Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Beatdown Results!? Big main Event!? Some PPV Matches Announced!? What do you think?

If you don't like it, don't answer it. We begin the show with Arty in the ring. ‘Last week, I showed my dominance, after laying out that SOB Chewbacca and my competitor for Locked Up, Johnny Bravo. But the main reason I’m out here is because my FORMER friend, Chewbacca, has been overcome with power as he tried to lay me out last week.” Chewbacca then came out and yelled, ‘What do you mean, I saved you. Skittles Rabbit came out and hit you with a chair. I ran him out of the ring before things would get worse. I want to put things behind us before it’s too late, so, what do you say?” “No, I’m a man alone and I can’t trust anybody, even you. I have learned that this title brings out the worst in people, and I am not going to be victim to another attack.” Johnny Bravo came out accompanied by Daphne. “Ha, you imbecile! Look at you, Arty, Chewy’s your only ally and you’re turning your back on him. Skittles Rabbit was the one who attacked you, and you’re blaming Chewy for it. And even though I don’t like Rabbit, I have to give him credit. Ha, you rinky-dinks are hilarious!” GM Daffy then came out. “Well, I am going to do something very controversial tonight. Tonight, Chewy %26amp; Arty will team up against Bravo %26amp; Rabbit. Also, Jong, Garfield, I decided since you have been left out of the Locked Out main event, you will face eachother at that very PPV and face eachother for Garfield’s IN Championship, along with two men that will be determined tonight in quzlifying matches.” And if the partners betray on one another, they will pay the consequences.” He left as the 3 men looked at him angrily.

We begin with a IN Championship qualifying match between Tarzan %26amp; Lil Wayne. It was a great match. Tarzan was on his way to victory after locking in the Tarzan Clutch, when Ice Cube came in and distracted the ref. Lil Wayne tapped like crazy, but Ice Cube was still distracting him. Tarzan then got up and argued with the ref. When he turned around, Weezy gave him the Weezy Maker to give Lil Wayne the victory.

After that, there was a six man tag as Han Solo, Sonic, %26amp; Knuckles face Jak, Grimace, %26amp; Hamburgler. Han %26amp; the hedgehogs were dominating when a burned Mojo Jo Jo came from the crowd, luring Han into the crowd. This made it a 2-on-3 handicapped match. Jak and his gang easily beat the 2. After the match, Tails came out and walked his team out. Han %26amp; mojo then came from he back and fought in the ring. Han DDT’d Mojo and gave him the Aerial Assault. Daffy then came out and said, “Han, The Mayor told me to suspend you because of what you did to Mojo last week. And to you Mayor, I say Up Yours! Instead, I will give Han a chance to show what he’s made of at Locked Up in a handicapped match against Mojo %26amp; Jak. And this won’t be any ordinary handicapped match, it will be a Hell in A Cell handicapped match.” He left as Han smiled happily over the knocked out Mojo Jo Jo.

The second IN Championship Qualifying Match was next as Dr. Dre faced Strong Mad. It was an amazing match. Strong Mad was overpowering Dre. He had him in a Chokeslam, but Dre kicked him in the shin. He then set him up for a Scissors Kick to get the win. After the match, IN Champ Garfield came out and beat Dre with his title. He gave him a Lasagna Rollup before leaving him a mess.

It was main event time as Beatdown Champ King Arty %26amp; Chewbacca faced Johnny Bravo %26amp; Skittles Rabbit. The dysfunctional teams put on a surprising show. Arty %26amp; Chewy worked together pretty well. Chewy gave Skittles Rabbit a Millenium Falcon Clotheline and was about to pin when arty tagged himself in. Arty gave him and Excalib-U and pinned to get the win. After the match, Arty %26amp; Chewy argued over what had happened. They were almost fighting, but Bravo did that for them, as he snuck up from behind with a sledge hammer and hit both with it. He then gave them both a Bravo-5 on it. He was about to give Rabbit one, but Garfield came out and pulled him out. He was about to leave when he decided to give arty one more Bravo 5. We end the show as Bravo stands over the bloodied Arty %26amp; Chewy.

Hope you enjoyed.

Beatdown Results!? Big main Event!? Some PPV Matches Announced!? What do you think?
Very good. another awesome show. Your Ppv is going to be a very good one. I liked how u have handled the Bravo-Arty-Chewy situation. And the tourny is also a good idea. My show is now posted if u have time to check it out. Again good job .;...
Reply:another awesome event !! go Bravo !!

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