stunning youth continues with his cruelty. The goddess of justice and vengeance, Nemesis, hears the prayers of the nymphs Narcissus scorns and decides to arrange the handsome lad to fall in love with himself. “As Narcissus bent over a clear pool for a drink and saw there his own reflection, on the moment he fell in love with it” (92).
The humor of this cartoon explains that Narcissus loves himself.
Edit Paragraph Please?
Paragraph 3: "devoting love" = devotion, and change carves to carved.
Then we have the example of one name, standing alone, with no companion - Narcissus. ... As Hamilton describes Narcissus' life, we see that to love oneself above all others leads only to misery and self-destruction. Narcissus carved a heart around his name alone, and alone he would remain for all time. This was the justice Nemesis decreed for Narcissus. His self-love resulted in his being alone forever. Remember, Nemesis in modern English, means "unbeatable foe" and she made sure that Narcissus would never be happy. It wasn't just his self-love that doomed him. It was his treatment of the women who desired him. He treated them with scorn and cruelty - in favor of HIMSELF! Perhaps this is a lesson for us - treat all others kindly, whether you are attracted to them or not. You might find yourself attracted to their personality or intellect. Looks aren't everything.
This isn't much, but I hope it helps. Good Luck!
Reply:Hi mcn - I don't if I would call it humorous as much as ironic and a waste. He only loved his own reflection because Nemesis, the Goddess of Rhamnus, put a spell/curse on him (at the request of women scorned) that he may "love one day, so, himself, and not win over the creature whom he loves." On one hand there is rapture at the sight of a non object, simple product of the eyes' mistake; on the other, there is the power of the image, "what you seek is nowhere. The vision is only shadow, only reflection, lacking any substance. It comes with you, it stays with you, it goes away with you, if you can go away."
In the end, of course, he dies at the edge of the looking pool, and Ovid adds, "Even in Hell he found a pool to gaze in, watching his image in the Stygian waters;" When mourners, whose lamentations Echo repeats, prepare the funeral pile and seek his body, "they found nothing." Through a strange resurrection, the narcissus flower has taken his place.
The moral of the story is get over yourself, and look to love and help others. However many years he had, he wasted them. It was all an illusion, and he got what was coming to him. I still don't think it's humorous as much as it illustrates a point that no one person is the center of his/her own universe. I've listed a few links that might be helpful to you.
(former lit major)
Reply:Well, you're only 75 words short....Some minor editing notes though- may want to change "onto the hard bark..." to "into". Maybe change "devoting love for one another" to "love and devotion to one another". Perhaps change the second sentence to something like "One person in particular has a heart carved around his name, though he is lacking the name of a companion. His name is Narcissus." The sentence "The stunning youth continues with his cruelty" seems a little awkward there...I think you can elaborate on the last sentence a little more. Perhaps something like "And so you see, Narcissus doesn't need the name of another person for which he is smitten to have a heart on the tree like the other couples. He is in love with himself, and so is his own companion, that is where the humor of this cartoon lies". Good luck with your essay!
Reply:You need to take an English course or find a tutor.
Reply:I'll give you a well-edited essay about that for a dollar. Err, more like I'll help you write one (so it's not plagiarism)... still a dollar.
Reply:maybe you can tell how he loves himself and where that leads him.....
Have you heard of/do you like these bands?
Meg %26amp; Dia
The Like
Daphne Loves Derby
Silversun Pickups
Dear And The Headlights
Straylight Run
Self Against City
If not... give them a try! I assure you they're definitely worth listening to =]
Have you heard of/do you like these bands?
Reply:i love meg %26amp; dia, daphne loves derby, and self against city. :D
i'll have to check the other ones out.
Reply:omg i love Self Against City and Dear And The Headlights
i think you would like the automatic they are awesome
Reply:I've heard of Straylight Run because they have flyers all over my campus advertising some concert. I've also heard of Dear and the Headlights because they are a local band here.
I don't really like punk music, so I don't really like these bands.
Reply:I'll give a listen.... but I'm trying to find out more about ....rumour is that he's the lead singer of Farechild ( but I can't find any information online
Reply:no i havent but am sure to check them out! thanks
Reply:they all suck. seriously.
Reply:Never heard of any of them and I don't feel like listening to them.
Reply:No. I haven't.
Reply:Never heard of any of them but I will try to check them out.
Reply:Ehhh never heard of them! But hey I like to explore new people so I will check them out! :D
Reply:meg and dia, straylight run and the like are all amazing. i will def. check out the others. may i also recomend to you The Automatic Loveletter.
Reply:Meg %26amp; dia, and Silversun Pickups
:) love them!!
and i'll give the other ones a try!
Reply:i love Straylight Run and Self Against City. i have posters of them both in my room. Ive never heard of any of the others.
Reply:the only one i like is straylight run.
Reply:I only know The Like, and I like them.
Reply:Never heard of them. Nope, current music is all generic and spewed out by people who have horrible voices. Only with audio enchancing technology do they sound good. Everyone's trying to be popular and make a quick buck. Doesn't anyone make music because they want to?
fabric boot
The Like
Daphne Loves Derby
Silversun Pickups
Dear And The Headlights
Straylight Run
Self Against City
If not... give them a try! I assure you they're definitely worth listening to =]
Have you heard of/do you like these bands?
Reply:i love meg %26amp; dia, daphne loves derby, and self against city. :D
i'll have to check the other ones out.
Reply:omg i love Self Against City and Dear And The Headlights
i think you would like the automatic they are awesome
Reply:I've heard of Straylight Run because they have flyers all over my campus advertising some concert. I've also heard of Dear and the Headlights because they are a local band here.
I don't really like punk music, so I don't really like these bands.
Reply:I'll give a listen.... but I'm trying to find out more about ....rumour is that he's the lead singer of Farechild ( but I can't find any information online
Reply:no i havent but am sure to check them out! thanks
Reply:they all suck. seriously.
Reply:Never heard of any of them and I don't feel like listening to them.
Reply:No. I haven't.
Reply:Never heard of any of them but I will try to check them out.
Reply:Ehhh never heard of them! But hey I like to explore new people so I will check them out! :D
Reply:meg and dia, straylight run and the like are all amazing. i will def. check out the others. may i also recomend to you The Automatic Loveletter.
Reply:Meg %26amp; dia, and Silversun Pickups
:) love them!!
and i'll give the other ones a try!
Reply:i love Straylight Run and Self Against City. i have posters of them both in my room. Ive never heard of any of the others.
Reply:the only one i like is straylight run.
Reply:I only know The Like, and I like them.
Reply:Never heard of them. Nope, current music is all generic and spewed out by people who have horrible voices. Only with audio enchancing technology do they sound good. Everyone's trying to be popular and make a quick buck. Doesn't anyone make music because they want to?
fabric boot
So i have to do a compare and contast essay for school.?
what i have to do is compare and contrast the film the birds by alfred hitchcock and the short story written by daphne du maurier. can any of you tell me how i should start my introduction? im not really clear on what it should be. please and thank you VERY VERY much!
So i have to do a compare and contast essay for school.?
I'd start by introducing the two things you're comparing. Say like... "The film, 'The Birds' by A. H. is a film explaining the natural instincts of what birds do.. blah blah blah" or whatever it's about. Then say something like "This film is contrasted by "insert short story title here" which is about... blah blah blah.
Then go into a few points about each and how they differ from each other. what makes them the same, yet very different?
So i have to do a compare and contast essay for school.?
I'd start by introducing the two things you're comparing. Say like... "The film, 'The Birds' by A. H. is a film explaining the natural instincts of what birds do.. blah blah blah" or whatever it's about. Then say something like "This film is contrasted by "insert short story title here" which is about... blah blah blah.
Then go into a few points about each and how they differ from each other. what makes them the same, yet very different?
Have you heard of/do you like these bands?
Meg %26amp; Dia
The Like
Daphne Loves Derby
Silversun Pickups
Dear And The Headlights
Straylight Run
Self Against City
If not... give them a try! I assure you they're definitely worth listening to =]
Have you heard of/do you like these bands?
yea i have
i only like
self against city but not much
Reply:I love Self against city!
Daphne Loves derby is okay.
Mag %26amp; Dia is kinda annoying and Silversun pickups only have one good song.
The rest I do not know.
Reply:daphne loves derby= :3
Reply:I'm a huge fan of Meg %26amp; Dia and I really like Sraylight Run, thanks for the suggestons, I'll check out the other ones!
Reply:Not really into those kind of music
Reply:ik Meg %26amp; Dia, Silversun Pickups and Straylight Run although they arent really my thing... i like harder stuff
The Like
Daphne Loves Derby
Silversun Pickups
Dear And The Headlights
Straylight Run
Self Against City
If not... give them a try! I assure you they're definitely worth listening to =]
Have you heard of/do you like these bands?
yea i have
i only like
self against city but not much
Reply:I love Self against city!
Daphne Loves derby is okay.
Mag %26amp; Dia is kinda annoying and Silversun pickups only have one good song.
The rest I do not know.
Reply:daphne loves derby= :3
Reply:I'm a huge fan of Meg %26amp; Dia and I really like Sraylight Run, thanks for the suggestons, I'll check out the other ones!
Reply:Not really into those kind of music
Reply:ik Meg %26amp; Dia, Silversun Pickups and Straylight Run although they arent really my thing... i like harder stuff
Because I said So Soundtrack?
What was the last song that the girls sang at Daphne's wedding? Whos the artist orginally? and where can i find lyrics.
Because I said So Soundtrack?
that's all right mama by rick nelson...
it says so here:
Well that's alright mama
That's alright with you
Any way you do, well that's alright
That's alright
That's alright now mama, any way you do
Well mama she done told me
Papa done told me too
Son, that girl you're foolin' with
She ain't no good for you
Well that's alright
That's alright
That's alright now mama, any way you do
I'm leavin' town my baby
Leavin' town for sure
Then you won't be bothered with me
Hangin' 'round your door
Well that's alright
That's alright
That's alright now mama, any way you do
Well that's alright now mama, any way you do
Because I said So Soundtrack?
that's all right mama by rick nelson...
it says so here:
Well that's alright mama
That's alright with you
Any way you do, well that's alright
That's alright
That's alright now mama, any way you do
Well mama she done told me
Papa done told me too
Son, that girl you're foolin' with
She ain't no good for you
Well that's alright
That's alright
That's alright now mama, any way you do
I'm leavin' town my baby
Leavin' town for sure
Then you won't be bothered with me
Hangin' 'round your door
Well that's alright
That's alright
That's alright now mama, any way you do
Well that's alright now mama, any way you do
Similar songs to..?
im looking for some slow soft songs with a similar vibe to that of songs like
you are mine - mute math
you are the moon - the hush sound
almost lover - a fine frenzy
the calming soft soothing but sweet?
and also similar to the warm calm feelings potrayed by
all songs by colbie caillat and jason reeves
cue the sun - daphne loves derbe
please help?
Similar songs to..?
James Blunt's "Goodbye My Lover" has that same sad, romantic, slow, quality as "Almost Lover".
- "Wild Child" by Enya
- "1973" by James Blunt
- "Why Georgia" by John Mayer
- "Come Away With me" by Norah Jones
- "Out of my Heart" by BBMAK
- "My Immortal" by Evanescence
- "Beautiful Disaster" by Kelly Clarkson
Reply:Try "Just Like Heaven" by Katie Melua. It is great!
Reply:I haven't heard those songs you mentioned... but Love Me Tender by Elvis Presley is really soft and kinda sad. Also Memories, Can't Help Falling In Love, and Are You Lonesome Tonight. All by Elvis Presley and they are soft and some have made me cry.
Reply:Sorry by Maria Mena
Calm under the waves by Maria Mena
Bring me flowers by Hope
Soulmate by Natasha Bedingfiled is an amazing song also!
Reply:Ride by Cary Brothers
Naked As We Came by Iron and Wine
Falling Slowly by Glen Hansard %26amp; Marketa Irglova
Be Be Your Love by Rachael Yamagata
I'll Catch You by The Get Up Kids
First Day Of My Life by Bright eyes
Elevator Love Letter by Stars
Reply:Have you tried Alice Peacock? Some of her stuff is like that, not all.
mobility scooter
you are mine - mute math
you are the moon - the hush sound
almost lover - a fine frenzy
the calming soft soothing but sweet?
and also similar to the warm calm feelings potrayed by
all songs by colbie caillat and jason reeves
cue the sun - daphne loves derbe
please help?
Similar songs to..?
James Blunt's "Goodbye My Lover" has that same sad, romantic, slow, quality as "Almost Lover".
- "Wild Child" by Enya
- "1973" by James Blunt
- "Why Georgia" by John Mayer
- "Come Away With me" by Norah Jones
- "Out of my Heart" by BBMAK
- "My Immortal" by Evanescence
- "Beautiful Disaster" by Kelly Clarkson
Reply:Try "Just Like Heaven" by Katie Melua. It is great!
Reply:I haven't heard those songs you mentioned... but Love Me Tender by Elvis Presley is really soft and kinda sad. Also Memories, Can't Help Falling In Love, and Are You Lonesome Tonight. All by Elvis Presley and they are soft and some have made me cry.
Reply:Sorry by Maria Mena
Calm under the waves by Maria Mena
Bring me flowers by Hope
Soulmate by Natasha Bedingfiled is an amazing song also!
Reply:Ride by Cary Brothers
Naked As We Came by Iron and Wine
Falling Slowly by Glen Hansard %26amp; Marketa Irglova
Be Be Your Love by Rachael Yamagata
I'll Catch You by The Get Up Kids
First Day Of My Life by Bright eyes
Elevator Love Letter by Stars
Reply:Have you tried Alice Peacock? Some of her stuff is like that, not all.
mobility scooter
OH MY GOD... help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
i sooo want to be like Daphne Blake from scooby Doo! how can i do that! how should i be?
OH MY GOD... help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
have a reddish hair and wear a lot purple and look pretty
Reply:draw a cartoon of yourself
OH MY GOD... help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
have a reddish hair and wear a lot purple and look pretty
Reply:draw a cartoon of yourself
Heres a BIG QUESTION for all the RENTHEADS out there!!?
my friend and I (2 of the biggest rentheads!) fought about this all night long once:
Who is better at the role of Mimi? Rosario Dawson (the movie Mimi) or Daphne Rubin Vega (the original Mimi?)
Who do u think has more chemistry with Roger (Adam Pascal)??
Heres a BIG QUESTION for all the RENTHEADS out there!!?
I haven't watched the show or whatever it is, so I don't know who's better for the part. But I googled for their pictures and as far as I can tell (judging by their appearance), I think Daphne Rubin Vega has more chemistry with Adam Pascal. Rosario Dawson's and Adam Pascal's personalities just don't seem to... be compatible somehow. But that's just a guy's opinion (lol).
Reply:Rosario Dawson (the movie Mimi)
Who is better at the role of Mimi? Rosario Dawson (the movie Mimi) or Daphne Rubin Vega (the original Mimi?)
Who do u think has more chemistry with Roger (Adam Pascal)??
Heres a BIG QUESTION for all the RENTHEADS out there!!?
I haven't watched the show or whatever it is, so I don't know who's better for the part. But I googled for their pictures and as far as I can tell (judging by their appearance), I think Daphne Rubin Vega has more chemistry with Adam Pascal. Rosario Dawson's and Adam Pascal's personalities just don't seem to... be compatible somehow. But that's just a guy's opinion (lol).
Reply:Rosario Dawson (the movie Mimi)
What do you think of my baby names. comment why or why not you dont like them?
Sienna Cheyenne Archer
Daphne Elizabeth Archer
Charlotte Daisy Archer
Matilda Lane Archer
Jayla Nicole Archer
Jacob Riley Archer
Samuel Draven Archer
Brenden Jacob Archer
Cameron Jedediah Archer
What do you think of my baby names. comment why or why not you dont like them?
i like matilda and cameron but not their middle names
jayla sounds made up daphne is old fashioned and charlotte is very common place
brendan is very irish and samuel and jacob were popular about twenty years ago
but names are a personal choice - draven and lane sound like surnames
Reply:Jayla is my favorite for a girl. Nicole I don't care for. I know of a newly born baby girl named Riley. Your choices for boys ,my favorite is Brenden and Cameron. I picked these names from your list because I like cute and different names. I feel these are cute and different , without being to different. From my personal experience I suggest having an open mind until the baby is born. Have 2- 3 names in mind. After the baby is born and the 2 of you are alone (you and the baby) talk to him / her and see if you get any sign from the baby. I did this with my children I had a few different choices, so I called them by each name several time. Strange as it is they did look at me when called by the name I feel they preferred. My choice for a daughter was Dana Leigh, I was going to call her Dainty. When she was born her birth weight was 9lb 1oz.. I felt there was nothing Dainty about a 9 pound baby, so that is something for you to also consider. After the child is born do you feel the child fits the name. I would like to know your baby name after the child is born, if you want to share it with me contact me at or midnightrocker814 -- yahoo messenger.
Best wishes to you and your new family.
Reply:Sienna Cheyenne Archer - great flow, but its not my style. I dislike Cheyenne and even find it a little disrespectful
Daphne Elizabeth - very pretty
Charlotte Daisy - Charlotte Margaret would be better. Daisy is a nickname, not a given name and I don't think it sounds great in the name
Matilda Lane Archer - Great flow! I like this
Jayla Nicole Archer - It sounds really dated and like a girl from the 80s. Jayla isn't pretty at all in my opinion, and Nicole is kind of dated, and not very nice. Jane Nicolette might be an updated version
Jacob Riley Archer - Jacob Archer is a great name. Riley, not so much. Its too trendy for such a great name like Jacob!
Samuel Draven - I'm assuming Draven is a family name, but otherwise its not a great name for Samuel.
Brenden Jacob - Brendan (the correct spelling) Jacob would be better
Cameron Jedidiah - Nope. Cameron is too trendy and its become way too feminie. Jedidiah, I feel, is like the parents are pushing a little too hard to get a Biblical name in.
My favorites are Matilda Lane and Samuel Draven or Brendan Jacob
Reply:Matilda (Tillie) is adorable and is definitely my favorite. I even like Lane, except I would use the spelling Laine (unless of course Lane is a family name).
Next favorite would be Charlotte Daisy. I adore the nickname Lottie. Daisy is nice as a nickname for Margaret, and that's the only way I (personally) would use it. I understand you really can't use Charlotte Margaret because of the similar sound, so I would probably change it to Charlotte Elizabeth (since Elizabeth is on your list as well).
There isn't anything wrong with Daphne or Nicole...they just aren't my style. Jayla is a little too trendy for my taste. I don't like Sienna Cheyenne at all, sorry.
As far as the boys, I really like Cameron (Cam), Samuel (Sam, Sammy, Sonny). Both names are cute for a little boy and equally appropriate for an adult.
The names Jacob, Riley, and Brenden(an) are too trendy at the moment. Draven and Jedediah aren't my style.
Best of luck to you.
Reply:Actually I like combinations of yours:
Daphne Lane
Jayla Nicole
Riley Draven
Draven Jacob
Draven Riley
Hope this helps = )
Reply:I like Sienna Cheyenne and Jacob Riley best.
Reply:Love these:
Matilda Lane Archer - timeless, classical, spunky, fun, good nicknames. Favorite nickname is Tilly
Charlotte Daisy Archer - timeless classical, love the middle name also, like the nickname Lottie a lot.
Daphne Elizabeth Archer - again, timeliess, classical, funky also. Love it paired with the more traditional Elizabeth
Sienna Cheyenne Archer - I would like this more if their weren't a famous actress with the name. That's enough to make me not want to use it. And I don't like it paired with Cheyenne at all. Would be better with different middle name.
Jayla Nicole Archer - Dislike this one the most. Jayla is a made-up, trendy name that will be dated. Go with one of your other choices. Nicole is a filler middle name in my opinion.
Samuel Draven Archer - Don't like Draven, Like Samuel. Other suggestions with el as the ending: Cael, Gabriel, Raphael
Jacob Riley Archer - Jacob is so popular, Prefer Caleb or Jonah.
Brenden Jacob Archer - I like the name. Names starting with Br are overused in my opinion, but of the Br names, Brendan and Brennan are the nicest.
Cameron Jedediah Archer - Like the name. Don't like that girls are starting to use. I like the middle name. Alternatives: Connor, Cian, Clayton, Caspian, Cullen
My choices would be if I could mix and match.
Matilda Daisy %26amp; Samuel Brendan (Love Matilda Daisy and like Samuel Brendan a lot)
Best of luck to you!
Reply:OHHH, Charlotte Daisy is beautiful
Cameron Jedediah is awesome
Reply:My take...
Girl: Sienna Elizabeth or Sienna Nicole (some switching)
Boy: Brenden Jacob or Cameron Drayer (slight chg.)
Reply:Daphne and Charlotte sound British and are cute.
Cameron's cool.
*Brenden isn't the right way to spell it. People may be confused. I'd go with Brendan.
Reply:Burnt sienna is the name of a crayola color.
Reply:I only like Daphne or Matilda... but then I only like Matilda if the full name will be used, and not shortened to something like Mattie or Tilly....
Sorry - all the boys are too common and overused.... Draven would be better as a first name.
Reply:Sienna Cheyenne Archer is pretty(8)
Daphne Elizabeth is okay(6)
Sienna Elizabeth Archer I like better (9)
Matilda Lane Archer, (7)
Jayl Nicole Archer (8)
Jacob Riley Archer (7)
Samuel Draven Archer (7)
Samuel Jacob (8)
Brenden Jacob Archer(9)
Cameron Jedediah Archer (7)
Cameron Riley Archer (9)
I like most of the names. Some of the middle names I was not crazy about
Reply:I love Jayla nicole... it is so unique and beautiful. the other girls names are all nice too, there just not my style. For the boys i like Brenden Jacob because i think the first and middle name flow well together. i also like Jacob as the first name.
Reply:Sienna Cheyenne Archer-nice i love the oniginal middle name.
Daphne Elizabeth Archer-not too crazy for daphne but its you choice.
Charlotte Daisy Archer-no,sounds like a hill-billy farm girl(sorry that was a little mean)
Matilda Lane Archer-never heared of lane but cute!
Jayla Nicole Archer-my favorite!
Jacob Riley Archer-wonderful, i like odd names though and jacob is VERY popular
Samuel Draven Archer-dont like draven
Brenden Jacob Archer-nice
Cameron Jedediah Archer- whats a Jedediah?
Daphne Elizabeth Archer
Charlotte Daisy Archer
Matilda Lane Archer
Jayla Nicole Archer
Jacob Riley Archer
Samuel Draven Archer
Brenden Jacob Archer
Cameron Jedediah Archer
What do you think of my baby names. comment why or why not you dont like them?
i like matilda and cameron but not their middle names
jayla sounds made up daphne is old fashioned and charlotte is very common place
brendan is very irish and samuel and jacob were popular about twenty years ago
but names are a personal choice - draven and lane sound like surnames
Reply:Jayla is my favorite for a girl. Nicole I don't care for. I know of a newly born baby girl named Riley. Your choices for boys ,my favorite is Brenden and Cameron. I picked these names from your list because I like cute and different names. I feel these are cute and different , without being to different. From my personal experience I suggest having an open mind until the baby is born. Have 2- 3 names in mind. After the baby is born and the 2 of you are alone (you and the baby) talk to him / her and see if you get any sign from the baby. I did this with my children I had a few different choices, so I called them by each name several time. Strange as it is they did look at me when called by the name I feel they preferred. My choice for a daughter was Dana Leigh, I was going to call her Dainty. When she was born her birth weight was 9lb 1oz.. I felt there was nothing Dainty about a 9 pound baby, so that is something for you to also consider. After the child is born do you feel the child fits the name. I would like to know your baby name after the child is born, if you want to share it with me contact me at or midnightrocker814 -- yahoo messenger.
Best wishes to you and your new family.
Reply:Sienna Cheyenne Archer - great flow, but its not my style. I dislike Cheyenne and even find it a little disrespectful
Daphne Elizabeth - very pretty
Charlotte Daisy - Charlotte Margaret would be better. Daisy is a nickname, not a given name and I don't think it sounds great in the name
Matilda Lane Archer - Great flow! I like this
Jayla Nicole Archer - It sounds really dated and like a girl from the 80s. Jayla isn't pretty at all in my opinion, and Nicole is kind of dated, and not very nice. Jane Nicolette might be an updated version
Jacob Riley Archer - Jacob Archer is a great name. Riley, not so much. Its too trendy for such a great name like Jacob!
Samuel Draven - I'm assuming Draven is a family name, but otherwise its not a great name for Samuel.
Brenden Jacob - Brendan (the correct spelling) Jacob would be better
Cameron Jedidiah - Nope. Cameron is too trendy and its become way too feminie. Jedidiah, I feel, is like the parents are pushing a little too hard to get a Biblical name in.
My favorites are Matilda Lane and Samuel Draven or Brendan Jacob
Reply:Matilda (Tillie) is adorable and is definitely my favorite. I even like Lane, except I would use the spelling Laine (unless of course Lane is a family name).
Next favorite would be Charlotte Daisy. I adore the nickname Lottie. Daisy is nice as a nickname for Margaret, and that's the only way I (personally) would use it. I understand you really can't use Charlotte Margaret because of the similar sound, so I would probably change it to Charlotte Elizabeth (since Elizabeth is on your list as well).
There isn't anything wrong with Daphne or Nicole...they just aren't my style. Jayla is a little too trendy for my taste. I don't like Sienna Cheyenne at all, sorry.
As far as the boys, I really like Cameron (Cam), Samuel (Sam, Sammy, Sonny). Both names are cute for a little boy and equally appropriate for an adult.
The names Jacob, Riley, and Brenden(an) are too trendy at the moment. Draven and Jedediah aren't my style.
Best of luck to you.
Reply:Actually I like combinations of yours:
Daphne Lane
Jayla Nicole
Riley Draven
Draven Jacob
Draven Riley
Hope this helps = )
Reply:I like Sienna Cheyenne and Jacob Riley best.
Reply:Love these:
Matilda Lane Archer - timeless, classical, spunky, fun, good nicknames. Favorite nickname is Tilly
Charlotte Daisy Archer - timeless classical, love the middle name also, like the nickname Lottie a lot.
Daphne Elizabeth Archer - again, timeliess, classical, funky also. Love it paired with the more traditional Elizabeth
Sienna Cheyenne Archer - I would like this more if their weren't a famous actress with the name. That's enough to make me not want to use it. And I don't like it paired with Cheyenne at all. Would be better with different middle name.
Jayla Nicole Archer - Dislike this one the most. Jayla is a made-up, trendy name that will be dated. Go with one of your other choices. Nicole is a filler middle name in my opinion.
Samuel Draven Archer - Don't like Draven, Like Samuel. Other suggestions with el as the ending: Cael, Gabriel, Raphael
Jacob Riley Archer - Jacob is so popular, Prefer Caleb or Jonah.
Brenden Jacob Archer - I like the name. Names starting with Br are overused in my opinion, but of the Br names, Brendan and Brennan are the nicest.
Cameron Jedediah Archer - Like the name. Don't like that girls are starting to use. I like the middle name. Alternatives: Connor, Cian, Clayton, Caspian, Cullen
My choices would be if I could mix and match.
Matilda Daisy %26amp; Samuel Brendan (Love Matilda Daisy and like Samuel Brendan a lot)
Best of luck to you!
Reply:OHHH, Charlotte Daisy is beautiful
Cameron Jedediah is awesome
Reply:My take...
Girl: Sienna Elizabeth or Sienna Nicole (some switching)
Boy: Brenden Jacob or Cameron Drayer (slight chg.)
Reply:Daphne and Charlotte sound British and are cute.
Cameron's cool.
*Brenden isn't the right way to spell it. People may be confused. I'd go with Brendan.
Reply:Burnt sienna is the name of a crayola color.
Reply:I only like Daphne or Matilda... but then I only like Matilda if the full name will be used, and not shortened to something like Mattie or Tilly....
Sorry - all the boys are too common and overused.... Draven would be better as a first name.
Reply:Sienna Cheyenne Archer is pretty(8)
Daphne Elizabeth is okay(6)
Sienna Elizabeth Archer I like better (9)
Matilda Lane Archer, (7)
Jayl Nicole Archer (8)
Jacob Riley Archer (7)
Samuel Draven Archer (7)
Samuel Jacob (8)
Brenden Jacob Archer(9)
Cameron Jedediah Archer (7)
Cameron Riley Archer (9)
I like most of the names. Some of the middle names I was not crazy about
Reply:I love Jayla nicole... it is so unique and beautiful. the other girls names are all nice too, there just not my style. For the boys i like Brenden Jacob because i think the first and middle name flow well together. i also like Jacob as the first name.
Reply:Sienna Cheyenne Archer-nice i love the oniginal middle name.
Daphne Elizabeth Archer-not too crazy for daphne but its you choice.
Charlotte Daisy Archer-no,sounds like a hill-billy farm girl(sorry that was a little mean)
Matilda Lane Archer-never heared of lane but cute!
Jayla Nicole Archer-my favorite!
Jacob Riley Archer-wonderful, i like odd names though and jacob is VERY popular
Samuel Draven Archer-dont like draven
Brenden Jacob Archer-nice
Cameron Jedediah Archer- whats a Jedediah?
Looking for new business/franchise ideas to bring to the gulf coast?
trying to find some ideas from other areas cities or small towns that i can bring down to the mobile, daphne, penscacola, georgia or just the south in general. it usually takes the trends so long to get here. also trying to find business ideas that work in sm.towns that might work in mine. or at least a website where i can bounce some ideas around.
Looking for new business/franchise ideas to bring to the gulf coast?
My first answer would be opening a unique restaurant. I live in Upstate NY, where plenty of independent restaurants can compete with the chains because customers get food that isn't "cookie cutter" and the service is more attentive and personalized. There are a lot of good independent restaurants around here, and sometimes people "religiously" align themselves with certain restaurants that are "just that good" for them. We have tons of Italian restaurants, for example, with each one doing things a little differently, which isn't unusual since that's the way it is in the various regions of Italy anyway. We also have a large number of pizzerias that differ from one another. Domino's, Pizza Hut, and Little Ceasar's have a hard time competing for customers who want "real" pizza.
To keep costs down, it helps to use a minimal subset of ingredients across your menu items. It's amazing how many different items you can offer with a very small subset of ingredients. Also, some of the ingredients are incredibly inexpensive, like your own special sauce, pasta, pizza crust, etc. Trying to diversify so much that it results in the need for ingredients that might not be used frequently can take away from the bottom line,
Clearly, I'm talking mostly about Italian stuff because that is what I'm the most familiar with. For Mexican/Hispanic stuff, look at how Taco Bell uses a certain subset of ingredients to offer a large menu. If you want to have a Mexican restaurant, make it different enough that it doesn't taste like a "cookie cutter" franchise. Super-sized burritos don't cost much to make, but offer a lot more value than Taco Bell.
Forget about chicken in the south, unless you have a special spice blend that will lure people away from the existing chicken franchises.
Forget about a restaurant that has a wide range of choices that require a wide range of ingredients. Shoney's, Denny's, and similar places have you beat there due to economies of scale.
Burger/hot dog/BBQ joints might work if you can stand out. Large menu variety, small number of ingredients. Again, people are loyal to such places so you would need to stand out.
Forget Chinese restaurants. To a lesser extent, same for Indian, Japanese, and some lesser-known ethnicities, except maybe Greek. I don't know about Spanish, French, or some of the others.
Seafood probably wouldn't work unless you can do something different. Crab shacks or crawfish shacks might work in the south. New Orleans might be a reference point.
When in the south, do as the southerners do. Collard greens, corn bread, black eyed peas, sweetened iced tea, RC cola, pork, chicken, etc. Southern family-style restaurants.
Buffets are hit and miss. Some survive a long time, while others fold quickly. One of my most memorable buffets in the Nashville area (Madison, to be specific) served what appeared to be pans of frozen food, like mashed potatoes, baked fish, salisbury steak, green beans, etc. The food wasn't spectacular, but the variety was nice and it was like eating in a cafeteria except I could go back and have a little bit of everything. They always had a lot of customers.
Steak houses are a dime a dozen. You'd have to try hard to differentiate yourself. Same for pizzerias but if I remember correctly, the popular pizzerias were the chain ones. If you can do something different, that might be an option. Better to go with a more complete Italian menu though.
If you want to go with a chain, I liked Bojangles chicken (if they are still around) and Shakee's pizza. The thing about Shakee's is that they are concentrating on the west coast and there are very few franchises outside that area. If you could get them to support you, that might be an idea. Unfortunately, most franchises require a lot more investment than striking it out on your own.
Up here, we have some restaurants that have earned a good enough reputation to sell their sauces and spice blends in stores. The prices are marked up significantly, so they are probably doing pretty well just on the sales of those products.
One last idea that comes to mind is Jamaican food. Up here, there aren't many of them but they are doing well. Once again, you have the typical foods of the south, like greens, pork, chicken, and possibly beef, along with cheap stuff like rice and beans. It's pretty spicy, perhaps too much for some tastes, so you can water it down a little but still offer hotter items for the people who really want it hot. The black pepper alone should be good for people who don't like it too hot.
Outside restaurants, there isn't anything I can think of. Anything that isn't already taken by the big chains is offered at flea markets, farmer's markets, etc. The one remaining item is again food, which (for me, anyway) is carnival/fair food. Funnel cakes, fried dough, blooming onions, etc.
Something that offers amusement rides is yet another choice that popped into my head, only because it's past that time of year here. An amusement park would be really cool,. but it involves a considerable investment. Being in the south, you can have a stationary amusement park and you can stay open for a considerably longer time than up here. But like I said, it requires a considerable investment, like $39K to $100K or more per ride. Ouch. A road side hot dog/burger/BBQ joint with a single kiddy ride might be an idea.
OK, one more idea. A real deli. Sandwiches and subs that are better than the chains. Up here, most pizza/pasta places offer subs, but it's hard to find a good reuben. I've had some good reubens up here, but the best I ever had was at the Carnegie Deli in NYC. Give me a reuben like that up here, and I will buy at least one a week, no matter what it costs!
Reply:Security company, the way the world is going now it will soon be a have to situation, look to retired police and x military for help.
children boots
Looking for new business/franchise ideas to bring to the gulf coast?
My first answer would be opening a unique restaurant. I live in Upstate NY, where plenty of independent restaurants can compete with the chains because customers get food that isn't "cookie cutter" and the service is more attentive and personalized. There are a lot of good independent restaurants around here, and sometimes people "religiously" align themselves with certain restaurants that are "just that good" for them. We have tons of Italian restaurants, for example, with each one doing things a little differently, which isn't unusual since that's the way it is in the various regions of Italy anyway. We also have a large number of pizzerias that differ from one another. Domino's, Pizza Hut, and Little Ceasar's have a hard time competing for customers who want "real" pizza.
To keep costs down, it helps to use a minimal subset of ingredients across your menu items. It's amazing how many different items you can offer with a very small subset of ingredients. Also, some of the ingredients are incredibly inexpensive, like your own special sauce, pasta, pizza crust, etc. Trying to diversify so much that it results in the need for ingredients that might not be used frequently can take away from the bottom line,
Clearly, I'm talking mostly about Italian stuff because that is what I'm the most familiar with. For Mexican/Hispanic stuff, look at how Taco Bell uses a certain subset of ingredients to offer a large menu. If you want to have a Mexican restaurant, make it different enough that it doesn't taste like a "cookie cutter" franchise. Super-sized burritos don't cost much to make, but offer a lot more value than Taco Bell.
Forget about chicken in the south, unless you have a special spice blend that will lure people away from the existing chicken franchises.
Forget about a restaurant that has a wide range of choices that require a wide range of ingredients. Shoney's, Denny's, and similar places have you beat there due to economies of scale.
Burger/hot dog/BBQ joints might work if you can stand out. Large menu variety, small number of ingredients. Again, people are loyal to such places so you would need to stand out.
Forget Chinese restaurants. To a lesser extent, same for Indian, Japanese, and some lesser-known ethnicities, except maybe Greek. I don't know about Spanish, French, or some of the others.
Seafood probably wouldn't work unless you can do something different. Crab shacks or crawfish shacks might work in the south. New Orleans might be a reference point.
When in the south, do as the southerners do. Collard greens, corn bread, black eyed peas, sweetened iced tea, RC cola, pork, chicken, etc. Southern family-style restaurants.
Buffets are hit and miss. Some survive a long time, while others fold quickly. One of my most memorable buffets in the Nashville area (Madison, to be specific) served what appeared to be pans of frozen food, like mashed potatoes, baked fish, salisbury steak, green beans, etc. The food wasn't spectacular, but the variety was nice and it was like eating in a cafeteria except I could go back and have a little bit of everything. They always had a lot of customers.
Steak houses are a dime a dozen. You'd have to try hard to differentiate yourself. Same for pizzerias but if I remember correctly, the popular pizzerias were the chain ones. If you can do something different, that might be an option. Better to go with a more complete Italian menu though.
If you want to go with a chain, I liked Bojangles chicken (if they are still around) and Shakee's pizza. The thing about Shakee's is that they are concentrating on the west coast and there are very few franchises outside that area. If you could get them to support you, that might be an idea. Unfortunately, most franchises require a lot more investment than striking it out on your own.
Up here, we have some restaurants that have earned a good enough reputation to sell their sauces and spice blends in stores. The prices are marked up significantly, so they are probably doing pretty well just on the sales of those products.
One last idea that comes to mind is Jamaican food. Up here, there aren't many of them but they are doing well. Once again, you have the typical foods of the south, like greens, pork, chicken, and possibly beef, along with cheap stuff like rice and beans. It's pretty spicy, perhaps too much for some tastes, so you can water it down a little but still offer hotter items for the people who really want it hot. The black pepper alone should be good for people who don't like it too hot.
Outside restaurants, there isn't anything I can think of. Anything that isn't already taken by the big chains is offered at flea markets, farmer's markets, etc. The one remaining item is again food, which (for me, anyway) is carnival/fair food. Funnel cakes, fried dough, blooming onions, etc.
Something that offers amusement rides is yet another choice that popped into my head, only because it's past that time of year here. An amusement park would be really cool,. but it involves a considerable investment. Being in the south, you can have a stationary amusement park and you can stay open for a considerably longer time than up here. But like I said, it requires a considerable investment, like $39K to $100K or more per ride. Ouch. A road side hot dog/burger/BBQ joint with a single kiddy ride might be an idea.
OK, one more idea. A real deli. Sandwiches and subs that are better than the chains. Up here, most pizza/pasta places offer subs, but it's hard to find a good reuben. I've had some good reubens up here, but the best I ever had was at the Carnegie Deli in NYC. Give me a reuben like that up here, and I will buy at least one a week, no matter what it costs!
Reply:Security company, the way the world is going now it will soon be a have to situation, look to retired police and x military for help.
children boots
I need help finding this guitar...?
i need to find a tom delonge fender strat in daphne blue (that was a mouthful!)for my daughter for christmas,or maby a lil later,idealy from the uk,and cheapish-£500 max,maby a lil higher-but not off ebay-wev'e had bad experiances-please help!
I need help finding this guitar...?
Look here link below to the Fender UK website - they should be able to help you find a reputable dealer in your area. Good luck - rock on!
Reply:Hi Nikki,
I am assuming that you are in the UK? If so the best place to go is in central London; a street called Denmark Street, I think it is in Soho. It is a small street with purely guitar shops down both sides. I'm not sure if they'll have the exact one, but they will prob. b able to get hold of one.
Gd Luck.
I need help finding this guitar...?
Look here link below to the Fender UK website - they should be able to help you find a reputable dealer in your area. Good luck - rock on!
Reply:Hi Nikki,
I am assuming that you are in the UK? If so the best place to go is in central London; a street called Denmark Street, I think it is in Soho. It is a small street with purely guitar shops down both sides. I'm not sure if they'll have the exact one, but they will prob. b able to get hold of one.
Gd Luck.
When Freddy tells the gang to "split up and search for clues"...?
why does he always end up with Daphne and do you think they are really searching for clues?
When Freddy tells the gang to "split up and search for clues"...?
Whats Shaggy doing with scooby thats what I want to know!
Reply:I have always thought that but never had the nerve to say so out loud!
Reply:no.their being naughty.
Reply:he always chooses Daphne because he likes her
Reply:i think they're searching for something else
Reply:*Pshaaa* Everyone knows they're doing the 'wild monkey dance'!
Peace out, homey! =0)
Reply:No, he's boning Daphne and snorting coke off his ascot. Sometimes those wailings in the spooky Old Man Jenkins mansion are not ghosts but Daphne.
Reply:lol ya nasty its just a cartoon
Reply:See what the real deal is some thing we cant see,
Freddy and Daphne take off, then they catch up with Velma off sceen and have a threesome in the closet and finish up right as Scooby and Shaggy start screaming!!!
Reply:they are having sex.
Reply:They're probably going to the closet to play 7 minutes in heaven..%26amp; then, you know, back to business.
When Freddy tells the gang to "split up and search for clues"...?
Whats Shaggy doing with scooby thats what I want to know!
Reply:I have always thought that but never had the nerve to say so out loud!
Reply:no.their being naughty.
Reply:he always chooses Daphne because he likes her
Reply:i think they're searching for something else
Reply:*Pshaaa* Everyone knows they're doing the 'wild monkey dance'!
Peace out, homey! =0)
Reply:No, he's boning Daphne and snorting coke off his ascot. Sometimes those wailings in the spooky Old Man Jenkins mansion are not ghosts but Daphne.
Reply:lol ya nasty its just a cartoon
Reply:See what the real deal is some thing we cant see,
Freddy and Daphne take off, then they catch up with Velma off sceen and have a threesome in the closet and finish up right as Scooby and Shaggy start screaming!!!
Reply:they are having sex.
Reply:They're probably going to the closet to play 7 minutes in heaven..%26amp; then, you know, back to business.
Songs no one knows about?
songs and bands most people dont know...
something acoustic or rock.
something like daphne loves derby, or secondhand serenade %26lt;33
anyone heellp :DD
thaaannkk youu :D
Songs no one knows about?
The Matches
Dear And The Headlights
Self Against City
Straylight Run
The Last Goodnight
Cobra Starship
Meg %26amp; Dia
Sick Puppies
Head Automatica
The Spill Canvas
Reply:Heres an oldie. Songs called "Candy Baby" by Montrose. This was a band Sammy Hagar got his beginnings.
Reply:The Rocket Summer (I think you'd really like this one)
All Time Low
The Academy Is...
Cute Is What We Aim For
Boys Like Girls
Forgive Durden
The Cab
My Favorite Highway
Hawk Nelson
A Change Of Pace
Jack's Mannequin
Houston Calls
Envy On The Coast
This Providence
The Scene Aesthetic
Daphne Loves Derby
Run Kid Run
Run Doris Run
The Maine
Holiday Parade
The Hush Sound
Rookie Of The Year
Armor For Sleep
Hillcrest Road
for REALLY unknown bands that are super amazing you can check out the bands i help promote on my promotional myspace (have have checked all of these bands out and think they are all great)
Reply:Gary Moore
Reply:i'm not sure if you have heard of any of these artists, but these are all alternative/rock/and even some acoustic bands:
gatsbys american dream, the academy is... , cute is what we aim for, death cab for cutie, the almost, blaqk audio, brand new, bright eyes, the darkness, cobra starship, further seems forever, jimmy eat world, kill hannah, lacuna coil, deftones, mars volta, oasis, a perfect circle, pretty girls make graves, the sleeping, smashing pumpkins, the smiths, the strokes, playradioplay!, maydayparade, TATU, tool, under the influence of giants, von bondies, yeah yeah yeahs, 30 seconds to mars.
Reply:Vaunerable by SS
mayday parade
i set my friends on fire
kids in glass houses
self against city
time and distance
Reply:A band nobody knows about? Tiarah :)
Reply:I'll just give you whole record labels, and you can see what you like
Lookout Records:
Kung Fu Records:
Side One Dummy Records:
Hellcat Records:
something acoustic or rock.
something like daphne loves derby, or secondhand serenade %26lt;33
anyone heellp :DD
thaaannkk youu :D
Songs no one knows about?
The Matches
Dear And The Headlights
Self Against City
Straylight Run
The Last Goodnight
Cobra Starship
Meg %26amp; Dia
Sick Puppies
Head Automatica
The Spill Canvas
Reply:Heres an oldie. Songs called "Candy Baby" by Montrose. This was a band Sammy Hagar got his beginnings.
Reply:The Rocket Summer (I think you'd really like this one)
All Time Low
The Academy Is...
Cute Is What We Aim For
Boys Like Girls
Forgive Durden
The Cab
My Favorite Highway
Hawk Nelson
A Change Of Pace
Jack's Mannequin
Houston Calls
Envy On The Coast
This Providence
The Scene Aesthetic
Daphne Loves Derby
Run Kid Run
Run Doris Run
The Maine
Holiday Parade
The Hush Sound
Rookie Of The Year
Armor For Sleep
Hillcrest Road
for REALLY unknown bands that are super amazing you can check out the bands i help promote on my promotional myspace (have have checked all of these bands out and think they are all great)
Reply:Gary Moore
Reply:i'm not sure if you have heard of any of these artists, but these are all alternative/rock/and even some acoustic bands:
gatsbys american dream, the academy is... , cute is what we aim for, death cab for cutie, the almost, blaqk audio, brand new, bright eyes, the darkness, cobra starship, further seems forever, jimmy eat world, kill hannah, lacuna coil, deftones, mars volta, oasis, a perfect circle, pretty girls make graves, the sleeping, smashing pumpkins, the smiths, the strokes, playradioplay!, maydayparade, TATU, tool, under the influence of giants, von bondies, yeah yeah yeahs, 30 seconds to mars.
Reply:Vaunerable by SS
mayday parade
i set my friends on fire
kids in glass houses
self against city
time and distance
Reply:A band nobody knows about? Tiarah :)
Reply:I'll just give you whole record labels, and you can see what you like
Lookout Records:
Kung Fu Records:
Side One Dummy Records:
Hellcat Records:
Scooby Doo fight who wins?
Shaggy vs. Freddie
Daphne vs. Velma
who wins? scooby doo is special guest
Scooby Doo fight who wins?
Freddy will win, because Shaggy is all out of shape from his continual eating and lack of proper exercise. Velma will win by telling Daphne her hair is messed up, or her nail polish is chipped.
Reply:Freddie cause he is stronger - unless there is a mirror around then Shaggy wins because Freddie would be looking at himself.
Velma - ya can't fight in the type of shoes that Daphne wears.
edit - even if they take their shoes off, Velma wins, just watch all the old cartoons and the 1st movie (i never saw the 2nd one), Daphne is helpless and couldn't punch her way out of a wet paper bag. So Velma still wins.
Reply:Shaggy and Velma would win
The girl that is girly i forget
Reply:this is tough match.
Reply:Shaggy and velma
scrappy-doo would come to velma's rescue!
Daphne vs. Velma
who wins? scooby doo is special guest
Scooby Doo fight who wins?
Freddy will win, because Shaggy is all out of shape from his continual eating and lack of proper exercise. Velma will win by telling Daphne her hair is messed up, or her nail polish is chipped.
Reply:Freddie cause he is stronger - unless there is a mirror around then Shaggy wins because Freddie would be looking at himself.
Velma - ya can't fight in the type of shoes that Daphne wears.
edit - even if they take their shoes off, Velma wins, just watch all the old cartoons and the 1st movie (i never saw the 2nd one), Daphne is helpless and couldn't punch her way out of a wet paper bag. So Velma still wins.
Reply:Shaggy and Velma would win
The girl that is girly i forget
Reply:this is tough match.
Reply:Shaggy and velma
scrappy-doo would come to velma's rescue!
Which Scooby Doo character are you most like?
Which Scooby Doo character are you most like?
I'm a total girl version of Shaggy...I eat everything, I'm kinda lazy, and I'm kind of a nerd :)
Reply:Dang...I don't even remember! I watched the OLD Scooby Doo as a kid.
Reply:none of them. im all scooby. hes the cutest
Reply:Velma because I wear glasses, Smart, and I like the color red.
Reply:daphne and velma
Reply:Velma! I'm usually the one that's not too athletic (depends on if I'm feeling lazy or not), and among my friends, the smart one. I have to wear glasses (when I'm not wearing contacts which is like.. all the time since I lost my glasses in Vegas. Weird place to lose them, huh?) sometimes, and I guess I'm the one who does the thinking, reasoning, and other Velma-like stuff.
I'm a take charge, git 'er done kind of guy.
Reply:Actually I look like Daphne, but I sleuth like Velma. Love to read crime novels.
Reply:shaggy almost identical
Reply:scooby doooby dooo!
Reply:Velma-I'm a little nerdy, wear glasses, and am too damn smart for my own good!
Reply:daphne--she was all about the look, well dressed, nice hair (for a cartoon)
Reply:shaggy cause he is silly
Reply:Daphne... is she the one in purple?
Reply:Scooby Doo
Reply:Shaggy in the cartoon. (I did not like scrappy-doo)
Fred in the life-like movie. (cause Freddie Prince Jr is hot)
And you forgot old man Withers
Reply:I never watched it so i dont know who is who sorry
Reply:Daphne %26amp; Scooby!
Reply:A mix of all the above.
Daphne- I am damn sexy
Velma - I am damn smart
Fred - I am not a tool.
Shaggy - Like I love to eat and hang with my best friend Scoob.
Reply:I would have to say Daphne
Reply:I look and think most like Velma, but I eat like Shaggy.
Reply:Shaggy, becuz he aint boring or anything. he also gots a cool dog Scooby. he eats everything.
Which Scooby Doo character are you most like?
I'm a total girl version of Shaggy...I eat everything, I'm kinda lazy, and I'm kind of a nerd :)
Reply:Dang...I don't even remember! I watched the OLD Scooby Doo as a kid.
Reply:none of them. im all scooby. hes the cutest
Reply:Velma because I wear glasses, Smart, and I like the color red.
Reply:daphne and velma
Reply:Velma! I'm usually the one that's not too athletic (depends on if I'm feeling lazy or not), and among my friends, the smart one. I have to wear glasses (when I'm not wearing contacts which is like.. all the time since I lost my glasses in Vegas. Weird place to lose them, huh?) sometimes, and I guess I'm the one who does the thinking, reasoning, and other Velma-like stuff.
I'm a take charge, git 'er done kind of guy.
Reply:Actually I look like Daphne, but I sleuth like Velma. Love to read crime novels.
Reply:shaggy almost identical
Reply:scooby doooby dooo!
Reply:Velma-I'm a little nerdy, wear glasses, and am too damn smart for my own good!
Reply:daphne--she was all about the look, well dressed, nice hair (for a cartoon)
Reply:shaggy cause he is silly
Reply:Daphne... is she the one in purple?
Reply:Scooby Doo
Reply:Shaggy in the cartoon. (I did not like scrappy-doo)
Fred in the life-like movie. (cause Freddie Prince Jr is hot)
And you forgot old man Withers
Reply:I never watched it so i dont know who is who sorry
Reply:Daphne %26amp; Scooby!
Reply:A mix of all the above.
Daphne- I am damn sexy
Velma - I am damn smart
Fred - I am not a tool.
Shaggy - Like I love to eat and hang with my best friend Scoob.
Reply:I would have to say Daphne
Reply:I look and think most like Velma, but I eat like Shaggy.
Reply:Shaggy, becuz he aint boring or anything. he also gots a cool dog Scooby. he eats everything.
Don't read if your homophobic.... but HELP!?
I met my ex best friend 4 years ago but it took until the end of last year to realize that I was in love with her.... I couldn't really deal with it so a few months later thanks to another ex friend's bitchiness I ended my friendship with her... but I've always had the feeling that she felt the same way... but now we both have boyfriends... but I'm still thinking about her.... and she's thinking about me too because every time she goes on her Myspace she's always on my page.... there's even this song she put that I think has to do with me it's by Daphne Loves Derby "Pollen and Salt"
Idk....I love my boyfriend but I've known this girl for a long time and I can't get over her... should I tell her how I feel and risk getting my heart broken? or just leave it?
Don't read if your homophobic.... but HELP!?
Tell her how you feel, you miss her and she misses you, maybe you can be best friends again without the relationship. not that it is bad, it just seems to me that you have moved on to another direction, men. I guess you CAN have your cake and eat it too. that's sweet.
Reply:Maybe you can start by trying to be back in each others lives again, call her and appoligize for not being her friend lately ask her to meet you somewhere (depending on your age, maybe lunch or the mall or a picnic) then talk and reconnect. You will know what to do from there.
Good luck and try not to hurt your boyfriend in the process.
Reply:you could tell her how you feel.cause who knows she may have the same feelings about you as u have for her. good luck
Reply:Tell her the worst that can happen is for her to say that she doesn't feel the same way. If she is a true friend she will still be there.
Reply:I would tell her it only hurts you more not knowing right?
Reply:I would tell her so you can get on with your life one way or another.
Reply:You'll never know what you'll have if you dont put yourself out there to obtain it
Reply:Just leave it.
Reply:I guess it wouldn't hurt to have her true feelings about you without the guys knowing. At least you both have a shoulder to lean on if it doesn't work out. But at least ask....let her tell you how she feels. If she wants you, see if it's for real before you both dump your guys. You know how dumb they can be. Either way, I dont' see that you have anything to lose. Go Girl! You're heart will lead the way!
Reply:If you really love her, Doesn't that already breaks you up inside just by not letting it off your chest?
Tell her what you feel and take that risk.
Cause if love is what you feel then you've got to be ready to jump in front of the bullet for her.
Reply:take a chance... talk to her privately.. your best friends right? then you've probably been through thick and thin. Tell her you dont want to cause any weirdness between you both.. but you've always had feelings for her.. and wonder if she felt the same. if she says no.. or looks kind of awkward.. then tell her.. its ok dont worry about it. at least you will know and still have her friendship
Reply:Im not what you catagorize as a homophobic but I do know right from wrong and going after some sort of relationship with a former best friend that happens to be female isnt gonna help you out one bit.
You stated you have a boyfriend now that you love and have a good relationship with so why on earth would you want to throw that away because of your "feelings" for this other person?
You say you cant get over her, but yes you can if you choose to and want to .... its up to you plain and simple. Do you realize that what you are thinking of doing is solely based on physical feelings not those of are craving the closeness you had with her and that is not love....its purely physical.
Arent you close to your boyfriend? If you ask me you need to be working on the relationship with him and not fantazing or thinking about this other girl.... are you ready to hurt your boyfriend and cause him alot of heartache because of what you think you feel?
My advice to you is to leave it and work on the relationship with your boyfriend...... if you love him then its worth it to work on it and stick with him.... because if you do go after this person all it is gonna lead to is a broken heart and more.
Good luck to you and ill be praying for you.
Idk....I love my boyfriend but I've known this girl for a long time and I can't get over her... should I tell her how I feel and risk getting my heart broken? or just leave it?
Don't read if your homophobic.... but HELP!?
Tell her how you feel, you miss her and she misses you, maybe you can be best friends again without the relationship. not that it is bad, it just seems to me that you have moved on to another direction, men. I guess you CAN have your cake and eat it too. that's sweet.
Reply:Maybe you can start by trying to be back in each others lives again, call her and appoligize for not being her friend lately ask her to meet you somewhere (depending on your age, maybe lunch or the mall or a picnic) then talk and reconnect. You will know what to do from there.
Good luck and try not to hurt your boyfriend in the process.
Reply:you could tell her how you feel.cause who knows she may have the same feelings about you as u have for her. good luck
Reply:Tell her the worst that can happen is for her to say that she doesn't feel the same way. If she is a true friend she will still be there.
Reply:I would tell her it only hurts you more not knowing right?
Reply:I would tell her so you can get on with your life one way or another.
Reply:You'll never know what you'll have if you dont put yourself out there to obtain it
Reply:Just leave it.
Reply:I guess it wouldn't hurt to have her true feelings about you without the guys knowing. At least you both have a shoulder to lean on if it doesn't work out. But at least ask....let her tell you how she feels. If she wants you, see if it's for real before you both dump your guys. You know how dumb they can be. Either way, I dont' see that you have anything to lose. Go Girl! You're heart will lead the way!
Reply:If you really love her, Doesn't that already breaks you up inside just by not letting it off your chest?
Tell her what you feel and take that risk.
Cause if love is what you feel then you've got to be ready to jump in front of the bullet for her.
Reply:take a chance... talk to her privately.. your best friends right? then you've probably been through thick and thin. Tell her you dont want to cause any weirdness between you both.. but you've always had feelings for her.. and wonder if she felt the same. if she says no.. or looks kind of awkward.. then tell her.. its ok dont worry about it. at least you will know and still have her friendship
Reply:Im not what you catagorize as a homophobic but I do know right from wrong and going after some sort of relationship with a former best friend that happens to be female isnt gonna help you out one bit.
You stated you have a boyfriend now that you love and have a good relationship with so why on earth would you want to throw that away because of your "feelings" for this other person?
You say you cant get over her, but yes you can if you choose to and want to .... its up to you plain and simple. Do you realize that what you are thinking of doing is solely based on physical feelings not those of are craving the closeness you had with her and that is not love....its purely physical.
Arent you close to your boyfriend? If you ask me you need to be working on the relationship with him and not fantazing or thinking about this other girl.... are you ready to hurt your boyfriend and cause him alot of heartache because of what you think you feel?
My advice to you is to leave it and work on the relationship with your boyfriend...... if you love him then its worth it to work on it and stick with him.... because if you do go after this person all it is gonna lead to is a broken heart and more.
Good luck to you and ill be praying for you.
What's the title of this song lyric?
" hell..."?
The artist sounds somewhat like Daphne Loves Derby, and Boys Like Girls...Indie/Rock song
What's the title of this song lyric?
Is it "It Hurts Like Hell" by Babyface?
The artist sounds somewhat like Daphne Loves Derby, and Boys Like Girls...Indie/Rock song
What's the title of this song lyric?
Is it "It Hurts Like Hell" by Babyface?
My wife and I have been arguing over this, and I'm hoping someone here can help me...?
My wife and I have been having some arguments lately about a fetish of mine and I'm scared that she's thinking about leaving me.
I can't say why but since I was a little boy I have been EXTREMELY attracted to cartoon characters and mascots. I can't help it, everytime I see one I get this rush of sexual energy and can't control myself. If I see Daphne from Scooby Doo, I'm overwhelmed with lustful thoughts.
It's not like I'm cheating. She shot down my idea for buying a van and painting it to look like The Mystery Machine. All I'm asking her to do is either wear a mascot head while having intercourse or at least let me watch the Cartoon Network. Do you think she's being unfair? Why can't she accept me for who I am?
My wife and I have been arguing over this, and I'm hoping someone here can help me...?
Maybe she's offended at your choice of cartoon character?
I'd be pissed if you wanted me to dress like daffy duck instead of jessica rabbit, too.
Reply:Oh come on.....
Still I suppose it's better than having lustful thoughts about Scooby Doo himself!
Reply:Daphne is HOT. I'd do her.
Reply:that would be cool...she could dress up like bugs bunny and you could dress as elmer fud...
Reply:Do you want her to wear the head every time? Or just on special occasions??
I think that makes a difference.
Spicing things up (or fulfilling fetishes) can be alot easier to handle (for the other partner) if its a "once in awhile" thing as compared to an everytime thing. If it becomes an everytime thing, they tend to take it personally, like its something wrong with them and they don't excite you anymore.
Personally, the Mystery Machine thing kinda rocks!! But I am not ordinary so... I am sure she is imagining picking up groceries in the Mystery Machine and that idea just doesnt do it for her.
Try asking gently, tell her that it has nothing to do with her. Its all in the approach!
Good luck
And NO, its not cheating.
Reply:Hey, Daphne was hot on the non cartoon version of Scooby Doo, maybe she's jealous!
Reply:I think she's just being stupid! She doesn't know what she's missing! I mean, I'd take you anytime! It's my fantasy to make love to some cuddly, furry character. Would you be my Scooby If I was your Daphne?
Duuh, what's with the thumbs down?! You're all just being jealous!
Reply:Hey...quit yammering and pass that joint this way.
Reply:You are kidding, right?
Reply:IF she knew about this fetish before you guys got married, then YES, she is being unfair.
Reply:*hysterical laughter*
Oh my GOD !! That's funny. :) Although, I too always found Daphne attractive. But honestly, Velma was probably better in the sack.
Reply:mabe your just showing her who you are and she is not prepared to do what your asking.every one has their limits ...and if you are insisting she please you this way have you ever thought it might not be a satifing to her it fair to her that you think she should show you she loves you this way??if she dont like it??
Reply:;) lol, I love it!!! If my husband asked me to do it a couple times, I'd do it in a heartbeat. I don't like the idea that he would want to hide my face and I might have some insecurity issues with it but, hey, I would still do it because it would make him happy. By the way the cartoon thing much better. If my husband thought I was hot enough to pull off a Daphne, or a Jossie from the Pussy Cat Dolls, oh maybe even a Wilma Flinstone, you bet your a$$ I would do it. The marriage bed is sacred and the lord says most things go so why not? Besides my mind just goes all over the place thinkin about what that man would do for me if I did that for him....YEEE HAWWW. Giddy up Cowboy! ;)
The mystery machine is a no no though. You don't bring out your private sexual preferences in public.
Reply:I wouldn't wear a mascot head either while having s**...I also have to agree about the van....I think you need to find something else that turns you on so to speak......
Reply:HaHaHa...she is totally being unfair, she should have a Daphne costume on!!!!
Reply:Well, Halloween is coming up. Maybe she will indulge you just this once.
Reply:Odd Deke, very odd......
Reply:OK, I don't know why I'm bothering to answer this question because I don't think you're real, but here goes.
Your fetish is not odd. There are many people who enjoy this activity. Furbies is a community that supports your feelings and something the two of you may want to check out together. You can look furrbies up on-line and be directed to the area of your choice.
If you would like your wife to participate I would start slow. Not the mascot head right away. Go to the store or on-line and purchase a Daphne costume for her to dress in ( they have them everywhere) See how she feels about that, then move on from there.
Remember many don't like to wear the whole furbie (mascot) out fit as it is very claustrophobic. Also, one can't feel the others body or skin at all. Not to stimulating.
The main thing is you must go slow, and remember it is YOUR fetish and not all will support or desire the same. It it becomes a large enough problem you should seek counseling with your wife.
Good Luck...Have Fun
Reply:She's selfish. dump her, find a furry.
Reply:Now, I have heard it all. Wow. The only thing I can say is, if she knew you had this fetish when you got married, then it is not fair of her to think she can change you. If you just sprang this on her, then she has a right to feel whatever way she feels about it. Either way, your relationship is in danger. Good luck!
Reply:why do I hear many men saying, "if you can't accept me for who I am, blah blah..." it's an excuse... if you want to have sex w/ Daphne, then, yes, it's cheating... lusting after another even if a cartoon is cheating... you need to get rid of this fettish... it's lame... =(... I don't blame her if she dumps you... you gotta get your head, both heads, out of the freakin' gutter! and that's that...
children shoes
I can't say why but since I was a little boy I have been EXTREMELY attracted to cartoon characters and mascots. I can't help it, everytime I see one I get this rush of sexual energy and can't control myself. If I see Daphne from Scooby Doo, I'm overwhelmed with lustful thoughts.
It's not like I'm cheating. She shot down my idea for buying a van and painting it to look like The Mystery Machine. All I'm asking her to do is either wear a mascot head while having intercourse or at least let me watch the Cartoon Network. Do you think she's being unfair? Why can't she accept me for who I am?
My wife and I have been arguing over this, and I'm hoping someone here can help me...?
Maybe she's offended at your choice of cartoon character?
I'd be pissed if you wanted me to dress like daffy duck instead of jessica rabbit, too.
Reply:Oh come on.....
Still I suppose it's better than having lustful thoughts about Scooby Doo himself!
Reply:Daphne is HOT. I'd do her.
Reply:that would be cool...she could dress up like bugs bunny and you could dress as elmer fud...
Reply:Do you want her to wear the head every time? Or just on special occasions??
I think that makes a difference.
Spicing things up (or fulfilling fetishes) can be alot easier to handle (for the other partner) if its a "once in awhile" thing as compared to an everytime thing. If it becomes an everytime thing, they tend to take it personally, like its something wrong with them and they don't excite you anymore.
Personally, the Mystery Machine thing kinda rocks!! But I am not ordinary so... I am sure she is imagining picking up groceries in the Mystery Machine and that idea just doesnt do it for her.
Try asking gently, tell her that it has nothing to do with her. Its all in the approach!
Good luck
And NO, its not cheating.
Reply:Hey, Daphne was hot on the non cartoon version of Scooby Doo, maybe she's jealous!
Reply:I think she's just being stupid! She doesn't know what she's missing! I mean, I'd take you anytime! It's my fantasy to make love to some cuddly, furry character. Would you be my Scooby If I was your Daphne?
Duuh, what's with the thumbs down?! You're all just being jealous!
Reply:Hey...quit yammering and pass that joint this way.
Reply:You are kidding, right?
Reply:IF she knew about this fetish before you guys got married, then YES, she is being unfair.
Reply:*hysterical laughter*
Oh my GOD !! That's funny. :) Although, I too always found Daphne attractive. But honestly, Velma was probably better in the sack.
Reply:mabe your just showing her who you are and she is not prepared to do what your asking.every one has their limits ...and if you are insisting she please you this way have you ever thought it might not be a satifing to her it fair to her that you think she should show you she loves you this way??if she dont like it??
Reply:;) lol, I love it!!! If my husband asked me to do it a couple times, I'd do it in a heartbeat. I don't like the idea that he would want to hide my face and I might have some insecurity issues with it but, hey, I would still do it because it would make him happy. By the way the cartoon thing much better. If my husband thought I was hot enough to pull off a Daphne, or a Jossie from the Pussy Cat Dolls, oh maybe even a Wilma Flinstone, you bet your a$$ I would do it. The marriage bed is sacred and the lord says most things go so why not? Besides my mind just goes all over the place thinkin about what that man would do for me if I did that for him....YEEE HAWWW. Giddy up Cowboy! ;)
The mystery machine is a no no though. You don't bring out your private sexual preferences in public.
Reply:I wouldn't wear a mascot head either while having s**...I also have to agree about the van....I think you need to find something else that turns you on so to speak......
Reply:HaHaHa...she is totally being unfair, she should have a Daphne costume on!!!!
Reply:Well, Halloween is coming up. Maybe she will indulge you just this once.
Reply:Odd Deke, very odd......
Reply:OK, I don't know why I'm bothering to answer this question because I don't think you're real, but here goes.
Your fetish is not odd. There are many people who enjoy this activity. Furbies is a community that supports your feelings and something the two of you may want to check out together. You can look furrbies up on-line and be directed to the area of your choice.
If you would like your wife to participate I would start slow. Not the mascot head right away. Go to the store or on-line and purchase a Daphne costume for her to dress in ( they have them everywhere) See how she feels about that, then move on from there.
Remember many don't like to wear the whole furbie (mascot) out fit as it is very claustrophobic. Also, one can't feel the others body or skin at all. Not to stimulating.
The main thing is you must go slow, and remember it is YOUR fetish and not all will support or desire the same. It it becomes a large enough problem you should seek counseling with your wife.
Good Luck...Have Fun
Reply:She's selfish. dump her, find a furry.
Reply:Now, I have heard it all. Wow. The only thing I can say is, if she knew you had this fetish when you got married, then it is not fair of her to think she can change you. If you just sprang this on her, then she has a right to feel whatever way she feels about it. Either way, your relationship is in danger. Good luck!
Reply:why do I hear many men saying, "if you can't accept me for who I am, blah blah..." it's an excuse... if you want to have sex w/ Daphne, then, yes, it's cheating... lusting after another even if a cartoon is cheating... you need to get rid of this fettish... it's lame... =(... I don't blame her if she dumps you... you gotta get your head, both heads, out of the freakin' gutter! and that's that...
children shoes
Scooby Doo?
When I was a kid I watched this episode of "The 13 ghosts of Scooby Doo." In it an evil wizard wanted Daphne (the hot red head) to be his bride so he trapped her in this glass case and cast a spell on her to put her to sleep. While she slept he hypnotized her to want to marry him. When I was a kid I found this very cool...but as I got older the idea turned me on more and more. Does anyone here share that fantasy, hypnotizing someone to sleep or putting them to sleep and then up them awakaning seducinng them? Any females or males share this fantasy? Holla.
Scooby Doo?
no. but i do love scooby doo!
Reply:I wanted to do that Velma.
Reply:in ways its because of that part of a person that wants to be incontroll totaly which hopeful we can over come
Reply:only after i read that, and i hate scooby doo
Reply:not me
Reply:lol.... well ur not alone!! that is kinda sexy in a way....ppl say seducing is bad but deep down in there hearts they know they want it!!
Scooby Doo?
no. but i do love scooby doo!
Reply:I wanted to do that Velma.
Reply:in ways its because of that part of a person that wants to be incontroll totaly which hopeful we can over come
Reply:only after i read that, and i hate scooby doo
Reply:not me
Reply:lol.... well ur not alone!! that is kinda sexy in a way....ppl say seducing is bad but deep down in there hearts they know they want it!!
Melrose place fans.....?
who on the show do you find most attractive? for me it's daphne zuniga a.k.a. jo reynolds.
Melrose place fans.....?
I always loved Dr. Michael Mancini / Thomas Calabro. That was why I always forgived his wicked ways.
I also found Kyle McBride / Rob Estes and Billy Campbell / Andrew Shue very attractive.
Reply:Dr. Michael Mancini was very attractive.
Reply:I loved Jo! I was so bummed when she left the show. It really wasn't the same after that. When she was on it was more realistic, then when she left it got so much more soap operaie/Californiacated overly dramatic. I still watched, though.
Reply:Patrick Muldoon as Richard Hart.
It was such a relief when he poked his cold, not-so-dead hand out of the grave that Jane and Syd had made for him.
That guy was GORGEOUS!
Reply:jake and the dr guy and billy i have one on dvd.
Reply:I always thought Andrew Shue was hot-he had such a nice body and those pouty lips!!
Reply:I always had a crush on Billy
Reply:I always had a thing for Andrew Shue.
Melrose place fans.....?
I always loved Dr. Michael Mancini / Thomas Calabro. That was why I always forgived his wicked ways.
I also found Kyle McBride / Rob Estes and Billy Campbell / Andrew Shue very attractive.
Reply:Dr. Michael Mancini was very attractive.
Reply:I loved Jo! I was so bummed when she left the show. It really wasn't the same after that. When she was on it was more realistic, then when she left it got so much more soap operaie/Californiacated overly dramatic. I still watched, though.
Reply:Patrick Muldoon as Richard Hart.
It was such a relief when he poked his cold, not-so-dead hand out of the grave that Jane and Syd had made for him.
That guy was GORGEOUS!
Reply:jake and the dr guy and billy i have one on dvd.
Reply:I always thought Andrew Shue was hot-he had such a nice body and those pouty lips!!
Reply:I always had a crush on Billy
Reply:I always had a thing for Andrew Shue.
list the pronouns and identify each pronoun as a subject pronoun in the nominative case or an object pronoun in the objective case
1.Cupid replied, "this arrow is small but still can wound you."
2. Then he stood on a rock and pulled two arrows from a quiver.
3. Aiming at daphne, cupid pierced her with a tiny leaden arrow.
4. From then on, she refused all offers of marriage.
5. Cupid's golden darts bring love, and leaden darts repel it.
these are all definitely right...
1. "you" -- objective pronoun
2. "he" -- subjective pronoun
3. "her" -- objective pronoun
4. "she" -- subjective pronoun
5. "it" -- objective pronoun
Reply:If you want people to do your homework try NOT putting it under homework help.
Reply:1. you =objective
2. he =nominative
3. her =objective
4. she =nominative
5. it =objective
Reply:I never heard anyone on here claim to be smart. And you won't be either if you don't do your own homework.
Reply:1. you ----objective
2. he -----nominative
3. her ----objective
4. she ----nominative
5. it -----objective
Reply:plz like you really looked those up on the net.
i bet they came straight off the handout your teacher gave you, am i right?
heres a hint, tho look up what a pronoun is..
Reply:This isn't fun. Find something fun for us to do okay?
Reply:Sorry but I am not doing your homework for you.
Reply:Steffen, you can only give 10 points to one person as best answer. And do your own homework, ok?
Reply:1. this - demonstrative you - objective
2. he - subjective
3. her - objective
4. she - subjective all - indefinate
5. it - objective
Not sure if I did that right maybe, hopefully
1.Cupid replied, "this arrow is small but still can wound you."
2. Then he stood on a rock and pulled two arrows from a quiver.
3. Aiming at daphne, cupid pierced her with a tiny leaden arrow.
4. From then on, she refused all offers of marriage.
5. Cupid's golden darts bring love, and leaden darts repel it.
these are all definitely right...
1. "you" -- objective pronoun
2. "he" -- subjective pronoun
3. "her" -- objective pronoun
4. "she" -- subjective pronoun
5. "it" -- objective pronoun
Reply:If you want people to do your homework try NOT putting it under homework help.
Reply:1. you =objective
2. he =nominative
3. her =objective
4. she =nominative
5. it =objective
Reply:I never heard anyone on here claim to be smart. And you won't be either if you don't do your own homework.
Reply:1. you ----objective
2. he -----nominative
3. her ----objective
4. she ----nominative
5. it -----objective
Reply:plz like you really looked those up on the net.
i bet they came straight off the handout your teacher gave you, am i right?
heres a hint, tho look up what a pronoun is..
Reply:This isn't fun. Find something fun for us to do okay?
Reply:Sorry but I am not doing your homework for you.
Reply:Steffen, you can only give 10 points to one person as best answer. And do your own homework, ok?
Reply:1. this - demonstrative you - objective
2. he - subjective
3. her - objective
4. she - subjective all - indefinate
5. it - objective
Not sure if I did that right maybe, hopefully
Out of these bands, which ones do you like/which is your favorite?
the bravery
silversun pickups
the shins
death cab for cutie
bright eyes
daphne loves derby
the killers
the decemberists
arcade fire
and if all you're going to say is "none" or "THEY ALL SUCK," you can save yourself some time and energy by clicking that red X on the top right corner of your screen. :]
Out of these bands, which ones do you like/which is your favorite?
Possibly the only band on your list i could stomach are the Killers, I like a couple of their songs.
Now to click that x
Reply:The Bravery
Reply:the bravery, and death cab for cutie
Reply:I love all of those. My top three, if I had to pick, would be
1. The Shins
2. The Decemberists
3. Death Cab For Cutie
Reply:Out of those, I like The Bravery, Silversun Pickups, The Shins, Death Cab, and Daphne Loves Derby. I've heard some stuff by The Decemberists and Arcade Fire, it's pretty good, but I don't think I've listened to them enough to make a fair judgment.
Reply:the killers
Reply:I like a couple of The Bravey's songs...and I like The Shins. The others I either don't like or never heard.
Reply:My favorite would be.. the Killers. I %26lt;3 them.
Reply:silversun pickups
death cab for cutie
the killers
arcade fire
the shins
favorite one: Daphne Loves Derby
I love them so much. They are one of my favorite bands.
Reply:the bravery silversun pickups are freaking weird...catchy tho
Reply:death cab for cutie
bright eyes
daphne loves derby
the rest i either dont know well enough to tell you or i dont like at all
Reply:The Shins.
Reply:My top 3
Silversun Pickups
Death Cab For Cutie
Daphne Loves Derby
Reply:either Death Cab or the Killers.
Reply:the arcade fire! why do you even care anyway...
Reply:I actually like The Bravery I heard some of their stuff 2-3 years ago on Much Music ( Canadian tv station) and I liked it.
Reply:the killers all the way!!!
and then bright eyes :)
Reply:Death Cab for Cutie - ftw
great lyrics %26amp; sound
? "I will follow you into the dark" %26amp; "A Lack of Color"
Silversun Pickups are a close second
Reply:Death Cab for Cutie
I love the soul meets body song.
Reply:The killers are the only one i can really listen to.
Reply:death cab for cutie
bright eyes are okay, but def. death cab for cutie are my favourite :)
Reply:I like The Shins, Death Cab, Bright Eyes, and The Killers, but The Killers are definitely my favorite. Love them!
Reply:the bravery
silversun pickups
the shins
death cab for cutie
the killers
My favorite out of all of them would be The Shins.
baby shoes
silversun pickups
the shins
death cab for cutie
bright eyes
daphne loves derby
the killers
the decemberists
arcade fire
and if all you're going to say is "none" or "THEY ALL SUCK," you can save yourself some time and energy by clicking that red X on the top right corner of your screen. :]
Out of these bands, which ones do you like/which is your favorite?
Possibly the only band on your list i could stomach are the Killers, I like a couple of their songs.
Now to click that x
Reply:The Bravery
Reply:the bravery, and death cab for cutie
Reply:I love all of those. My top three, if I had to pick, would be
1. The Shins
2. The Decemberists
3. Death Cab For Cutie
Reply:Out of those, I like The Bravery, Silversun Pickups, The Shins, Death Cab, and Daphne Loves Derby. I've heard some stuff by The Decemberists and Arcade Fire, it's pretty good, but I don't think I've listened to them enough to make a fair judgment.
Reply:the killers
Reply:I like a couple of The Bravey's songs...and I like The Shins. The others I either don't like or never heard.
Reply:My favorite would be.. the Killers. I %26lt;3 them.
Reply:silversun pickups
death cab for cutie
the killers
arcade fire
the shins
favorite one: Daphne Loves Derby
I love them so much. They are one of my favorite bands.
Reply:the bravery silversun pickups are freaking weird...catchy tho
Reply:death cab for cutie
bright eyes
daphne loves derby
the rest i either dont know well enough to tell you or i dont like at all
Reply:The Shins.
Reply:My top 3
Silversun Pickups
Death Cab For Cutie
Daphne Loves Derby
Reply:either Death Cab or the Killers.
Reply:the arcade fire! why do you even care anyway...
Reply:I actually like The Bravery I heard some of their stuff 2-3 years ago on Much Music ( Canadian tv station) and I liked it.
Reply:the killers all the way!!!
and then bright eyes :)
Reply:Death Cab for Cutie - ftw
great lyrics %26amp; sound
? "I will follow you into the dark" %26amp; "A Lack of Color"
Silversun Pickups are a close second
Reply:Death Cab for Cutie
I love the soul meets body song.
Reply:The killers are the only one i can really listen to.
Reply:death cab for cutie
bright eyes are okay, but def. death cab for cutie are my favourite :)
Reply:I like The Shins, Death Cab, Bright Eyes, and The Killers, but The Killers are definitely my favorite. Love them!
Reply:the bravery
silversun pickups
the shins
death cab for cutie
the killers
My favorite out of all of them would be The Shins.
baby shoes
Multiple choise question?
My first real crush came in Primary School. She was an elfin blonde and had the same first name as the lead singer of Blondie. I'm sure you can pick the correct name from these options:A Donna B Danielle C Debbie D Daphne
Multiple choise question?
Reply:c, Debbie. Short for Debra. As in, Debra Harry.
Reply:Debbie. As in Debbie Harry. She posed for some paintings by the surreal artist H.R. Giger.
Multiple choise question?
Reply:c, Debbie. Short for Debra. As in, Debra Harry.
Reply:Debbie. As in Debbie Harry. She posed for some paintings by the surreal artist H.R. Giger.
How can I get dark strawberry blonde?
Hi, i have brown hair naturally and its a light-medium blonde right now.
I don't have my hair done professionally anymore, because it's too much money
I buy my dye from Sallys, and I want to know how I can get this color? In other pictures the color is it a dark strawberry blonde?
And do you think it'd look okay on someone with light skin and grey eyes?
How can I get dark strawberry blonde?
that is more of a light copper color, but with grey eyes (being cool) and that hair being very warm, it will wash you out. You really should stick to cool colors. However you can go slightly more purple as opposed to copper because it has more blue in it, which is cool. Talk to the girls at sally's, they'll know what to do
showtime dance shoes
I don't have my hair done professionally anymore, because it's too much money
I buy my dye from Sallys, and I want to know how I can get this color? In other pictures the color is it a dark strawberry blonde?
And do you think it'd look okay on someone with light skin and grey eyes?
How can I get dark strawberry blonde?
that is more of a light copper color, but with grey eyes (being cool) and that hair being very warm, it will wash you out. You really should stick to cool colors. However you can go slightly more purple as opposed to copper because it has more blue in it, which is cool. Talk to the girls at sally's, they'll know what to do
showtime dance shoes
Ola le you know?
Also a little more info When I was a kid I watched this episode of "The 13 ghosts of Scooby Doo." In it an evil wizard wanted Daphne (the hot red head) to be his bride so he trapped her in this glass case and cast a spell on her to put her to sleep. While she slept he hypnotized her to want to marry him. When I was a kid I found this very cool...but as I got older the idea turned me on more and more. Does anyone here share that fantasy, hypnotizing someone to sleep or putting them to sleep and then up them awakaning seducinng them? Any females or males share this fantasy? Holla.
Ola le you know?
Reply:you are sick and should call the authorities then they will take you away and make you watch documentary on what really happens to cartoon characters after shows finish, Daphne married that evil wizard and he pimped her out, now she is a crack addict giving it away for 5 bucks a pop, will we never learn
Ola le you know?
Reply:you are sick and should call the authorities then they will take you away and make you watch documentary on what really happens to cartoon characters after shows finish, Daphne married that evil wizard and he pimped her out, now she is a crack addict giving it away for 5 bucks a pop, will we never learn
What is your nickname? Why?
My nickname is Daphne because I am a week, but hot teenager and because my boyfriend is named Freddy.
What is your nickname? Why?
Jimithy. One of the girls in my band gave me the name. It's cool. All the girls in the band, and the drummer call me that, and so do a lot of other people, even my wife. Sometimes I go by "Bizarro Jim" after Bizarro from the Superman comics.
Reply:Bonner....have no clue
Reply:pavic... because i love a Serbian writer
Reply:i have lots of nicknames, but my favorite is prbably either emmypop or fiesty prostato.i know i know i know.they sound weird but i love them.they were both given to me by one of my best friends.fiesty prostato was actually sort of a name of a song by one of my fav local bands.emmypop is just sumthin he calls me.
Reply:Just like it reads: Dawnee Babe My Dad called my Mom Babe ( I seriously didn't know my Moms' real name until I was about 16!!) and for some reason he started calling me Dawnee Babe as I grew up!
Reply:Werkis seeing my last name is Ezerkis and everyone always screws it up
Reply:I have that someone else helped me come up with and two that I call myself.
1. Goldenhott-b/c I have a golden skin tone and I'm just hot!
2. Heartbreaker-b/c if you hurt me I'll break your heart
3. Sweetart-b/c I have a tart yet sweet personality and attitude
Reply:foot long. you can guess why.
Reply:Bree- because everyone called me that since I was a kid.
Honeybee- because my skin literally looks like the color of honey.
Reply:I have lots of different ones, depending on who I'm around. one from High School is Jojo because I used to be obsessed with the Beatles and I was born in Tucson and moved to CA ("Jojo left his home in Tucson Arizona, bought some California grass")
Reply:My friend calls me Fafa as my nickname because Farhana is my first name and her cousin calls her Naynay.I think it's spelles Nene but its pronounced Naynay.And my firend's name is Nestle like the chocolate.LOL.I like Fefe better even though theres no E in my name LOL.
Reply:I have four. Kiki - dont ask my sisters' friend made it up. LC because my intials are KLC but like everyone knos my full name, also KC and my other one is K-Laur.
Reply:my kin folks call me Red because I have red hair.
my younger friends call me Mama T because I'm older than them.
Reply:Father Wolf - since I am a reverend, and I have an obsession with accumulating wolf collectibles - statues, plushies, plates, clocks, paintings, games, dreamcatchers, keychains, etc.....
Reply:THUNDER TONGUE (with his faithful companion DENIM DRAGON)
Reply:No nickname
Reply:red- i have red hair
shorty0- i am short
angel- because i am
It's short for William.
Reply:Large Schwance
Reply:Wan...cause my surname is Kerr.....
Reply:I was born William Zeus Pylon. I was taken in by a great Blues Guitarist when I was young, named Jelly Jam Jar Johnson. He taught me to play blues guitar at a very young age, and named me "Electric" Bill. Out of respect for him, I still go by it, I have since I was 10. I miss my friend and mentor. God rest your soul, Jelly Jam Jar.
Reply:Willus And Wally I guess cuz my name is Wayne
Reply:My actual name is Emma, so obviously I get the random crappy ones like Em and Emmy, but I chose my own nickname for a select few people to call me by, and that's Amaya - it's Japanese and means 'night rain', and I chose it because that represents me far more than my actual name!
Reply:Chinchie, lol i know it sounds weird cut my little sister couldn't say my name when she was 2 or3 so she called me chinchia. when she got a little older 4 or 5 she shortened it and called me chinchie. Now, the name has stuck and my close friends and family call my chinchie as a nick name.
Reply:My nick name is CAT because those are my initials. I also adore my babies,cats. Boring, but true. :)
Reply:Growing up my nickname was trouble and sometimes people still call me that, my other nickname is giggles which was given to me by my husband. He used to call me gigglebox because he always made me laugh ( he loved to listen to me laugh) then he just shortened it ot giggles one day and it hasnt gone away
Reply:dj or donnie dj for donielle jeanette donnie for short of donielle and being called my uncles name lol and danielle because ppl dont know my name even donnell lol
Reply:My nickname is Samsa, because my real name is Gregory, but my cousin read the book The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka and she thinks Gregor Samsa has my pesonality.
Reply:Maybe I missed something...huh? Why Daphne?
My nickname is "Bubbles"- Thanks to a not so good industrial experiment that sent foam through the city sewer system and into Lake Michigan. I'll never live it down.....
Reply:"flavabooty" cuz i got flava in my body and a big booty..ya dig!
Reply:my nickname is freddy bc when i was little, my brother brought his friends over to our house, and they said who's that? and my brother said, thats my little brother freddy. they've called me that ever since. until last year. then they started calling me freakshow.
What is your nickname? Why?
Jimithy. One of the girls in my band gave me the name. It's cool. All the girls in the band, and the drummer call me that, and so do a lot of other people, even my wife. Sometimes I go by "Bizarro Jim" after Bizarro from the Superman comics.
Reply:Bonner....have no clue
Reply:pavic... because i love a Serbian writer
Reply:i have lots of nicknames, but my favorite is prbably either emmypop or fiesty prostato.i know i know i know.they sound weird but i love them.they were both given to me by one of my best friends.fiesty prostato was actually sort of a name of a song by one of my fav local bands.emmypop is just sumthin he calls me.
Reply:Just like it reads: Dawnee Babe My Dad called my Mom Babe ( I seriously didn't know my Moms' real name until I was about 16!!) and for some reason he started calling me Dawnee Babe as I grew up!
Reply:Werkis seeing my last name is Ezerkis and everyone always screws it up
Reply:I have that someone else helped me come up with and two that I call myself.
1. Goldenhott-b/c I have a golden skin tone and I'm just hot!
2. Heartbreaker-b/c if you hurt me I'll break your heart
3. Sweetart-b/c I have a tart yet sweet personality and attitude
Reply:foot long. you can guess why.
Reply:Bree- because everyone called me that since I was a kid.
Honeybee- because my skin literally looks like the color of honey.
Reply:I have lots of different ones, depending on who I'm around. one from High School is Jojo because I used to be obsessed with the Beatles and I was born in Tucson and moved to CA ("Jojo left his home in Tucson Arizona, bought some California grass")
Reply:My friend calls me Fafa as my nickname because Farhana is my first name and her cousin calls her Naynay.I think it's spelles Nene but its pronounced Naynay.And my firend's name is Nestle like the chocolate.LOL.I like Fefe better even though theres no E in my name LOL.
Reply:I have four. Kiki - dont ask my sisters' friend made it up. LC because my intials are KLC but like everyone knos my full name, also KC and my other one is K-Laur.
Reply:my kin folks call me Red because I have red hair.
my younger friends call me Mama T because I'm older than them.
Reply:Father Wolf - since I am a reverend, and I have an obsession with accumulating wolf collectibles - statues, plushies, plates, clocks, paintings, games, dreamcatchers, keychains, etc.....
Reply:THUNDER TONGUE (with his faithful companion DENIM DRAGON)
Reply:No nickname
Reply:red- i have red hair
shorty0- i am short
angel- because i am
It's short for William.
Reply:Large Schwance
Reply:Wan...cause my surname is Kerr.....
Reply:I was born William Zeus Pylon. I was taken in by a great Blues Guitarist when I was young, named Jelly Jam Jar Johnson. He taught me to play blues guitar at a very young age, and named me "Electric" Bill. Out of respect for him, I still go by it, I have since I was 10. I miss my friend and mentor. God rest your soul, Jelly Jam Jar.
Reply:Willus And Wally I guess cuz my name is Wayne
Reply:My actual name is Emma, so obviously I get the random crappy ones like Em and Emmy, but I chose my own nickname for a select few people to call me by, and that's Amaya - it's Japanese and means 'night rain', and I chose it because that represents me far more than my actual name!
Reply:Chinchie, lol i know it sounds weird cut my little sister couldn't say my name when she was 2 or3 so she called me chinchia. when she got a little older 4 or 5 she shortened it and called me chinchie. Now, the name has stuck and my close friends and family call my chinchie as a nick name.
Reply:My nick name is CAT because those are my initials. I also adore my babies,cats. Boring, but true. :)
Reply:Growing up my nickname was trouble and sometimes people still call me that, my other nickname is giggles which was given to me by my husband. He used to call me gigglebox because he always made me laugh ( he loved to listen to me laugh) then he just shortened it ot giggles one day and it hasnt gone away
Reply:dj or donnie dj for donielle jeanette donnie for short of donielle and being called my uncles name lol and danielle because ppl dont know my name even donnell lol
Reply:My nickname is Samsa, because my real name is Gregory, but my cousin read the book The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka and she thinks Gregor Samsa has my pesonality.
Reply:Maybe I missed something...huh? Why Daphne?
My nickname is "Bubbles"- Thanks to a not so good industrial experiment that sent foam through the city sewer system and into Lake Michigan. I'll never live it down.....
Reply:"flavabooty" cuz i got flava in my body and a big booty..ya dig!
Reply:my nickname is freddy bc when i was little, my brother brought his friends over to our house, and they said who's that? and my brother said, thats my little brother freddy. they've called me that ever since. until last year. then they started calling me freakshow.
Im going to learn Russian!!!!?
I've decided to buy Daphne West's "Teach Yourself Russian Complete Course Package ". What else should I get that will help me learn russian easier(do not mention computer software or online russian courses, I want books and audio only.)
Im going to learn Russian!!!!?
Don't be scared because of all those comments about how difficult the language is. It is challenging, but you can definitely get to know it in several month of hard work. Get a good tutor, grammar book, dictionary, and you are done. Good luck!
Reply:That's wonderful! Russian is a very challenging but extordiany language to learn!
These girls are like the 'Spice Girls' but in Russia, and they're much more successful.
Another good place for audio is:
Also, iTunes has a podcast called,"A Spoonful Of Russian." It's great!
Internet: I know you said you didn't want this, but I can it is pretty good. Try it out:
Video: Night Watch- major Russian film. Significant to 'Lord of the Rings' here. Also, 'The Italian' much older movie, about an orphan.
Books: You can find this at your local Barnes%26amp;Nobles Bookstore under the Language section. It's titled,"Learn Russian: 10 Minutes A Day." This book is WONDERFUL!
Reply:Well, good luck to you...
you will need about 100 years or so
to achieve a certain level of fluency.
The previous guy is of Russian origin,
but raised in the USA, though.
Im going to learn Russian!!!!?
Don't be scared because of all those comments about how difficult the language is. It is challenging, but you can definitely get to know it in several month of hard work. Get a good tutor, grammar book, dictionary, and you are done. Good luck!
Reply:That's wonderful! Russian is a very challenging but extordiany language to learn!
These girls are like the 'Spice Girls' but in Russia, and they're much more successful.
Another good place for audio is:
Also, iTunes has a podcast called,"A Spoonful Of Russian." It's great!
Internet: I know you said you didn't want this, but I can it is pretty good. Try it out:
Video: Night Watch- major Russian film. Significant to 'Lord of the Rings' here. Also, 'The Italian' much older movie, about an orphan.
Books: You can find this at your local Barnes%26amp;Nobles Bookstore under the Language section. It's titled,"Learn Russian: 10 Minutes A Day." This book is WONDERFUL!
Reply:Well, good luck to you...
you will need about 100 years or so
to achieve a certain level of fluency.
The previous guy is of Russian origin,
but raised in the USA, though.
What does the opening paragraph reveal about the storys setting?
from the book THE BIRDS:
What does the opening paragraph reveal about the storys setting?
Generally speaking, a book's opening paragraph establishes the general location for and tone of a story. While a reader can't expect to know everything about a novel just by reading the first paragraph, there should be a general sense of direction (i.e. where the story intends to take place) and overall feel (e.g. suspense, romance, comedy, etc.).
Reply:The Birds by Daphne du Maurier
? The Birds
The idea for this famous story came to her one day when she was walking across to Menabilly Barton farm from the house. She saw a farmer busily ploughing a field whilst above him the seagull s were diving and wheeling. She developed the idea about the birds becoming hostile and attacking him. More……..
Study Guides:
These links will give you a summary of the book, character analysis, plot and much more, so that you will be able to answer literary questions.
What does the opening paragraph reveal about the storys setting?
Generally speaking, a book's opening paragraph establishes the general location for and tone of a story. While a reader can't expect to know everything about a novel just by reading the first paragraph, there should be a general sense of direction (i.e. where the story intends to take place) and overall feel (e.g. suspense, romance, comedy, etc.).
Reply:The Birds by Daphne du Maurier
? The Birds
The idea for this famous story came to her one day when she was walking across to Menabilly Barton farm from the house. She saw a farmer busily ploughing a field whilst above him the seagull s were diving and wheeling. She developed the idea about the birds becoming hostile and attacking him. More……..
Study Guides:
These links will give you a summary of the book, character analysis, plot and much more, so that you will be able to answer literary questions.
People who have read the Sisters Grimm??????!?
How can I be more like Sabrina from The Sisters Grimm? What is Daphne like and Granny Relda like too? What are some of the weird foods her grandmother makes and is Ferryport Landing New York a real place? if so where is it? Or where if it's not a real place were would it be located in New York? Sabrina's life is awseom and I soooo whish I had a life like hers! Thanks for helping!
People who have read the Sisters Grimm??????!?
What is it that you admire about Sabrina? Is it her bravery, her wit, her inteligence? You need to figure out what it is about her that you want to be more like and work on that quality in your life.
Remember, they are just books, good books, but just good books and I'm sure you are a pretty awesome person all in your own right. I'm sure you have a nice life too, yours is just in the real world and you dont live in Ferryport Landing.
Focus on being the best person you can be. When you try to act like somebody else, you just get into trouble.
And no, Ferryport is not a real place. It's make believe, honey.
But since you love the books you might want to check out this website.
People who have read the Sisters Grimm??????!?
What is it that you admire about Sabrina? Is it her bravery, her wit, her inteligence? You need to figure out what it is about her that you want to be more like and work on that quality in your life.
Remember, they are just books, good books, but just good books and I'm sure you are a pretty awesome person all in your own right. I'm sure you have a nice life too, yours is just in the real world and you dont live in Ferryport Landing.
Focus on being the best person you can be. When you try to act like somebody else, you just get into trouble.
And no, Ferryport is not a real place. It's make believe, honey.
But since you love the books you might want to check out this website.
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